Chemtrails. Debriefing - Alternative View

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Chemtrails. Debriefing - Alternative View
Chemtrails. Debriefing - Alternative View

Video: Chemtrails. Debriefing - Alternative View

Video: Chemtrails. Debriefing - Alternative View
Video: Great View on the 777-300ER Contrails (not Chemtrails) 2024, September

1. Instead of introducing

Currently, there are many information resources devoted to the problem of "chemtrails" - the poison sprayed from planes in the form of white jets, with which the Secret World Government wants to poison all of humanity. On the Internet you can find many photos, videos, forums dedicated to this topic. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, we will stumble upon the same feature of the discussion - there is practically nowhere a technically justified analysis of all these photographs, almost none of the supporters of the chemtrail theory knows the physics of contrail formation, and the theory itself carefully avoids this topic. On the contrary, reasoning about chemtrails is based on assumptions based on ignorance of the technical part of aircraft, the structure of the atmosphere and the physics of vaporization. Let's fill in this gap a little.

2. How does the trace or a little bit of meteorology behave without formulas

The chemtrail theory (hereinafter - TX) notes several characteristic features of the trail behavior, according to which it classifies as a spray of a hazardous chemical substance.

1. The trail "turns on" when approaching the city or over a certain area of the terrain. TX explains this by the fact that the pilot has a special button that he presses to turn on the spraying of the chemical. And that all pilots give a nondisclosure agreement.

2. A trail with a sprayed poison, in contrast to a "normal" trail, can hang in the air for hours without dissolving. Especially often such traces can be seen in the morning, because (according to the TX position) they are sprayed at night so that no one can see.

3. Chemtrail tracks mesh in the sky - this is done to reliably spray the chemical without missing a square of ground.

Promotional video:

In order to understand these processes, let us analyze such an important phenomenon as the "dew point".

Contrary to popular belief that the cloud is filled with water - in fact, there is not much more water in it than in a transparent sky. It's just that this water from the phase of free molecules passed into the phase of fog, in which the molecules "stick" to each other forming an aerosol - a suspension of ultra-small droplets, the weight of which is not enough to push the viscosity of the air and start falling down. In order for the water molecules to pass into the fog phase, we need to lower their energy - then they will stop repelling each other and the formation of an aerosol suspension will begin. This can be done in several ways - for example, by lowering their temperature. Therefore, in the cold, breath turns into "steam" or a pipe with cold water, even in a dry room, is covered with drops of condensation - water that is not visible at normal temperatures begins to condense in the cold. The process of converting an invisible vapor into a visible one can be illustrated by the following figures:


Free water molecules. Their individual sizes are small and we cannot see them with normal vision.


Water molecules stick together into micro-droplets, which begin to refract light and become visible as fog. If these micro-droplets continue to stick together (at the same low temperature), larger droplets will begin to form, already capable of falling in the form of rain.


Another way to make the trail more stable is to add particles to it, on which water can condense.

Dew point is the temperature below which atmospheric water thickens into fog. The more saturated the atmosphere with water, the higher the dew point, and the less it is necessary to cool the air in order to thicken the fog. Therefore, humid air from the mouth becomes fog already at zero degrees, and winter street air, not so saturated with moisture, becomes fog at -45C. Its dew point is 45 degrees lower.

With increasing altitude, the temperature and air pressure drop, and at a certain altitude, an equilibrium is achieved, in which the additional water that has got to the altitude from the engine exhaust instantly cools below its own dew point and turns into a strip of dense fog, which we see as a white trace in the sky … In the same way as breath, cooling down in the cold turns into steam.

Another, more technical example - when leaving a warm garage in the cold, the exhaust from the car, almost invisible in the garage, turns into a white smoky tail. The water contained in the exhaust cools in the frost and also becomes foggy. Although the driver at this moment does not press any buttons injecting a secret toxin.

The next picture illustrates the appearance of a trail of condensation when an aircraft reaches flight levels above 9-12 km.


Sometimes the “switching on” of the trail over cities also occurs because there are restrictions on the minimum height for flying over the city, so as not to disturb the residents with the noise of the engines. And if the air route over the city increases the height, then the exit to the height of the formation of the track can happen on this part of the trajectory. What then on the websites of chemtrails write "I myself saw how the plane flying over the city turned on the spraying."

