Christmas Time Mysticism, Fortune-telling In A New Way - Alternative View

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Christmas Time Mysticism, Fortune-telling In A New Way - Alternative View
Christmas Time Mysticism, Fortune-telling In A New Way - Alternative View

Video: Christmas Time Mysticism, Fortune-telling In A New Way - Alternative View

Video: Christmas Time Mysticism, Fortune-telling In A New Way - Alternative View
Video: Sadhguru on Seeing Repeated Numbers | Synchronicity | Sadhguru | Keri Hilson | Mahabharat TV 2024, September

According to tradition, the most faithful fortune-telling, giving an accurate result, falls on Christmastide. Yule divination can be held from January 6 to January 18. Christmas time is filled with a mystical meaning, and fortune-telling is mainly done in order to learn about their fate, love, wedding, children, i.e. ask highly personal questions. There are general rules that are better to take into account, since these rules were strictly observed by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

Before you start the Christmas divination, you must do the following.

“We don't need electric light. In the room where you are going to guess, turn off the electric light and light candles.

- The room should be quiet. TV, telephone, laptop, computer, cell phone, radio - nothing should distract you from fortune telling.

- If you have long hair, then you need to loose it. Hairpins, hoops, anything that pulls your hair or gathers it should be removed. Untie the belts, unfasten the zippers, remove the scarves - the clothes should have as few tightening, tying, encircling parts as possible. After all, it was not for nothing that in ancient times girls used to guess on Christmastide, donning long, shapeless linen shirts that did not hinder movement.

1. Fortune telling by the book

Fortune-telling by the book has always been considered one of the most faithful fortune-telling. However, any book will not suit us, modern detectives and women's novels should not even be taken in hand, but spiritual books, the Bible, the works of recognized world classics are the very thing.

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To begin with, you need to focus and accurately formulate the question. An imprecise question gives an imprecise answer.

So take a few seconds to collect your thoughts. Next, open the book at random on any page and point your finger at any paragraph without reading it. This will be your prophecy and the answer to the question asked. It should be noted that what is written in the book may not always please, the answer may not suit, but you should not ask the same question and guess again - the correct answer was given immediately.

2. Fortune telling on the egg

We need a fresh chicken egg, in which we need to make a small hole through which the protein can flow out. We collect cold water in a transparent glass glass to the very edges and carefully pour the egg white into the glass. When the squirrel curls up, we read the future in the shape it has taken. Church (domes) means a wedding (if there is only one dome), more than one dome indicates the number of love affairs this year, which, alas, will not lead to marriage yet. "Grass", the egg went down the glass - to be a year boring, gray, "below the grass - quieter than water." Sails - to be a journey.

3. Divination by shadows

A very simple method and at the same time gives a fairly high percentage of "hits". We'll need any newspaper, paper, metal tray, and matches. Focus and mentally ask the question you would like to receive an answer to. Then fold a piece of paper (newspapers) and set it on fire by placing it on a tray. Direct a stream of light (flashlight, table lamp) onto one of the flat surfaces (wall, cabinet, refrigerator), so that the burnt paper casts a shadow on this surface. If the shadows do not give an exact answer to the question asked, then the tray with burnt paper must be carefully (so that the paper does not fall apart) twist around its axis. One of the options will still give you a shadow that you can “read” and understand.

4. Fortune-telling by choice

Another popular fortune-telling, which almost always “comes true”, is fortune-telling about “what will be”. Any cereal, flour is poured into the largest saucepan that can only be found in the house, the more, the better. Then put several items into the cereal and mix thoroughly until the "secret gizmos" are completely gone inside the pan. The fortuneteller approaches the pan and asks the question: “What awaits me in the coming year?”, Puts her hand inside and picks up a handful of cereals. If there is no "secret thing" in your hand, it means that the new year will not be any different from the past year. It's good if the past year was successful, but if there was nothing to boast about, then this year, most likely, will please little.

Ideally, "secret things" should be: a ring (marriage), a piece of sugar (a good life), a burnt match (a bad year), an onion (tears), a candy or tiny toy (birth of a child), a key (change of job or place of residence), tablet (disease).

5. Fortune telling with matches

I think this fortune-telling is well known to all girls from childhood. They take two matches and set them on fire. If the matches burn out, turning their "heads" to each other, the envisioned guy and the girl will be together. If the "heads" look in different directions - there will be a separation.

6. Fortune telling by phone

This is a modern, improved version of divination "for the betrothed". If earlier our grandmothers, in order to find out the name of their betrothed, went out into the street in the village and, after waiting for the first passing man, asked his name, now we cannot always afford such a luxury. Firstly: not every girl dares to go out in the city at night alone. Secondly: not every girl dares to approach a stranger at night and ask his name. And most importantly: at night, in the city, an unknown man is not the safest fortune-telling, even on Christmastide.

Therefore, an improved, but no less "truthful" version of fortune telling "for the betrothed" suggests the girl to use the phone on Christmastide.

The girl dials any number at random, and depending on who picks up the phone, she gets an answer. If a woman takes it, there will be a rival; if a man takes it, there will be love. It is necessary to ask the name of the man in order to find out the name of the betrothed. No one will answer - this year love will not meet. "Busy" - no luck, fall in love with a married or unfree man.