An Ominous Roar Coming From The Sky Frightens The Inhabitants Of Slovakia - Alternative View

An Ominous Roar Coming From The Sky Frightens The Inhabitants Of Slovakia - Alternative View
An Ominous Roar Coming From The Sky Frightens The Inhabitants Of Slovakia - Alternative View

Video: An Ominous Roar Coming From The Sky Frightens The Inhabitants Of Slovakia - Alternative View

Video: An Ominous Roar Coming From The Sky Frightens The Inhabitants Of Slovakia - Alternative View
Video: Strange Unknown Apocalyptic Noises Heard In The Sky - The Hum Phenomenon 2024, September

In all major world religions, it is argued that menacing sounds coming from heaven will be the harbinger of the end of the world. In Christianity, these will be angels who will sound seven trumpets and the end of the world will come, Islam also speaks of sounds similar to a trumpet voice. Finally, Judaism tells of the roar of the ritual horn of the shofar.

Thus, the Abrahamic religions agree that the foreshadowing of the Apocalypse will be a loud trumpet voice coming from the sky. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that when something like this happens in reality, and not on the pages of the Bible or Torah, people are seriously scared. At the same time, strange sounds from time to time come from the sky in many parts of the Earth, and today, in an age of technological progress, they are easy to record.

So, on October 15, a similar incident took place in Slovakia. In the evening, from somewhere above, an eerie sound was heard, similar to the growl of some giant ferocious animal. Several eyewitnesses even recorded it on video. By playing the video below, you can hear a loud, ominous roar with your ears. The operator posted the resulting recording on the Internet, where it spread with lightning speed to various resources dedicated to the mysterious and supernatural.

experts disagree on what might be causing these sounds. Even if religious theories are discarded, many other interesting hypotheses remain. Some experts believe that the change of magnetic poles is to blame, others suspect the use of climate weapons, while others speak of inexplicable processes inside the earth's core. Ufologists, as you might expect, are hinting at an alien invasion. In a word, there is no single point of view regarding the causes of this phenomenon.

Researchers of the paranormal note that the phenomenon of mysterious celestial sounds first appeared in the seventies of the last century, and in many states of the planet: in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt and so on. … In the nineties, a new "acoustic wave" was observed, and in 2011, inexplicable noise, identical to the one described above, was recorded in almost all countries of the world.

Maybe the end of the world is rapidly approaching? And does humanity have a chance to prevent it?

Video: An ominous roar is heard from the sky in Slovakia