Gradually, the balance between the ambient air and water in the wake will begin to recover and the wake will melt. The duration of this process depends on many factors and primarily (for different traces) - on the content of water and particles of burnt fuel in the exhaust jet, which help the formation of fog, retaining moisture on itself. Therefore, traces from different aircraft can melt in different ways - due to differences in fuel composition, design and tuning of engines, differences in power and modes of operation.

"Night" footprints are thicker and last longer - because at night and the atmosphere is more stable and the cloud of condensation is not heated by the sun. Which keeps its temperature within the dew point. But as soon as the sun rises and begins to heat the dense jet of steam - its temperature rises and when it rises above its own dew point - the trail begins to rapidly melt. In the same way, the fog over the lake melts in the morning, which remained in a dense cover all night.

The passage of air masses with different dew points
The passage of air masses with different dew points

The passage of air masses with different dew points

Another reason that the tracks from planes flying nearby are different is that they actually fly at completely different altitudes. For example, in the next photo, the distance between two planes is more than a kilometer. It may seem that planes of different sizes flying at extremely dangerous proximity, but if you look closely, you can see that these are two Boeing B-767s from different airlines, one goes along the echelon, the second goes much lower than it and gains altitude or descends.


Under some conditions, a contrail caused by the cooling of humid air can also occur at the ground, but not from the engines, but from the vacuum zones that the aircraft creates during takeoff and landing. Entering humid air at a high angle of attack, the wing creates a vacuum zone behind it, which is immediately filled with warm air. Cooling down instantly, it causes the appearance of fog behind the wing and mist streams flowing down from the wing. Most often this is observed in tropical latitudes with very high air humidity, or in northern latitudes at very low temperatures. Such foggy trails behind planes are called the "Pandtl-Glauert effect."

Pandtl-Glauert effect
Pandtl-Glauert effect

Pandtl-Glauert effect

Cloud mesh formation is another popular topic on TX sites. According to TX, these are planes with poison that spray their deadly cargo along and across the sky so that no one gets away from the poison.


Such a grid is formed at the intersection of two air routes. All air traffic in the world is organized along air routes and air corridors, air routes are tied to route radio beacons, route locators, traffic on them is controlled from air traffic control centers, and the traffic density on these routes can reach tens of aircraft per hour. Most often, such routes pass over uninhabited areas so as not to disturb people with aircraft noise, but sometimes air routes and even their intersections are located over populated areas, which gives rise to rumors about sky pollution.

Aviation route map with intersections
Aviation route map with intersections

Aviation route map with intersections

Up to a hundred planes can pass in one direction on a large air route in an hour. When two such routes intersect, the intersection is at different altitudes so as not to impede the movement of aircraft and create an emergency. Contrails of such an intersection of routes can form in two different layers of air, the wind direction in which is different, and they will begin to be blown to the side. This is most often the case.


However, even if the traces lie in one layer of the atmosphere, some will drift sideways, and others along the course, which will also create a "grid".

Exactly the kind that chemtrail sites love to show off as undeniable proof of the bad intentions of the conspirators.


Why doesn't it make sense to spray poisons into the stratosphere yet? The average speed of falling rain drops is approximately 10-20 kilometers per hour. That is, the liquid poured from the plane at an altitude of 10 km would reach the ground in half an hour or an hour. Smaller particles can stay in the air for weeks, just like dust in a beam of light from a window flies around a room without falling to the floor. It is for this reason that the real spraying of substances from aircraft is carried out with sprinklers that give large drops, and they do it from an extremely low height - so that the chemicals quickly and accurately get to their destination. Spraying poison at an altitude of ten kilometers in the form of an aerosol (and only such a trail can stay in the air without falling to the ground) is an absurd exercise, since it will fall on the ground in a series of days and weeks, and during this time it will be carried away by air currents to the other side Earth. Moreover, the very fact that the track lasts a long time and does not collapse (namely, such traces are considered especially dangerous by TX), already suggests that the substances remain inside the track, otherwise it would begin to collapse, and we would see a picture like this.


These are cirrus clouds, they are formed when a moving weather front "iron" wedges under moisture-saturated air masses and raises them to a height of 10-15 kilometers, into the cooling zone. Atmospheric moisture begins to condense into fog, forming a cloud, and from it into microscopic ice crystals that begin to fall down. The cloud moves with the wind, and ice crystals falling down from it form a "falling" trail in the form of a hook. Such clouds accompany the approach of each cold front. And similarly, it would look like a fall on the ground of substances sprayed at an altitude of 10 kilometers. However, contrails from aircraft do not have such falling tails.

