What "superman" Was Hitler Talking About? - Alternative View

What "superman" Was Hitler Talking About? - Alternative View
What "superman" Was Hitler Talking About? - Alternative View

Video: What "superman" Was Hitler Talking About? - Alternative View

Video: What
Video: Multiversity Asks "What if Hitler Raised Superman?" 2024, September

It would seem clear: about the "superman" Nietzsche. But as "daddy Mueller" used to say, "clarity is one form of fogging."

The head of the Gestapo no doubt knew about the activities of the "German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and Ancestral Heritage", which Hitler integrated into the SS in 1937.

Officially, the "Society" was engaged in archaeological excavations of Viking fortifications of the 9th century, ancient settlements in the Middle East and in the countries occupied by the Wehrmacht (including mounds in Ukraine).

However, few people know that Hitler allocated more funds for the work of the "Society" than the USA for the production of an atomic bomb! And the lion's share of these funds went to finance expeditions to … Tibet.

It is enough to look at the geographic map to estimate the scope of the enterprise. But not only that: all the expeditions that reached the mountainous country never returned from there! But obviously not "true Aryans" arrived from Tibet.

The fact is that Hitler was looking for a connection with Shambhala, the powerful Center of an underground technological civilization, the existence of which the majority of "terrestrial" earthlings did not even suspect.

Tibetan legends say that 3000 years BC. in the Gobi there was a disaster that turned the area into a desert. And the surviving representatives of the highly developed Gobi civilization allegedly moved to a huge system of caves under the Himalayas.

It is believed that their messengers were the very Tibetans who arrived in the Third Reich. Already in 1926, when Hitler became Fuhrer in Munich and began his "campaign against Berlin", colonies of Tibetans settled in some cities of Germany. And in 1945, more than a thousand of them - in German uniform, but without documents and insignia, fought in the Aleksan-Derplatz area with Soviet troops that were taking Berlin.

Promotional video:

The like-minded people were supervised by one of the leaders of the said "Society" Professor Wurst, a recognized expert on ancient oriental cultures, one way or another connected with the Gobi civilization and the "supermen" of Shambhala.

Occasionally these "supermen" met with mere mortals. In 1896, the founder of the secret organization Golden Dawn, Colonel Matters, in his Manifesto, described the impression of these meetings:

… They met with me physically at a predetermined time and place. I think that these human beings who live on Earth have terrible superhuman powers …

My physical relationship with them showed how difficult it is for a mortal, no matter how advanced, to endure their presence. Contact with them, the embodiment of terrible power, I could compare with a close lightning strike during a strong thunderstorm … Nervous prostration, which I am talking about, was accompanied by cold sweat and bleeding from the nose, mouth, and sometimes ears …"

And here is what Hitler said about the "superman" in an interview with the head of the Danzig Senate Rausch-ning: “I will reveal a secret to you. I saw this man. He is brave and cruel. I was scared in his presence!"

The last phrase testifies to the truth of the words of the Fuhrer, who feared few people. After all, the same legends of Tibet tell about the ability of the “supermen” of Shambhala to materialize and dematerialize when they please.

The famous Russian researcher Himalayev E. R. Muldashev in his book "From Whom Are We Descended?" I imagined the potential of the power of such a "superman", if he suddenly found himself in Moscow, on Red Square, with a large crowd of people:

“All people will be shocked by the appearance of a man of unusual appearance who has grown out of the ground. He will look around people and fix his gaze, for example, at Lenin's mausoleum. And people will see how at first a piece of the wall will fly off the Mausoleum, and then the Mausoleum will be sent out like a house of cards.

The giant will catch the gaze of people looking at him. And from his gaze, people will feel an incomprehensible weakness and immediately fall asleep, falling to the ground. Someone from the Kremlin guard will raise his pistol to shoot at the giant, but the giant, having instantly learned of its intentions, will look at the policeman, and the unfortunate man will fly into the air along with a piece of the wall next to which he was standing.

The summoned regiment of soldiers, only seeing the giant, will be immediately demoralized and thrown back by an unknown force along with armored vehicles. The pilots of the helicopter regiment, flying up to the scene, will see that all navigation devices are out of order, as if the helicopter has fallen into the zone of the strongest magnetic anomaly. Pilots will experience incomprehensible feelings of anxiety, indignation, alternating with headache, severe weakness, and loss of consciousness. Cars will fall to the ground, exploding.

All attempts by the military to hit the giant will be doomed to failure. The factor of suddenness of the appearance and disappearance of the giant will not make it possible to organize a defense. The military will be demoralized by the mere thought that their intentions are "read" and when organizing a massive attack the giant mysteriously … disappears, playing "cat and mouse".

His appearance in one or another city will sow panic among people who by the millions will enter a hypnotic state. The entire energy system will be disrupted. Trains will stop running, airplanes will fly, industry will stop, agriculture will decline, people will light their houses with candles and heat them with wood. Hunger and disease will begin. The primitive way of life and the savagery of the surviving people will prevail, which in several generations will turn into groups of aboriginal nomads."

This is what "superman" Hitler had in mind. And the "Society" financed by him has achieved some success in establishing telepathic contact with the "supermen" of Shambhala. Two female contactees (one from Yugoslavia, the other from German) gave Hitler drawings and descriptions of the principle of operation of the aircraft of Shambhala. When German engineers managed to build them, it turned out that they were … "flying saucers".

Prepared by S. Petrov
