The Details Of The Chase Of American Fighters For UFOs Have Become Known - Alternative View

The Details Of The Chase Of American Fighters For UFOs Have Become Known - Alternative View
The Details Of The Chase Of American Fighters For UFOs Have Become Known - Alternative View

Video: The Details Of The Chase Of American Fighters For UFOs Have Become Known - Alternative View

Video: The Details Of The Chase Of American Fighters For UFOs Have Become Known - Alternative View
Video: Secretive program tracked UFOs for 5 years 2024, September

The Pentagon declassified the report, from which it became clear: the myths about UFO incursions into the zone of US naval exercises turned out to be true.

In December 2017, shocking footage of an American F / A-18 fighter jet was captured on the internet for the first time. On them - a UFO, captured in the scope.

The video was timed to coincide with the report that the US military was studying unidentified flying objects. From at least 2007 to 2012, they conducted relevant research under a project called The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program.

Soon, two more similar recordings appeared, made during the chase of US Air Force fighters for UFOs. Skeptics doubted - in all three: they say, this is not a UFO, but equipment glitches. In extreme cases, birds.

And now a copy of the 14-page report prepared by the US military has been released. It was obtained by television journalists from the channel broadcasting from Las Vegas. The report contains previously unknown details about the meeting, during which the first video was recorded - the same one that netizens saw in December 2017.

The meeting took place on November 14, 2004, south of California during an exercise in which aircraft and ships of the US Navy's Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group took part. But UFOs, as it turns out, began to appear since November 10. He was noticed by radar operators of the Princeton missile cruiser and the Grumman E-2 Hawkeye long-range radar aircraft. They called each other Tic Tac.

UFO “ molested ” to the American military south of California
UFO “ molested ” to the American military south of California

UFO “ molested ” to the American military south of California.

On November 14, the annoying Tick Tuck, which the authors of the report call an anomalous aerial vehicle (Anomalous Aerial Vehicle), got rid of the feint that hit the operators of the cruiser Princeton beyond measure. He quickly - in a few seconds - "fell" from a height of about 20 thousand meters and hovered about 20 meters above the water. Two McDonnell Douglas F / A-18 Hornet fighters were sent to intercept the "miracle worker". They were just returning from a mission. One of the fighters was piloted by Dave Fravor, commander of the elite flight unit Black Aces. From his side the recording was made.

Promotional video:

Cruiser Princeton, involved in the contact
Cruiser Princeton, involved in the contact

Cruiser Princeton, involved in the contact.

A Grumman E-2 Hawkeye long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft spotted a UFO
A Grumman E-2 Hawkeye long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft spotted a UFO

A Grumman E-2 Hawkeye long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft spotted a UFO.

Fighter McDonnell Douglas F / A-18 Hornet sent to intercept UFOs
Fighter McDonnell Douglas F / A-18 Hornet sent to intercept UFOs

Fighter McDonnell Douglas F / A-18 Hornet sent to intercept UFOs.

As Frevor said, he did not see a UFO visually - only on the radar screen. But I noticed on the surface of the ocean a strange spot with a diameter of 100-150 meters, which appeared when Tik Tak descended and hovered above the water. The water under it - inside the spot - seemed to boil.

During the few days when UFOs - either the same, or several - appeared in the exercise area, they occasionally hovered at high altitudes. And then they jumped off the spot at great speed, demonstrating some incredible maneuverability.

The authors of the report confirmed the information that previously accompanied the video. The fact that the UFO looked like an egg with a diameter of about 15 meters, had a white color, made jerks at a speed of almost 8 thousand kilometers per hour. It was not equipped with wings as well as with other aerodynamic surfaces. There was no egg and exhaust - in the usual sense. The hot jets that are projected from aircraft engines are clearly visible on radar. And the egg dropped nothing. But somehow it moved.

UFO in the sight: the image on the left in the normal frequency range, on the right - in the infrared
UFO in the sight: the image on the left in the normal frequency range, on the right - in the infrared

UFO in the sight: the image on the left in the normal frequency range, on the right - in the infrared.

From the "news": the military emphasized that the UFO has the ability to disguise itself, can submerge under water, remaining unnoticed.

The conclusion in the report is unambiguous - UFO, also known as Tick Tock, also known as anomalous aircraft, is an object unknown to the American military. With such characteristics as his, they - the military - have never met before. However, the Pentagon did not dare to assume that the exercises involved alien aircraft - which would be very logical.

Dragee Tick Tock: it looked like a UFO. According to eyewitnesses
Dragee Tick Tock: it looked like a UFO. According to eyewitnesses

Dragee Tick Tock: it looked like a UFO. According to eyewitnesses.