At this point, the overview of the processes associated with the device of the atmosphere can be considered complete and proceed to the next section.

3. "Spraying" devices - APU, LDPE rods, antennas

In any video about chemtrails, we are shown all kinds of scary pipes, holes, funnels, nozzles, barrels and other drain devices, hinting that these are the means for spraying chemtrails. For a person far from aviation, all these devices look really frightening. However, knowing the structure of the components and parts of the aircraft, you can easily figure out what we are shown. Let's take a closer look at the most common images from TX sites.

The first group includes tanker aircraft


These photos are often shown hinting that they are chemical trace spraying devices. In fact, it is a French Air Force tanker aircraft, C-135FR, an export modification of the American Boeing KC-135 with the serial number “93-CC” - s / n 63-8472. Photographed in Canada in 2005. The bottom photo is the same aircraft of the USAF. A terrible pipe under the keel and no less terrible barrels under the wings - devices for the release of filling hoses with cones. The pipe is deflected downward in flight to remove the hose from the turbulence of the refueling aircraft so that the cone does not wobble when refueling in a wake.

Photo of the same aircraft in the process of refueling two French Air Force fighters
Photo of the same aircraft in the process of refueling two French Air Force fighters

Photo of the same aircraft in the process of refueling two French Air Force fighters.

The designs of all tanker aircraft are approximately the same, and it is not difficult to identify them all in the photographs of the “TX evidence”. Even if the tanker drains fuel from the hoses in flight (and he actually produces it after refueling, draining the fuel remaining in the hose), the fuel trail will not hang for hours in the sky, but like any splashed liquid, it will quickly fall to the ground.

Another popular photo from chemtrail sites, also associated with tanker planes.


It is a converted KC-135 anti-icing tanker aircraft based at the US Air Force Research Center at Edwards AFB in California.

His photos are often shown on TX websites. In fact, in the photo we see the same KC-135 filling rod, but instead of a cone, a nozzle is fixed to spray water drops. This thing really does spray, but not poison, but water onto the test aircraft, in order to check how ice freezing on the skin will affect it. Here are photos of such tests.

Testing the B-52 bomber for the formation of ice on the wing
Testing the B-52 bomber for the formation of ice on the wing

Testing the B-52 bomber for the formation of ice on the wing.

Ice test of the experimental (at that time) F-22 fighter
Ice test of the experimental (at that time) F-22 fighter

Ice test of the experimental (at that time) F-22 fighter.

This aircraft exists in a single copy, modification of NKC-135A (tail number 55-3128). Link to the official documentation for the atomizer. And its sprinkler also cannot create aerosols, only drops like rain, not to mention the fact that such devices are not installed on airliners. Photos of the various fueling rods can be found in abundance on TX websites as "irrefutable evidence of spraying."

Second - photographs of various salons filled with barrels with tubes and tricky equipment


These are in-flight balancing tests of new aircraft. Such tests are not a secret and are carried out on each new type of aircraft in order to find out how it will behave in case of uneven loading, for example, if some of the passengers or cargo move around the cabin in flight. For this, tanks with water are mounted in place of the seats, connected to a system of compressors that pump water between barrels according to the test program. Then, on the basis of the data obtained, recommendations for pilots and a program for aircraft automation are drawn up to avoid a catastrophe when changing balancing in flight (for example, mass movement of passengers in the cabins in an emergency situation on board).

Third - antennas

Such photographs are less common, but we will touch on them as well. In general, military devices like antennas, sensors, various fairings provide the richest food for imagination. In the presented photos - the cone of the ELF communication antenna of the flying command center of the US Strategic Command, designed to communicate with nuclear submarines at ultra-low frequencies, penetrating the water column. The length of the antenna unwound in flight is up to 7000m.


This is a US naval aircraft (we see the inscription "NAVY" on board) E-6B "Takamo" - a military modification of the Boeing B-707, we will meet it later. Below the cone of the cable receiver is a camera for monitoring the cable.

Fourth - hydrometeorological planes

Photos of several of these aircraft are also popular on TX sites, apparently due to the fact that they depict a large number of tubes for sampling air, bombards for shooting charges with silver iodide (a composition that accelerates precipitation when sprayed over a cloud) and containers with scientific equipment …

A container with silver iodide under the wing of a twin-engine Cessna C-340 by North American Weather Consultants
A container with silver iodide under the wing of a twin-engine Cessna C-340 by North American Weather Consultants

A container with silver iodide under the wing of a twin-engine Cessna C-340 by North American Weather Consultants.

