About The Stone Kochno - Alternative View

About The Stone Kochno - Alternative View
About The Stone Kochno - Alternative View

Video: About The Stone Kochno - Alternative View

Video: About The Stone Kochno - Alternative View
Video: «Это всего лишь грипп…» Нужна ли вакцина? Егор Воронин. Ученые против мифов Z-4 2024, September

More than 30 years ago, a famous archaeologist from Scotland discovered a unique slab. The large stone bore strange inscriptions and drawings that experts still cannot translate.

"Stone of Kochno"
"Stone of Kochno"

"Stone of Kochno".

A slab was found near the town of Clydebank in 1987 on one of the farms. James Harvey said that the exhibit was almost 20 meters long and 10 meters wide. The find was named "Kochno Stone". Laboratory studies have shown that this artifact was "constructed" more than 5,000 years ago.


A few years after the discovery of the Kochno Stone, people began to actively show interest in the artifact. Not only scientists, but also tourists came to see the big stone. Due to such a strong excitement and damage to the artifact, the local authorities decided to fill up the slab in order to preserve it for future descendants, who can do anything and will be able to decipher the inscriptions on the large stone.


Today the stone was excavated again. Archaeologists scanned the artifact and created a virtual copy. Scientists are confident that the copied drawings and inscriptions in detail will help to understand who created this amazing artifact, as well as what is written on it. Independent experts are confident that a map of the universe is drawn on the Kochno Stone. It can indicate not only all solar systems, but also planets where other races can live.


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