Guardian Angels And Demons Are Always Next To A Person - Alternative View

Guardian Angels And Demons Are Always Next To A Person - Alternative View
Guardian Angels And Demons Are Always Next To A Person - Alternative View

Video: Guardian Angels And Demons Are Always Next To A Person - Alternative View

Video: Guardian Angels And Demons Are Always Next To A Person - Alternative View
Video: A Demon Was Choking Me Until I Shouted THIS ONE WORD… 2024, September

Very often people, in trouble, or experiencing fear or pain, turn to the guardian angels for help. Since ancient times, they have occupied a special place not only in religion, but also in mythology and esotericism. But who are they, these guardian angels? What power are they endowed with? Why do people believe in them so much? There are no answers to all these questions. Nevertheless, in all peoples and in all religions and mythologies, guardian angels are present. They are recognized as being of a higher order, which were created by God even before man was created. The very word "angel" means a messenger, a mediator between God and people, a bearer of God's message.

Angels have their own hierarchical ladder, at the very top are the Seraphim, who are close to God in wisdom and strength. The angels who are closest to God are also called archangels. Angels and archangels are created from light and endowed with wings, they are sexless and live in heaven, guarding God's throne.

Angels are believed to be God's servants and messengers. They monitor human actions and record them in special books, and in addition, they test people and escort them to the judgment of God. Angels guard the gates of hell and heaven, protect righteous and pious people, and send visions to prophets. Each angel has its own specific function on Earth, and is responsible for a specific area of human activity.

It is believed that every person from birth has two angels who throughout his life protect and guide him in all his deeds, and after the death of a person - accompany him to the gates of heaven or hell.

The Bible says that after the creation of man, God commanded the angels to fall on their knees before him, but one angel did not do this, and became the enemy of the entire human race. Those angels who serve the enemy of God and people torment people in every possible way, causing them all kinds of obstacles. On the contrary, good angels protect a person and help him avoid temptations and temptations. In humans, the guardian angel is behind the right shoulder (according to Christian tradition), and the evil demon is behind the left. Therefore, it is customary to be baptized from right to left, as if relying on angelic help and throwing everything bad on the demon.

Guardian angels, according to legend, always rejoice when a person does something good, and are saddened by his unkind and evil deeds. These are the so-called personal guardian angels. Those angels who guard the home are called the keepers of the hearth. When the process of sanctifying a dwelling takes place, a person kind of invites a guardian angel into his home. There are angels who patronize travelers. Most people, going on the road, are sure to be baptized, thus enlisting the support of their guardian angel.

For most believers, the presence of a guardian angel is not in doubt. It is generally accepted that a guardian angel is given to each person at baptism, the essence of which is much deeper than people think. That is why, for the most part, parents try to baptize the child as early as possible, so that not only they, but also divine powers take care of him throughout his life.

Each person can turn to his guardian angel in a difficult life period, ask him for patronage and help, protection from troubles, bad people, misfortunes and diseases. And if a person is kind, honest, decent, believer, then the angel will certainly lend him an invisible helping hand.

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As mentioned above, every baptized person can count on the protection of his guardian angel. And the more a person is pure in thoughts and the stronger his faith in God, the more keepers he can have. As a rule, additional protection from temptation and adversity is required for those who have the gift of healing.

There are cases in history when the righteous lived happily and peacefully, or when believers overcame trials on their way to God with the help of guardian angels. Of course, skeptics can only laugh at these examples, but there are very, very many such stories around the world to consider them mere coincidences. What are the miraculous rescues of people who simply miraculously survived in terrible car accidents, in which their cars turned into heaps of metal or the rescue of children who fell out of the windows of multi-storey buildings. And there are a lot of such examples around the world, when human life was preserved in spite of all the laws of nature, and when it would seem impossible. And they cannot be explained by anything other than God's providence.

It is generally accepted that guardian angels not only protect people from danger and temptation, but in exceptional situations they can send various signs, prophetic dreams, visions that contain tips on how to avoid trouble, indications of mistakes and sins in which you need to repent … But with such visions, you need to be very careful, because they can be sent not only by good angels, but also by those who stand behind the left shoulder of a person.

At the same time, it is very important to remember that a guardian angel cannot harm a person. They cannot make a person rich in gold in the literal sense of the word, but they can make a person incomparably richer by giving him true love, health, harmony, happiness and true friendship. Guardian angels do not punish, they help a person and show him the righteous path that will lead to grace and God's mercy.

At the same time, you should not think that the guardian angel will be with a person throughout his life. Angels judge by deeds and thoughts, and even if a person does not often cross the threshold of the temple, but his thoughts are pure, the guardian angel will support and guard him. But if a person is angry, he is overwhelmed with aggression and anger, then the angel can turn away from him. It will be very difficult to get it back, but it can still be done. You need to change, purify your thoughts and soul, and sincerely repent.

Under different circumstances at different times, some people have claimed to have met their guardian angels. Sometimes in the stories they were angels in the flesh, but more often people said that they saw heavenly messengers in dreams and visions, in which they gave some advice, warned of danger and instructed on the righteous path.

However, often the guardian angel is invisibly and inaudibly present in a person's life. You can turn to him through prayer, ask to appear in a vision or a dream, or give some kind of sign of your presence. You can devote a whole day to this bright spirit, which is usually called Angel's Day, honoring it with good deeds and prayers.

Sometimes, in addition to guardian angels, a person may have other heavenly patrons, including martyrs and saints. For example, if a child was baptized in a temple erected in honor of this or that saint, then this saint will take under his wing the person baptized in it. If, moreover, a person carries with him an icon depicting this saint, then his help and protection will be even stronger.

Thus, summing up all of the above, we can conclude that no matter how skeptics and materialists relate to the very idea of the existence of guardian angels, there is probably not a single person in the world who would not want to receive such a bright and kind defender. With his good deeds and pure thoughts, a person pleases his guardian angel, prompting him to provide all-round support and assistance to a person. And it doesn't matter at all whether the person himself believes in the existence of a guardian angel. Another thing is important - so that the angels do not lose faith in people and at the right time are always nearby.
