The Magic Judge - Alternative View

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The Magic Judge - Alternative View
The Magic Judge - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Judge - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Judge - Alternative View
Video: MTG Judge Situation Workshop Excerpt 2024, September

You've probably noticed that every day of the week is different. Sometimes desires are fulfilled, and matters are argued easier than usual. And sometimes, on the contrary, everything falls out of hand. Not my day, we say, sighing.

It turns out that the whole point is that every day of the week has its own character and is under the auspices of certain forces. And if you know what these forces are, you can learn to get along with them, and even manage. Our ancestors, by the way, were great masters in this area. But we have lost this skill.


Monday is in the power of Chura-god. He protects our property, protects contacts between people. On this day more than ever, trust your intuition, it will tell you the right way in communicating with companions, other partners, colleagues and the boss. And at the same time it will help to avoid many troubles.

Do not change your habits, do not break the usual course of events, because Monday is the day of successful completion of affairs (especially financial ones), but not their beginning. God Chur does not like experiments, so this day is not worth risking. We often say to ourselves: "From Monday I will go on a diet", "From Monday I will quit smoking." Alas, on the first day of the week this is just not worth doing.

To protect yourself from financial troubles and make a profit, on Monday morning, read the conspiracy three times: "Don't mind me, mind you, mind you." Think at this time about your affairs, wish that monetary problems were solved in your favor. Repeat the plot many times throughout the day. Chura can be called for help if you have to communicate with citizens who are evil, envious, eye-catching or practicing witchcraft. In this case, it is enough to say several times, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor: "Chur me!"

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The patron saint of the second day of the week is the god Svetovid. It protects our wallets and purses from thieves, and our bank accounts from fraudsters, helps to avoid participation in scams and dubious businesses, reliably preserves and multiplies your savings.

If you want to enlist the support of Svetovid, in the morning you will certainly dress in red clothes, which he adores. And if your wallet and handbag are also red, you will never run out of money, and the table will be full of the most exquisite dishes.

There is another way to enlist the support of Svetovid - to make the number two appear more often in your money matters. For example, schedule the signing of an important contract or negotiations with the boss for two hours, put in your wallet not six, not eight, but two bills, put two rings on your hand, you can even say hello to colleagues twice. Let them consider it eccentric, but you will be lucky all day.


The environment is patronized by the god Velez, who is responsible for luck, trade and agriculture. On this day, it is good to finish what you started earlier, make plans for the future, and dream. If on Wednesday you plan your budget wisely and set the right goals, you will avoid unnecessary expenses in the future and you will be the winner.

There is only one "but". Beware of scammers, thieves and crooks of all stripes on this day, because for them the environment is also very successful and profitable.

In order to consolidate the positions won on the financial fronts, perform such a ritual. On Wednesday evening, dig a hole under the aspen, put any coin there and, covering it with earth, read the conspiracy "For Wealth":

They do this, and so that the day is.

God be with you, my soot

Grow by sprout, live by harvest.

How not a mouse will gnaw you, The worm does not exude

So that no one wasting my money, In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


The host of Thursday is the formidable god Perun, the patron saint of thunder and lightning. It helps to gain self-confidence, self-assertion in a team or in a new position. Perun gives us willpower, opens up new opportunities for us. But his favor still needs to be won. How? Complete all the protracted cases that day, whatever the cost. If necessary, call for help from friends, colleagues whom you trust.

Do not strive on this day to achieve immediate fulfillment of desires and quick receipt of benefits (money) - on Thursday this rarely works. In addition, the patron saint of this day cannot stand those who are in a hurry, indulge in momentary desires and do not know how to wait. As on Monday, this day is worth listening to the clues of intuition.

To improve your well-being, on Thursday evening, as soon as the moon appears in the sky, face the night star, look at it and feel its pure light filling your body and soul. Then take a coin of white metal, show it to the moon and recite the conspiracy three times: “Silver coin, silver moon, bring me wealth in full. Lucky coin, lucky moon, bring me good luck."


Friday is ruled by the goddess of love and beauty Lada. She patronizes friendship, passion, marriage, birth and raising children.

It is best to rest on this day, communicate with friends and family, and do housework. Do not plan anything serious, do not make business meetings. On Friday, you need not save, but spend. Not to work, but to love and enjoy communication.

In the evening, at sunset, put on a gold or silver chain (these metals are symbols of the goddess Lada), light three red candles and place them so that they form a ring. Sit in front of the candles, close your eyes and mentally ask the goddess for help and support in love affairs. If the person you like does not reciprocate, pray to the goddess and imagine in every detail how a reciprocal feeling awoke in his heart. Finish your mental conversation with Lada when the candles burn out to the ground.


Saturday is in the power of Chernobog - the lord of the underworld, the god of evil and misfortune. Therefore, nothing serious can be planned for Saturday. All things started on Saturday are doomed to fail. The Slavs prayed on this day to their other deities, asking for protection from the intrigues of Chernobog. You can go to church and say a prayer for the welfare of your family. Or conduct a pagan ceremony.

You will need 18 white coins of the same denomination, which must be folded into three columns and brought close to each other. Money must be surrounded by six white candles, light them and, while the candles are burning, firmly and confidently pronounce the spell: “Six white candles - in a circle! Six ancient gods around! They will guard my wealth, protect me from the power of evil. Now you need to bow to the candles, throwing your hands forward and making a sharp exhalation. The ritual is complete, leave the candles to burn out.


The last day of the week is patronized by the kind Dazhdbog - "the sun god", "the giving God", "the giver of all blessings." He is responsible for changes for the better, luck, prosperity. Therefore, on this day everything goes well, but only for those who conduct business honestly. So if you want to pull off a not entirely legitimate business, it is better to abandon this dubious idea.

The only thing to fear on Sunday is the evil eye. A conspiracy will help to escape this misfortune. On Sunday. Rono at noon, face east and read this conspiracy: “I will go, praying to the seven gods, from the hut with the doors to the entrance, from the entrance to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gates, under the red sun, under the open field. In an open field, the temple of Dazhdbog stands, its gates open by themselves, and they let me through the small (name), by God's power they speak from the sorcerers, from the witches, from the witch, from the witch. Whoever thinks dashingly at me, count the woods in the forest, sand in the sea, and stars in the sky, forever and ever. Let it be so!"