All This Will Happen Before 2030: 21 Tipping Points In Technology - Alternative View

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All This Will Happen Before 2030: 21 Tipping Points In Technology - Alternative View
All This Will Happen Before 2030: 21 Tipping Points In Technology - Alternative View

Video: All This Will Happen Before 2030: 21 Tipping Points In Technology - Alternative View

Video: All This Will Happen Before 2030: 21 Tipping Points In Technology - Alternative View
Video: 7 Technology tipping points 2030 2024, September

From robots to 3D printed cars, the future is coming sooner than we anticipate, and it's amazing!

Many of the novelties of the technological world will become not only a reality, but also a familiar phenomenon in some 10 years.

The Council of the World Economic Forum has identified 21 trends in the world of modern technology that have the potential to change the world by 2030.

Unlimited data storage

By 2018, about 90% of the population will actively use network data storage, which will allow you to save files online for free and without limit. You no longer have to delete anything to free up space. Already, many services offer free or low-cost options for storing and working with information. By 2018, advertising and the growing number of Internet users will significantly increase the volume of "cloud" drives and reduce their price.


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The first robot pharmacist

Already today, robots occupy an important place in production work. The fact is that modern technologies make it possible to significantly expand and complicate the tasks with which they are able to cope. The first robot pharmacist in the United States is expected to be launched by 2021.


More than a trillion sensors connected to the Web

Given the decline in technology prices, as well as the development and spread of the Internet, an increasing number of devices are connected to the Web. From clothing to bike paths, by 2022 more than one trillion devices of various shapes and purposes will be connected to the World Wide Web.


Clothes connected to the internet

By 2022, about 10% of the population will be wearing clothes that can connect to the web. This is not surprising, because today cars, kitchen appliances, watches and even rings can already be connected to the World Wide Web. A further step is the use of computer chips in clothing.


The first car to be 3D printed

3D printers are gaining popularity so quickly and in such diverse areas of human activity that it is difficult to believe that they are a relatively recent product of technological development. Today they can print objects of various sizes and shapes from a wide variety of materials.


Automakers are actively using printers to produce parts and even print prototypes, but Local Motors went further and decided to create the first fully 3D printed car. The first mass production of an existing working prototype is expected by 2022.

Implanted mobile phones

It will be possible to never part with a mobile phone in the most literal sense very soon. By 2025, the first models of implanted mobile phones will be available on the open market.


After implanted heart monitors, pedometers, and cochlear implants, an implanted phone doesn't seem like an incredible advance in technology.

Population census will become a thing of the past

By 2023, states will begin to move towards digital data collection. Due to the fact that almost all modern data is stored in digital format, it is becoming easier to collect, study and analyze them and the traditional qualification is gradually losing its meaning. Some countries, such as Canada and Estonia, are already actively experimenting with digital data collection, but so far no one has abandoned the traditional census method.


Glasses with access to the Network

By 2023, it is expected that about 10% of all glasses will have the ability to connect to the Web, which will change the way you interact with the outside world and at the moment get access to the necessary data and applications.

A similar technology was initially introduced by Google, today its specialists are working on contact lenses with a connection to the Web.

Digital "I"

Today, about 4 billion people remain outside the distribution area of the World Wide Web. An even larger number of the planet's inhabitants remained outside the influence of social networks. By 2023, more than 80% of the world's population is expected to be registered on one or more networks. All this will lead to the fact that the digital "I" of a person will be even more tightly connected with his real life.


Taxation with blockchain transactions

Digital currencies like Bitcoin use a mechanism called the blockchain, or blockchain, to make secure transactions. The blockchain is actually a list that is accessible to everyone, which can be checked and rechecked. Chain information is stored from the first, parent, block (transaction) and beyond.


This mechanism has enormous potential for storing records and data in public and state organizations, for example, in notary registers and tax systems. Presumably, by 2023, taxation will be carried out using such a register.

Computer in your pocket

Globally, smartphone use exceeds computer use. In developing countries, people first access the Internet from their phones, and all because modern smartphones are becoming more productive and cheaper, and, accordingly, more affordable.


It is expected that next year the number of smartphone users will significantly exceed 50% of the world's population, and by 2023 this figure will grow to 90%.

Internet access

It is expected that by 2024 most of the world's population will have free access to the Internet. Even in hard-to-reach places, there will be access. This is what tech giants Facebook and Google are doing today. With the help of drones and balloons, they seek to increase the number of places where they can freely go online.


Human organs 3D printed

3D printers are actively used in medicine to create parts of the human skeleton, but printing from biomaterials has gone much further. Today, it is possible to create working internal organs that can be transplanted to those in need. The first 3D-printed liver will be transplanted in 2024.


Internet traffic

Today, most of the internet traffic from homes is used for personal use - mostly communications and entertainment. However, the more devices are connected to the Internet and controlled remotely, the more traffic goes to their work. By 2024, more than half of internet traffic from homes will come from home appliances, security systems and regulation.


3D printers at home

3D printers have become very popular lately. Considering the fact that they have become cheaper, smaller and more affordable, it is quite reasonable to assume that they can be used in everyday life to print necessary items.


Artificial intelligence in a well-paid job

Today, robots with artificial intelligence replace mainly production workers, but with the development of computer systems, their productivity and capabilities increase, which suggests their ability to cope with tasks such as accounting and organizing data. It is expected that by 2025, about 30% of audits of large companies and corporations will be carried out by robots.


The sharing economy

This economy has experienced incredible growth in the past few years. However, in no industry is this noticeable as clearly as in the transport industry. Services such as Uber, Lyft and Bla-bla-car have completely changed the way people use and drive a car. By 2025, it is expected that the majority of travel around the world will be carried out by car precisely according to the sharing model.


Unmanned vehicles

Self-driving cars are expected to account for 10% of global auto traffic by 2026. The use of such models theoretically promises to reduce the number of traffic accidents, reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere and significantly improve road safety.


Artificial intelligence in management circles

Presumably, by 2026, advanced artificial intelligence will be able to take a place in the management of large companies, corporations and funds. This will end the trend of robots replacing lower-level workers.


The first smart city

The experiment with smart houses was a success, and now we are waiting for a step forward in this direction - cities in which all infrastructure is connected to the Network and based on self-government. Traffic, street lighting, hospitals, fire stations and police will be monitored via the Internet. By 2026, it is planned to create a small city with a population of 50 thousand people, where the entire traffic system will be controlled using the Network.


Virtual currency

Today, virtual currency is just starting to gain momentum. Over time, it is expected that more advanced security of transactions and the storage systems themselves will allow storing about 10% of world income in the Bitcoin system and the like.


Hope Chikanchi