In October 2017, The Earth Will Be Completely Destroyed - Alternative View

In October 2017, The Earth Will Be Completely Destroyed - Alternative View
In October 2017, The Earth Will Be Completely Destroyed - Alternative View

Video: In October 2017, The Earth Will Be Completely Destroyed - Alternative View

Video: In October 2017, The Earth Will Be Completely Destroyed - Alternative View
Video: This Will Destroy You: A Line Rider Feature Film 2024, September

In October 2017, the planet will hit the Earth, thereby killing all life. This is stated by the scientist David Mead.

The global elite are wisdom about this, Mead argues, and many are already building bunkers to survive the collision. It should be noted that every year, without interruption, Internet scientists predict that the world will end, which never happens.

Mead said: “The public is deliberately kept in the dark to avoid panic. Earthquakes have skyrocketed in both quantity and intensity. Thunderstorm systems multiply in type, intensity and size. Dips and cracks appear in the earth's crust. Heat waves are getting stronger and last longer.”

But he is not the only one making this prediction. Tycoon Robert Vicinu builds the bunker, also predicting that Nibiru is approaching: “There is no doubt that this will happen. It will be an epic punishment, straight out of the Bible. If you survive, you will get many injuries, burn out from radiation, live on the streets with rats and other people - this is called hell on earth."

For decades, conspiracy theorists have predicted that an invisible planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru or Planet X is about to destroy the Earth. But in case you are concerned, it should be noted that Nibiru (or Planet X) should have already hit our planet in December 2015, and before that in September.

NASA has thoroughly debunked the Nibiru myth through its post-2012 page, saying, “Nibiru and other tales of similar planets are an internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these predictions. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and heading towards Earth, astronomers would have tracked it for at least the last decade, and it would be visible to the naked eye."

Burmas Roman