Soup From Bigfoot - Alternative View

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Soup From Bigfoot - Alternative View
Soup From Bigfoot - Alternative View

Video: Soup From Bigfoot - Alternative View

Video: Soup From Bigfoot - Alternative View
Video: My Bigfoot Story Ep. 187 - Any Sign Of Bigfoot Around The Cottage 2024, September

There are several known cases when the military killed or captured strange hairy "people" during the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War.

In July 1925, in the mountains of Tajikistan, a Red Army detachment under the command of Mikhail Stepanovich Topilsky pursued a gang of Basmachi. Trying to break away from the Red Army soldiers, the gang went deeper and deeper into the remote mountainous area. On the 18th day of the chase, when Topilskiy's detachment stopped for the night, the sentry noticed three people on the other side of a wide ice crevice.

The commander began to examine the suspicious trio through binoculars. His surprise was great when he saw not the Basmachi, not the shepherds, but the most real wild people. It was a family - a tall and large male, a female and a calf. One of the fighters offered to scare the "hairy" with a machine gun, but Topilskiy forbade to shoot. In the meantime, the male apparently sensed or heard people, he shouted something inarticulate, and the family quickly disappeared into the rocks.

A few days later, the detachment came into contact with the enemy: the Basmachi opened fire from an ambush. However, the force was on the side of the Red Army, the remnants of the gang took refuge in a cave, which was blocked by Topilsky's people. The Basmachs were offered to surrender, they had to give an answer in an hour. Suddenly, shots rang out in the cave, and almost immediately from the shooting, the ice visor, hanging over the entrance, collapsed. Only one wounded Basmach managed to escape.

The prisoner said that when the ultimatum was discussed, creepy hairy creatures appeared from the back of the cave. Between the Basmachs and the snowmen who lived in the cave, a fierce battle began to boil, and it was interrupted by the avalanche.

“To find the leader of the gang with the documents, the Red Army men began to dismantle the rubble and came across the corpse of a hairy creature. Fortunately for the researchers of Bigfoot, MS Topilskiy described him in detail: “At first glance, it seemed to me that in front of me was the corpse of a monkey: it was covered with wool. But at the same time, the corpse turned out to be human-like. We repeatedly turned the corpse on its stomach and back, measured it. A thorough examination of the corpse, carried out by our doctor, excluded the assumption that it was a person. The creature was male, 165-170 centimeters tall. In general, the color of his coat was grayish-brown, the coat is very thick, although without undercoat.

Least of all the hair is on the buttocks, from which the lekpom concluded that the creature sits like a person. Most of the hair on the thighs. There is no hair at all on the knees, calloused formations are noticeable. The entire foot and sole are completely hairless, covered with rough brown skin. The shoulders and arms are covered with hair so that their density decreases towards the hand, and there is still hair on the back of the hand, and there are absolutely no hair on the palm

The victim lay with open eyes and bared teeth. The eye color is dark. The teeth are very large, even, without strongly protruding canines. There are very powerful projections above the eyes - the brows. Strongly protruding cheekbones. The nose is flattened, with a deeply depressed bridge of the nose. Hairless ears seem to be more pointed upward than human ears. The lower jaw is very massive. The victim had a powerful chest and well-developed muscles. In the structure of the body, we did not notice any deviations from the person."

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Very strange "Japanese scouts"

Even before the Great Patriotic War in 1939, there was a military conflict in the area of the Khalkhin-Gol River. Soviet troops, together with Mongolian troops, defeated the Japanese who invaded Mongolia. During the work of the commission to study the question of the existence of Bigfoot at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Professor B. Fedorov recorded the story of Kolpashnikov, an employee of the Moscow Electromechanical Plant, who participated in the battles on Khalkhin Gol in Mongolia.

“I served as the head of a special department of the 8th separate Red Banner motorized brigade. Once they called me and said that two Japanese intelligence officers had been killed at night. I went to the scene and there I saw two corpses. They looked like great apes. The bodies were unevenly covered with brown hair. The arms were disproportionately long.

The sentry reported that, seeing two figures on the crest of the dune, he ordered to stop and fired a warning shot. The "scouts" rushed to run, and then the Red Army soldier began to shoot at them. Of course, I knew that monkeys are not found on the territory of Mongolia. An old Mongol who came up did not express surprise and said: “These are wild people who live in the mountains. It is not known why they came here …"

By the way, in the archives of the Commission for the Study of the Bigfoot there is information that in 1937 the Soviet Marshal P. S. Rybalko saw with his own eyes a wild humanoid creature in the area of Lake Lop Nor. The Chinese officer informed him that the cavalrymen had caught the "wild man" and were holding him in the train. Pavel Semenovich decided to look at the unusual prisoner. A hairy humanoid creature lay tied to a wagon. Alas, this meeting of the relict hominid with the military turned out to be fatal for him: after eight days of travel, a wild man died near the city of Kurlya, unable to stand the road.

The officers did not eat this soup

As a journalist, several years ago I got into the hands of a very interesting letter from M. V. Mitrofanov, it was not possible to publish it then, but realizing the importance of the information contained in it, I saved it, and now you can read it.

“The school where I studied was a museum of military glory. Veterans were our frequent guests. And it so happened that with one of them I soon found myself a neighbor. He was a retired colonel who graduated from a tank school back in 1936, then participated in the armed conflict at Khalkhin Gol, and since 1942 - on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, graduated from the war in 1945 as a deputy commander of a tank regiment.

He loved to talk, remember his fighting youth, and I loved listening to his unhurried, even lulling, but at the same time incredibly interesting stories. And our conversations continued for many years, until his death. I want to retell one of his stories. I don’t know in what form it is better to put it, but I will try from the third person.

