The Real Mowgli: In India, A Two-year-old Boy Spends More Time With Monkeys Than With People - Alternative View

The Real Mowgli: In India, A Two-year-old Boy Spends More Time With Monkeys Than With People - Alternative View
The Real Mowgli: In India, A Two-year-old Boy Spends More Time With Monkeys Than With People - Alternative View

Video: The Real Mowgli: In India, A Two-year-old Boy Spends More Time With Monkeys Than With People - Alternative View

Video: The Real Mowgli: In India, A Two-year-old Boy Spends More Time With Monkeys Than With People - Alternative View
Video: Children Raised By Wild Animals 2024, September

Barely being born, this boy named Samarth Bangari from a small Indian village near Bangalore inexplicably attracts local monkeys.

He made friends with a group of 20 langurs and "communicates" with them much more often and more actively than with people. At the same time, the boy is not abandoned, he has parents who feed and dress him.

For such features, local residents consider Samart to be the reincarnation of the mythical monkey king Hanuman.

Samart sleeps in his room, but every morning monkeys come to him through the window and wake him up, then escort him to the elementary school (kindergarten group), and then meet him from school and play with him.


The strange relationship between the boy and the monkeys began when Samart was 6 months old. The child was sitting in the yard when one of the monkeys came up to him and snatched a piece of food from his hand. The child, surprisingly, was not upset and did not cry, but on the contrary reached out to the monkeys to stroke them. After that, the monkeys began to approach him more and more often and the child suddenly found a common language with them.

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Now the relationship between Samart and the group of langurs is so strong and friendly that parents can go on business and leave the boy in a pack of monkeys until the evening without worrying about his safety.


Samart has not yet learned to speak clearly, but already skillfully imitates monkey sounds, it is possible that he learned the monkey language and communicates with them in this way. Some call Samart by the nickname "Mowgli", but more often it is called "blessed".


“In our village, many people worship langurs and always give them food, but only our son developed such a close connection with monkeys. People consider it a miracle and call our son the incarnation of the god Hanuman, "says 38-year-old Sunil Bangari, the boy's father," We have long been accustomed to the fact that monkeys constantly come directly to our home and we consider Samart's relationship with them beautiful and pious ".