Virtual Life After Death - Alternative View

Virtual Life After Death - Alternative View
Virtual Life After Death - Alternative View

Video: Virtual Life After Death - Alternative View

Video: Virtual Life After Death - Alternative View
Video: Nathan's Abrupt Upload Into the Afterlife | Upload | Prime Video 2024, September

Indeed? Is it possible? - Yes, but on one condition …

If all our consciousness, "soul" or whatever we call it all, is based only on the action of our biological brain, then there can be no question of any kind of "existence after death" - the brain has died, and you too …

If our consciousness is based on something else, in addition to the brain, which can serve both to control the physiological functions of our body, and as an "interface" between different levels of our consciousness, existing, at least partially, outside its biological body, whatever that means, it's a completely different matter …

Then, after the death of the biological body, including the brain, our consciousness or "soul" remains, which has always been in some other state, "dimension", "frequency" or is in a state of so-called "astral matter" (or has passed there only after death).

"Astral matter" has the same atomic and molecular structure as the physical matter known to us, but consists of particles of lower density that do not directly interact with ordinary matter.

You can read more about the different aspects of the possibility of the existence of a “soul” on this website in the articles “Communicating with a different mind using psychedelics” [1], “A little about DNA and evolution” [2] and “Battle in Heaven” [3].

Additional information, also of interest to this topic, can be found in the articles "Kidnapping and virtual reality" [4] and "Why the dead do not communicate with the living" [5].

Based on the assumption about the possibility of the existence of a "soul" after the death of a person, we can assume another option.

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Suppose that someone or something has the ability to manipulate what remains after the death of a person, let's call it a "soul."

But, in fact, we are talking about information - our memories, experience, feelings, self-awareness, etc.

(This is not about the theoretical possibility of "copying" human memories, etc., into some kind of supercomputer …)

And, in accordance with the law on the preservation of information (mind), the possibility of the existence of which I suggested in one of my early articles "Contact paradox" [6], as a result, not just a "soul", but also its individual parts can be placed even not into one, but into different "virtual realities".

Well, if our whole world in some theories is considered as a huge holographic projection, that is, in essence, the same "virtual reality" of a universal scale, then placing the soul somewhere after the death of its physical carrier, the body, does not look such a difficult task …

Moreover, in this case, the soul in "parallel mode" can be placed in various virtual realities - for example, a more creative part of our consciousness - in the "Raymond reality", as I would call it, and about which - below, the religious part, if there is such a part, in a virtual “heaven” or “hell”, a more aggressive part - in a virtual world such as “star” or other wars, etc., etc.

Naturally, according to the principles of holography, each separate parallel part of the soul will be fully equal to the whole soul as a whole …

In this case, many theories, visions, etc. can be explained. about various options for existence after death - from the gloomy Tibetan "Book of the Dead" to the optimistic "world of Raymond".

By the way, about the latter. You can read more about him in the article "Life after death or communication with Raymond" [7], which is based on the works of the English physicist and inventor, Sir Oliver Lodge, very famous at the time, and who received the honorary title for his scientific works "sir".

The "Raymond's world" described there looks, in my opinion, the most interesting of all such theories, as well as obtained with the most scientific approach.

Of course, if such a world is real, it can be based on the existence of the already mentioned "astral matter", but it is possible that it could also be based on virtual reality, of which it could be a part.

What (or even who …) can be the bearer of this reality is difficult to say: the same noosphere of the Earth, an Alien or some other natural or artificial environment.

But this assumption relatively easily (and scientifically in its own way!) Explains the entire gamut of often contradictory views on the same topic - is there any existence of our consciousness after the physical death of a person?..

V. I. Leshchev