Bombards for shooting charges of silver iodide on the hull and behind the wing of the same “ Cessna C-340 ” the same company
Bombards for shooting charges of silver iodide on the hull and behind the wing of the same “ Cessna C-340 ” the same company

Bombards for shooting charges of silver iodide on the hull and behind the wing of the same “ Cessna C-340 ” the same company.

Also bombards for shooting silver iodide on the hull of a twin-engine light jet aircraft
Also bombards for shooting silver iodide on the hull of a twin-engine light jet aircraft

Also bombards for shooting silver iodide on the hull of a twin-engine light jet aircraft.

Tubes for air sampling from the Gulfstream G-1 laboratory aircraft
Tubes for air sampling from the Gulfstream G-1 laboratory aircraft

Tubes for air sampling from the Gulfstream G-1 laboratory aircraft.

They are, close-up
They are, close-up

They are, close-up.

Aircraft laboratory based on Grumman Gulfstream I, designed to assess air pollution by smoke from the chimneys of factories and thermal power plants
Aircraft laboratory based on Grumman Gulfstream I, designed to assess air pollution by smoke from the chimneys of factories and thermal power plants

Aircraft laboratory based on Grumman Gulfstream I, designed to assess air pollution by smoke from the chimneys of factories and thermal power plants.

As you can see from the photographs, these are all light and medium-tonnage aircraft, there are no airliners among them. A large number of air bleed tubes on the Gulfstream I go to a variety of scientific instrumentation, and silver iodide spray systems are used to "clear the clouds." Passenger airliners are not equipped with such equipment.

The result of shelling the clouds with cartridges of silver iodide from the aircraft “ Cessna C-340 ” by North American Weather Consultants - a hole in the dense cloud cover
The result of shelling the clouds with cartridges of silver iodide from the aircraft “ Cessna C-340 ” by North American Weather Consultants - a hole in the dense cloud cover

The result of shelling the clouds with cartridges of silver iodide from the aircraft “ Cessna C-340 ” by North American Weather Consultants - a hole in the dense cloud cover.

Fifth - auxiliary power units (APU), ventilation hatches, air intakes, etc. The most common subject of photographs is after photographs of the footprints themselves. Strange-looking nozzles of some devices "unnecessary" for an ordinary plane, obviously not connected with engines and located where it is most convenient to "spray".

The auxiliary power unit is a small turbojet engine designed to generate electricity and create operating pressure in the pneumatic system and for air conditioning while the aircraft is on the ground.

Boeing V-737 APU nozzle
Boeing V-737 APU nozzle

Boeing V-737 APU nozzle

Boeing V-747 APU nozzle
Boeing V-747 APU nozzle

Boeing V-747 APU nozzle

APU nozzle of Airbus A-380
APU nozzle of Airbus A-380

APU nozzle of Airbus A-380

APU nozzle IL-76
APU nozzle IL-76

APU nozzle IL-76

In fact, it is the most necessary device after the engine, without which no large aircraft will take off. In order to start the main engines using an electric starter, a decent power is needed in the on-board network - the starter will have to spin the heavy turbines of the engines to operating speed so that they create operating pressure in the combustion chamber and the fuel can ignite. Onboard batteries are not able to provide such power, and until 1967 the engines were started from the ground network. In 1967, the Boeing B-727 was first used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to ensure the aircraft's independence from ground services. Currently, the APU is an integral part of the design of most aircraft and helicopters. The APU nozzle is usually located in the tail of the aircraft under the keel, and the air intake is located on the fuselage or in the toe of the keel. On chemtrail sites, he is also often mistaken for a device of insidious spraying of poisons on the heads of civilians.

The following photos show the auxiliary power unit of the Boeing B-737 airliner.


These photos were taken from a site offering mechanic training for this system. It does not contain any secret components that drain poisons in flight (for which, according to TX, it is necessary to give nondisclosure receipts), and anyone who wishes can undergo training.

Sixth - fuel drain system

Such photographs can also be found on the chemtrail forums, with captions that they are definitely being "sprayed" here.


