Political Correctness In The USA - Alternative View

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Political Correctness In The USA - Alternative View
Political Correctness In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Political Correctness In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Political Correctness In The USA - Alternative View
Video: Is There an Alternative to Political Correctness? 2024, September

America has really gone crazy - along with old Europe. Only Russia remains an island of sanity in this insane, insane, insane world, which is called "the triumph of political correctness."

Half-dead classic

The term Political Correctness (PC) was coined in 1975 by Karen de Crouw, President of the American National Organization for the Advancement of Women's Rights, and implies a requirement to speak in a way that avoids discrimination against any population.

The homeless are people who lack living space. The hungry are those who suffer from culinary deficiencies. Drunkards are spatially disadvantaged creatures.

The poor are in less favorable circumstances. Thick - horizontally oriented. The deaf are visually oriented. Down's disease sufferers are alternatively gifted.

Harlem is not an impoverished Negro ghetto, but an ethnically homogeneous territory in which youth groups (aka gangs) operate …

The ideological underpinning of this idiocy is this: for many centuries healthy white men have exploited everyone else - women, blacks, minorities, animals and plants. Now they must constantly apologize for it and do everything to atone for past sins.

Promotional video:

The American comedian Gardner several years ago put the most famous fairy tales in a politically correct manner. It turned out that the same brothers Grimm absolutely do not withstand the test of political correctness. Take for example. Snow White: a white chauvinist exploits seven “citizens with vertical insufficiency (gnomes) for their own ends.

In the US education system, political correctness is striding by leaps and bounds. Many congressmen regularly propose that the theory of evolution and politically incorrect classics such as Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer and Bernard Shaw's plays be banned from schools.

In book and film reviews, the authors are praised for the correctly chosen characters (just like we have under socialist realism): a couple of homosexuals adopting a Negro child, a disabled person, a blind person, AIDS patient, a vegetarian …

Joanna Wright, Cultural Advisor to the Governor of Arizona, is demanding that Tolkien's works be removed from the school curriculum because they contradict the principles of the PC. For example, Tolkien does not introduce into the narrative a single positive image of the dark forces - demons, cannibals, trolls. In addition, they are both externally and internally disgusting. But in every evil one must see a good beginning!

Moreover, Tolkien is engaged in discrimination against women: in his books, they make up less than 10 percent of the total number of characters!

There are countless examples: the Little Humpbacked Horse turned into a magic pony (The Humpbacked Horse is ugliness, politically incorrect), all references to the national and religious identity of the heroes were removed from Chekhov and Tolstoy.

New creations of all genres undergo a rigorous PC screening process. For example, from the ten-million budget of the new cartoon "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King", 100 thousand dollars were spent on adjusting it to PC standards. First, the toy negro was presented as a servant - this is not good. Secondly, American distributors demanded that the toy pistol, which fires a fork at the mouse army, be replaced with a toy clapper-gun with a suction cup and confetti. In order not to run into problems with animal welfare and child-rearing societies …

In front of the ladies, I ask you not to express yourself

And in the near future, about five hundred "bad" words may disappear from educational literature. A complete list can be found in the book Language Police, written by Diana Ravich, a professor at New York University, a former adviser on education to the Sr. Bush administration and a consultant to Clinton.

In American textbooks, there will be no words like "god" and "god". They are too religious. Prohibited "baby" and "boyish figure" - they can hurt women. The word "old" indicates age, which is unacceptable. Also removed are "devil", "dishwasher", "birth defect", "blind" and "bookworm" …

Linguists break their spears, inventing new offensive words. For example, you need to replace a bunch of words with the root "men" - this offends women. So they change "businessmen" to words denoting a person, personality …

You cannot directly name people with physical disabilities. You cannot call people by nationality. A black man should never be called a Negro - only an African American. You can not offend gays and lesbians. Therefore, it is better not to use the combination "husband and wife" either - but if they are persons of the same sex!

By the way, you can't call a person beautiful. This is the sin of "smotism" - the idea that people are not equal in terms of external attractiveness.

Close to the sin of "smotism" is the terrible sin of "age" - when it is considered that youth is better than old age. Old people in America are called mature individuals, and old age is the golden years. "Dimension" - preference for a good figure over a bad one. Try not to take the fat man to work - they will sue! In America there are many committees fighting for the rights of fat people …

A funny story happened in one of the American universities. A white student slept in his dorm room. At night, a group of cheerful black students came under his window, brawling, screaming and laughing. The enraged student opened the window and shouted to one: "Why are you shouting like a water bull!" The girls saw a racial insult in the student's statement and complained to their superiors. The poor young man was threatened with expulsion. How can this be: to compare the facial features of representatives of an oppressed nation in the past with an animal! But in the end, the student stayed at the university: his lawyers managed to prove that since it was dark outside, and the water bull is found only in Asia, the comparison was not in appearance, but in sound …

And the word was pathetic

There are many innovations in religion. The New Testament, edited from the PC point of view, is being printed in colossal runs. The gender of the Lord is no longer defined as masculine, and the pronoun "He" is not used anywhere. Who knows, maybe God is a woman!

On this occasion, back in the 60s, an anecdote appeared in America. Astronauts return from the moon, they are asked: have you seen God? They saw, they say. So what is He like? First, She is black …

Jesus Christ is still He, but only during the period of stay on Earth in human form. After the crucifixion, He, like God the Father, is a creature of indeterminate sex. By the way, the word "Lord" has been replaced in most cases - according to the PC, there can be no masters in society …

In many American universities, the most difficult job is finding a job for a young white male of ordinary orientation. The easiest way is for people with disabilities and representatives of sexual minorities.

Professors are being bullied by vigilant students. For example, one professor suffered for using a planter's diary during a lecture on slavery. The disgruntled students demanded that equal time be allotted to the testimony of the slaves themselves …

A common story for an American school: no one can do anything with difficult teenagers, and, finally, they are called on the carpet to the principal. The next day, the teenagers claim that the director sexually harassed them. The director - the father of the family, a respected person is instantly suspended from work. He miraculously manages to escape jail, although the charge is absurd. But not trusting teenagers is not politically correct.

Sit Daddy

Many states have special telephones that are constantly advertised on television. They are called "sit daddy." Any child dissatisfied with the behavior of their parents can call at any time of the day or night. A police squad will immediately arrive at the house to find out. The father will be taken away, the mother will be fined …

And not so long ago, the American creators of the PC set to work on cats and dogs, starting the fight against petocide (from the word "pets" - "pets"). They demanded the removal from the language of such expressions that infringe upon the rights of animals, such as “I have a dog at home” (cat, crocodile …). Instead, it is proposed: "A cat who agreed to share a home with me" … They also stated that forced feeding of their partners is their exploitation and infringement of their freedom to get their own food, what they want (I wonder what the animals themselves think about this?).

But okay - animals! Two years ago, the legislatures of 12 states, including California, passed a law that qualifies "rudeness towards perishable vegetables and fruits, as well as their deformation and slander against them" as a serious offense that is subject to prosecution …

Look, maybe they all have a roof over there, huh?

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №38. Author: Mikhail Bolotovsky