In Another World - Alternative View

In Another World - Alternative View
In Another World - Alternative View

Video: In Another World - Alternative View

Video: In Another World - Alternative View
Video: Another World: Alternative Ways to Globalization 2024, July

Somehow, under the influence of the psychological crises that had occurred in my life, I began to see incredible things.

When my father died, stress caused my assemblage point to move (in the terminology of Carlos Castaneda, whose writings I was studying). On the day of the funeral, I lay on the couch, feeling with all my body that I had moved to another world. Getting out of bed, I wanted to turn on the light. However, when I pressed down on the switch, the light did not light up brightly, as it should, but only glowed faintly, barely illuminating the room.

And then I saw a shadow. She was as tall as a man and wandered around the balcony, trying to get into the house. Something told me that this shadow was from the world of the dead. I was very frightened, and at the same time the shadow attracted me for some reason. I involuntarily went to the balcony door. And, surprisingly, my movement around the apartment was incredibly fast.

As soon as I approached the balcony door and began to stare at the shadow, I woke up, drenched in sweat. Was I sleeping? Fear gripped me. I took the Bible off the shelf and for the rest of the night I lay in bed holding it in my hands. Later, a hunch dawned on me: this shadow on the balcony was the soul of my father, who came to say goodbye before leaving to the afterlife.

After that, I saw my deceased father again. Once I had an unusual dream. I dreamed that I had moved during the Great Patriotic War. A line of soldiers marched along a country road. I went closer to see their faces, and suddenly I saw my father among them. He was young, and yet I recognized him.

- Dad! I shouted.

He turned around immediately. There was joy on his face, and at the same time he shook his finger at me, they say, we cannot communicate. I understood: he wants to say that my time to leave for another world has not yet come. And yet the desire to get closer to the father turned out to be stronger than the ban.

I ran up to him, we hugged, shook hands. With all his appearance, my father made me understand that we needed to part, that he had to go. This was my second meeting with my father in the afterlife.

Promotional video:

Alexander Valerievich FIGUROVSKY, Kremenchug, Poltava region