Most plausible of all that is said about the discharges of substances from aircraft. Excess fuel from the wing fuel tanks is actually being dumped here in order to bring the weight of the aircraft to the optimum landing. This is done because the landing speed depends on the weight of the aircraft, the lighter it is, the lower this speed and the safer the landing and the shorter the run along the runway. And the fuel supply is calculated on the basis that the aircraft can be redirected to another aerodrome in case of closure of the destination aerodrome due to weather or for other reasons.

This is an obligatory part of the calculation of each departure, with an exact indication of the alternate aerodrome, routes, expected weather on it, the necessary fuel supply for safe departure. And this surplus in some cases has to be drained in flight if it has not been used up. It has nothing to do with the formation of a trace (especially for a long time hanging in the sky, of which the supporters of TX are so afraid) and immediately falls to the ground in the form of large drops. The fuel is discharged strictly in certain areas, remote from the places where people live and from nature protection zones. The discharged kerosene, of course, pollutes the environment at the place of the fall, but this has nothing to do with the spraying of secret pesticides in the stratosphere and other horrors of the chemtrail subculture.

Another interesting photo is the discharge of fuel from the above-mentioned E-6B Takamo military aircraft of the US Air Force (an identification mark is visible on the right wing).


In the basic model of the Boeing B-707, the fuel dump cranes are located at the wingtips, but the reconnaissance modification has containers with communication equipment there, and the cranes are moved closer to the hull. These fairings are sometimes passed off as hanging chemical tanks. Indeed, they look incomprehensible.


In fact, they are SATCOM space communication containers.

Seventh - photographs of experiments to study turbulence

You can also often find it as a strong argument that "spray".


Boeing B-747 NASA Research Laboratory with six smoke generators on the wings. From another angle, two more planes with recording equipment can be seen flying nearby.


The first photo clearly shows how the jet from the wing obscures the right stabilizer, worsening the control of the aircraft. Approximately such observations of aerodynamics are the purpose of the "smoky" experiments.

And this is how, by adding a few scary words through Photoshop, what will be presented as the result of research and proof of the chemical harm of traces is created.


The first photo is a diagram of the turbulence of the Airbus A-320, obtained in a wind tunnel when the model was blown off, the second is from the chemtrails website.

4. Firefighting aircraft and aircraft with rocket boosters

Photos of firefighting planes can also often be found on chemtrail forums, probably due to the too threatening type of water discharge. The burning Christmas trees at the bottom of the photo are usually either cut off or painted over, and you get a terrible plane, pouring out a monstrous stream. It is difficult to say who these photos are aimed at, when even children already know what a fire plane is, but for the sake of the overall picture, it is worth mentioning them.


Such an aircraft has a device for a salvo discharge of water or an extinguishing mixture, which it discharges onto the fire site like a bomber. This equipment for a single discharge of tens of tons of water has nothing to do with spraying and contrails, the water immediately falls down and does not hang in the sky for hours.

Another scary snapshot roaming the sites is the takeoff of an experimental American B-47 bomber with powder boosters.


This system was developed during the Cold War in case the runways were bombed by the Russians so that they could take off with a short takeoff run. Similar systems were developed then in all countries. Photo of 1951, on chemtrail sites, the ground is sometimes cropped from below so that the plane "flies and sprays" in a clear sky.

5. Real atomization

Now let's look at the cases when there is indeed a spraying of chemicals from aircraft. The first images show Agent Orange sprayed over Vietnam from specially converted C-123 transport aircraft. You can see that the spraying is going on at extremely low altitudes so that the reagent does not drift to the side, and the spray trail does not last for hours - in full accordance with the idea, the reagent immediately hits the target and begins to poison the vegetation.


The second image of the actual spraying is 2010, Gulf of Mexico, oil platform accident remediation operation.


Spraying toxic reagents to liquidate an oil slick from the C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft. Pay attention - the plane also goes low over the target, the dumped mixture is sprayed in the form of large droplets of liquid from special nozzles, and immediately falls on the surface of the ocean covered with oil.

Summing up the technical part, we can say - in reality, not a single photo of technical units of aircraft shown on TX websites is an image of any secret systems for spraying poison. As a rule, these are all fuel rods, antennas, air pressure receivers, air intakes and engine nozzles. Less commonly, these are military and experimental devices, or photographs of real chemical spraying during combat operations or during oil spill response.

6. Statistics and air traffic management

Airport & quot; Domodedovo & quot
Airport & quot; Domodedovo & quot

Airport & quot; Domodedovo & quot;

In conclusion, I would like to raise the topic of the organization of civil aviation and the aviation industry in general. An ordinary person who has nothing to do with aviation, looking at the bulk of the airport, may well admit that there, behind the fence, planes can fill up with some secret ingredients, embed monstrous sprayers in them, and the pilots give a strict receipt to keep the secret all their lives and deny everything … However, in real life, everything is more prosaic.