In the spring of 1940, when the fighting on Khalkhin Gol had already died down, our units were in the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic, and my neighbor was, if I am not mistaken, the head of a mobile tank repair workshop.

Once the sentries noticed a stranger not far from the unit's location (this is in the steppe, where there were no settlements for 100 miles around) and began to pursue him. He tried to hide. The soldiers opened fire and wounded the "unknown". Imagine their surprise when in the bushes between the hills they found a huge monkey! The animal was wounded, was bleeding, and was dragged to the unit. (The bulk of the soldiers were peasants, so they never saw the monkey.)

The unit commander, too, obviously did not shine with general education and reasoned like this: “We are in Asia, abroad! And in Asia, abroad, as if monkeys live. I myself have read in books. Therefore, the appearance of a giant monkey in the Mongolian steppe did not surprise anyone.

My neighbor, after all, a Muscovite, with a technical education, in a word, a fairly intelligent person, understood that in Mongolia there are not and cannot be any monkeys, and even more so anthropoid. In addition, he grew up in Krasnaya Presnya and spent his childhood (according to him) in the zoo, where the boys climbed over the fence. And, of course, I saw a lot of monkeys.

In a word, he understood that this was not a monkey, and indeed it did not resemble this creature, like an ordinary monkey. But … it is often very difficult for a literate person to prove anything to an illiterate.

The neighbor tried to say something, but realized that it was "a voice crying in the wilderness." So this creature remained a monkey for all. After a short time, it died, probably from blood loss.

The most interesting thing happened next. The supply of troops was difficult. That is, the products were not bad, but it was very difficult to deliver them in off-road conditions, as a neighbor said: a waterless steppe for hundreds of kilometers is worse than a swamp. There was no question of fresh meat at all. And the commander of the unit ordered the killed "monkey" to be sent … to the cauldron.

Officially, it seemed to be buried, but in fact, they skinned and made soup. In the dining room, this dish was listed as "horse meat soup" … And it passed! They ate and were alive! Such is the incredible story!

Of course, I asked my neighbor colonel to describe this creature in more detail. Here's what he could remember: huge, taller than the tallest man, it looks like very strong, shaggy, matted, brown hair. And most importantly, traits that the narrator could not articulate accurately.

This creature looked very much like a man. Monkey - she is a monkey, an animal that can never be confused with a person. It moaned somehow humanly. Paws moved - very similar to human gestures. And the eyes! You look - you start, seemingly as meaningful, and it’s scary to look at them, but why exactly it’s scary, the narrator could not explain. As I understood from the story, the creature did not make any attempts to "talk" with people.

The colonel-neighbor ended his story like this: "Still, in any case, it was not a man, not even a wild one, it was an animal."

Yes, I missed that the creature was male, but with much smaller genitals than would have been expected from the overall dimensions of the body.

I had no reason to disbelieve the colonel.

Perhaps this story will seem incredible to some, but I believe it. In life, sometimes so fantastic things happen that this case looks more real against their background.

By the way, somewhere at the beginning of the new millennium in one of the magazines I came across a curious article. "Farmer ate Bigfoot" - this title of the article, of course, could not fail to attract my attention. It reported that Willie Handover, a farmer from Idaho, was driving home in his pickup truck and hit a large animal on the road. Considering him for a bear, he took the carcass home (why good to waste!), Butchered it and stuffed his refrigerator with meat. Although the bear looked strange to Willie, he didn’t bother himself, and the whole farm family gorged themselves with “bear meat” for a couple of weeks, complaining only about a certain harshness of the meat.

Handover took the skin to a tannery, and it was there that he was told that it could not have belonged to a bear … The owner of the workshop insisted on transferring the skin to the local university. Scientists, having examined her, said that such an animal is unknown to science. "The skin could well belong to Bigfoot!" - experts said …

This story, in my opinion, may turn out to be a fiction. Although American farmers only in the movies are very smart, beautiful, sexy and bulletproof, there are a lot of very limited guys in life among them, they can confuse an ape-like man with a bear … The only question is in the skin: if she got to the scientists, then about such solid proof of existence Bigfoot had to write and talk about as much as Patterson's famous Bigfoot film. Since this is not the case, it means, most likely, we are dealing with an ordinary newspaper duck.

Shot just in case …

The following story has been written more than once, but, so to speak, for the sake of completeness of the topic, I will dwell on it. It happened in Dagestan in 1941. The patrol group, which detained all suspicious persons (looking for deserters, saboteurs and spies), caught a strange hairy man without clothes near the forest, who was dragging a head of cabbage under his arm. The detainee was taken to the aul. The military had a suspicion that the skin was on or glued on for disguise … A doctor was called to give his opinion. The detainee was examined by Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service V. S. Karapetyan. This is what he recalled:

“The only thing I could say about the creature that stood in front of me was that it was male, without clothes or shoes. And this was without a doubt a man, because in all its appearance this creature looked like a man. However, his chest, back and shoulders were covered with matted dark brown hair. The hair on the body of this creature was similar to that of a bear, its length ranged from 2 to 3 cm. Below the chest, the hair of the creature was less frequent and softer. The wrists were dirty and covered with hair. There was no hair on the hands and toes."

“This man was standing perfectly straight, his arms were hanging loosely along his body. His height was above average and was about 180 cm. He stood in front of me like a giant, his chest protruded forward. His fingers were thick, strong, and seemed very large. In general, he seemed much larger than any of the local residents."

Karapetyan gave a conclusion that the detainee is a "wild man of an unknown species" and there are no grounds to suspect him of a spy or saboteur. After that, Vazgen Sergeevich returned to his unit. In his opinion, the detainee was most likely transferred to the military counterintelligence. Some sources directly write that a wild man (just in case …) was shot …