Black Aristocracy And Infernal Entities Rule The World - Alternative View

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Black Aristocracy And Infernal Entities Rule The World - Alternative View
Black Aristocracy And Infernal Entities Rule The World - Alternative View

Video: Black Aristocracy And Infernal Entities Rule The World - Alternative View

Video: Black Aristocracy And Infernal Entities Rule The World - Alternative View
Video: David Armitage, "Civil War: A Genealogy" 2024, September

Chaos on Earth is generated by the so-called "black aristocracy". These are the descendants of the Middle Eastern priests who were expelled from Egypt, but they managed to penetrate into Europe, and then into America. They have created their own flock and have been trying to take over the world for several centuries. For many generations, these ancestral families have imposed on the world the idea that, thanks to their genetic structure, their DNA, they are given the right to lead all of humanity. Almost the entire Anglo-Saxon dynasty of rulers is the descendants of Count Dracula, known for his bloodthirstiness and service to the devil.

The current royal dynasty of Windsor, as well as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgan, Bushes and other well-known names holding key positions in power or in the shadow government, are all, in one way or another, connected with the invisible world of black magic. All these dynasties are hereditary Satanists and constantly communicate with infernal entities. This is the very modern black aristocracy, or at least its descendants.

The human eye does not see infernal entities. Believers call them differently: the devil, demon, Satan or Lucifer. The all-seeing eye of an infernal entity is depicted, including on American dollars.

With the massive appearance of hidden video cameras, we can already observe the destructive power of infernal entities in houses and apartments in the absence of owners: objects themselves fall, cabinets open, doors slam, etc.

Infernal entities can penetrate into a person, destroying his personality and this is not a fantasy. Even in Soviet times, experiments were conducted with people suffering from hallucinations and mental disorders. A mask with a built-in camera was put on their face and photographs were taken. On the developed film, the images of various entities, similar to the classical drawings of devils and demons, were well distinguished.

Everything that is in our reality is a vibrational information field that resonates at certain frequencies. A person receives information from space like a transmitting and receiving radio station. Therefore, our DNA is actually a wave information field.

The descendants of the black aristocracy receive the support of devilish entities on the radio wave inaccessible to ordinary people.

The wars of at least the last three centuries are associated not only with the seizure of resources or the redistribution of markets. The main task of the world government is to destroy any bright idea of justice, spirituality and morality. And Russia is like a bone in their throat for them.

Promotional video:

The black aristocracy destroys the Russian language everywhere, replacing the moral values of mankind

In order to destroy the Russian civilization, special emphasis is placed on the destruction of the Russian language. In the west, entire institutions are working on this.

We saw the implementation of this strategy in Ukraine. One of the first legal acts of the opposition deputies of the new Verkhovna Rada who staged a seizure of power in Kiev was a ban on the official status of the Russian language. The same is happening in the Baltic countries and our other former sister republics.

The one who controls the language controls the thoughts of people, and therefore their perception of this world. Mercy goes into oblivion - tolerance comes. Until now, no one can say for sure what tolerance is.

Double language - double standards - double standards. And already such concepts as democracy and humanism cover up atrocities in the form of wars, terrorist attacks and color revolutions.

The concept of goodness - can be renamed into charity, justice, called legitimacy; the concept of honor is to replace the word freedom, and the truth can be ignored altogether, calling a lie - information. Such manipulation of consciousness leads to the fact that all spiritual values begin to be taken out of the brackets. The mechanism of substitution of moral concepts has been launched. Money rules the world. A successful person is a rich person. A poor person is a loser and has no place on Earth.

Even Jesus Christ, from the point of view of some modern inhabitants, is a failure: he had no money, no social status, died early as a martyr, etc. In modern parlance, he was a complete loser.

Infernal entities, through the black aristocracy, destroy the spiritual values of humanity, and they almost managed to do this everywhere … except for the Russian world … at least we still resist.