Any airport in the world is a kind of small city in which hundreds and even thousands of people live and work around the clock, employed in various spheres of airport life.

The pilots and aircraft mechanics, from whom, in the opinion of TX supporters, a non-disclosure receipt was taken, make up the smallest fraction of people involved in the life of the airport. In addition to them (although there are many of them), there are also dispatchers of different levels, weather services, engineers of communication systems, navigation systems, radar systems, electrical and lighting equipment, information systems, providing aircraft with fuel and lubricants, a service for working with passengers and luggage, control specialists and office work, aviation security service, transport police, road workers, mechanized convoy, firefighters, border guards, customs, supply. And all these people work every day in close connection with each other, their fields of activity constantly intersect. The dispatcher and flight director knows everything about the situation on the airfield, right down to every vehicle and person,the aviation security service monitors the entire territory of the airport, signalmen and electric lighting technicians are also in all its corners, shift engineers in the linear control rooms are aware of all the work carried out on the field, etc., etc. These people come across in their work with the equipment of the airport and aircraft many times a day, and have never encountered secret sprayers.

Against this background, a story reprinted from site to site about a fired American aircraft technician who discovered "microscopic tubes in the wing, which are so small that they cannot be seen by ordinary service personnel," and that then a note was thrown into his closet that he should not visit sites about chemtrails, it doesn't even look funny.

The chemtrail theory in this case tries to write off everything to conspiracy and secrecy. Even if it is purely speculative to suppose concealment of some actions by airport workers, or concealment of the presence of some abnormal spraying devices on planes, then thousands of people will have to be included in the circle of conspirators in only one fairly large airport like Domodedovo or Sheremetyevo. Moreover, this number of these people will be constantly replenished, due to the hiring of new employees and the dismissal of old ones, who will also have to remain silent all their lives in any condition. And there are hundreds of airports in Russia alone, there are thousands of them around the world, which expands the number of conspirators to many millions. And if we add to this list aviation schools, where cadets study the plane to the last screw, aircraft building and aircraft repair plants,aviation design bureaus and design institutes - the number of potential conspirators can be multiplied several thousand times more. It turns out that about one tenth of the world's population is directly involved in this conspiracy to spill poison on their own heads.

Another question worth asking when studying chemtrail theory is how the poisoners themselves will avoid being poisoned by their own poison? After all, the Earth has one atmosphere, we all breathe the same air. And the air that was over Europe yesterday - today it is over Russia, and tomorrow it will be over China, then it will go to Australia, etc. Some strange way was chosen by the world behind the scenes - to poison the whole world, and not only people, but also animals, birds, forests, scattering toxins through it through aircraft exhaust.

Wouldn't it be more practical to reduce the unwanted population by more targeted methods - for example, through vodka and tobacco, medicines, food for third world countries, local wars, unemployment, hunger? As a last resort - to poison not aviation kerosene, but gasoline for cars. Where do planes fly and where do cars go gas, why do we breathe more? The poison would immediately fall into the target zone, and by metering the supply of poisoned fuel to the regions, one could avoid one's own poisoning.

It is worth looking at this theory from an angle of monstrous, but rationality, rescaling it from "myself in danger" to the whole world, including the alleged villain-poisoners. After all, whatever one may say - we all live on a common planet under the same sky and exhaust is carried throughout the atmosphere, and such poison will fall on all heads, not choosing where are the chosen conspirators, and where the people doomed to extinction.

However, you can easily check the "conspiracy of airlines" by getting a job in one of them, there are always many vacancies open - you need pilots, specialists in servicing various nodes, you need specialists in electronics and radio equipment, signalmen, SAB workers - in general, there is an opportunity to get planes to the closest distance and touch everything with your own hands.

7. Instead of withdrawal

Everything written above, both the technical facts and the reasoning, do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, which is supposed to be believed. It would be better if every interested person, without relying on unconditional faith in someone else's words, himself checks the existing arguments of the chemtrail theory for truth. And he will soberly compare them with everyday reality, both in terms of the laws of meteorology, facts from the life of the aviation industry, and in terms of the rationality of such unusual methods of "world genocide".

Clean your sky!

Author: Aerien