Ruskolans Or Roksolans? - Alternative View

Ruskolans Or Roksolans? - Alternative View
Ruskolans Or Roksolans? - Alternative View

Video: Ruskolans Or Roksolans? - Alternative View

Video: Ruskolans Or Roksolans? - Alternative View

Professor D. I. Ilovaisky (1832-1920) in his work "History of Russia" (v. 1) wrote that the formation of the Russian state should be attributed to very ancient times and precisely to those when the Roksolan tribes settled on the middle Dnieper, conquering the neighboring tribes, i.e. northerners, part of the Krivichi, Polyan, Drevlyans, etc.

Strabo said that the Roxolans in 94. BC. with their king Tasia participated in the war against Mithridates in alliance with the Scythian king Skilur, but were defeated.

According to the scientist Malte-Brune and others, Roskholans (Ruskoluni according to the texts of the Veles Book) separated from the Suromat tribes, migrating from Asia to Europe in two ways: northern - dry and southern - sea. The southern branch of the Roksolans moved from east to west into Asia Minor and the Northern Black Sea region. After the destruction of Troy, the Asia Minor part of the Roksolans began to be called the Venets or Wends. And the Black Sea, surrounded in those days from all sides by the lands of the Rus-Wends-Slavs, already, according to Nestor, "is reputed to be Russian."

According to the geographer Strabo, they lived along the upper reaches of the Don and Dnieper rivers. The Roman historian Appian (? –70s. II century) reports that they were a very strong people and waged frequent wars with Rome, attacking its possessions along the Danube River.

Tacitus wrote that the Sarmatian tribe of Roxolans with the 9000th cavalry invaded Roman Mysia in 69 AD. AD, destroyed two Roman cohorts, but when they scattered for plunder, the Romans hit them and defeated. This defeat was facilitated by the thaw. Dressed in heavy scaly shells with long pikes and large swords, the Roxolans drowned in the loose snow and were forced to dismount, as their horses stumbled, the riders fell and barely got up.

According to Appian, the Roxolans occupied the southern part of Poland, Chervonnaya Rus and the Kiev region during the first 3 centuries of our era. The Gothic historian Jordan places them in the same places, and the anonymous geographer of the city of Ravenna adds that they also occupied Lithuania and its neighboring regions.

According to the most ancient manuscript of Jordan, which is kept in the Ambrosia library in Milan, the Roxolans are called Rossomanorum (i.e., Ross). And if we add the studies of the Syrian rhetorician Zacharias (555 AD) about the people of Ross, who lived west of the r. Don and occupying a huge territory, that is, exactly the places where the Roxolans-Rossomuns-Ruskoluni lived, it is quite clear that all the above authors spoke of ancient Russia - “Russian Land”.

MV Lomonosov wrote: … "It is known about the Alans and Vendians from the abovementioned that they are Slavs and Rossans of the same tribe." "The Rugen Slavs were called in abbreviated form as early, that is, from the Ry (Volga) River and Rossans." “Alaric is revered by Pretoria as a Roujan. Procopius of this island is called the inhabitants of the Goths, and that the Goths were inclined to the election of the Ruzhan princes as their kings.

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Archaeologist D. Ya. Samokvasov (1843–1911) found more than 3000 "Ruskoluns" or round settlements in which our ancestors lived. Many of these cleaving settlements date back to the Neolithic, our ancestors lived in them long before the birth of Christ.

Claudius Ptolemy, who lived until 125. AD, in the work "System of Geography" he mentions Forest Rus, which he called Borussi in Latin and placed it west of the future Moscow, and later the emerging city of Borovsk and ancient Rusa or Ruza, as indicated on the map. He received his information from the scouts of the Eastern Legion, who collected information along the coast of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas and throughout the territory of the Russian People, especially along the Volga, Oka, Don, Dnieper, Dniester rivers and their tributaries. Exploration was carried out at the request of the emperors Claudius and Nero, that is, in 41-68. AD Roman scouts reported about a number of tribal associations, Forest Rus, Rusy-Kolunyi, living in clefts or settlements throughout the forest-steppe zone, and about other tribes, distorting their names or giving them their nicknames. So they named the Volga River Rha, which K. Ptolemy wrote down. This means Russian river. The Greek author-geographer Agatemirus, who lived around 215 AD, calls the Volga “the river of dews”, since dew lived on it. The village of Roksolany still exists not far from the city of Ovidiopol to the south of Odessa. From the description of Leo the Deacon, it is clear that the Tavro-Scythians and Russia are one and the same. Elsewhere he says: "The Tavro-Scythians call themselves Rus."

In the II century. Roman writers Scortian and Capitoline and Greek Ptolemy and Dio Cassius mention the treaty between King Hadrian and the Ruskolan prince.

According to Tibellius Polion, in the III century. the Roxolans killed Relizhan, one of the 30 tyrants. In the IV century. Amman Marcellinus indicates the habitation of the Roxolans near Lake Myoti, north of Pontus.

Bus Beloyar played an important role in strengthening Ruskolani. At that time it was a huge state that united many Slavic, Finnish, Turkic, Iranian and Caucasian peoples. The Ruskolani clans lived both sedentary and wandered from the Altai mountains to the Carpathians.

According to A. S. Asov, Bus reigned in Golun, in the west of Ruskolani, in the lands of settled farmers. Bus was born as Kolyada, Kryshn and Jesus Christ. At its birth, a new star also appeared - comet Chegir-eel (Halley's comet). The date of birth of Bus Beloyar (April 20, 295) was determined by the comet.

Caucasian legends say that Bus was the eldest son, he had 7 brothers and a sister, Swan. One of his brothers was Zlatogor. The whole family lived in the sacred city of Kiyar - Kiev Antsky (Sar-grad), near Elbrus.

The Beloyar clan originated from the connection of the Belogorov clan, who since ancient times lived near the White Mountain and the Aria Osednya clan (the Yarov clan) at the very beginning of the Beloyar era. The power of Busa Beloyar's ancestors spread from Altai, Zagros to the Caucasus. Bus is the name of the Saka and Slavic princes.

Bus with his brothers and sister spent their childhood in the holy city of Kiev, Antsky. The Magi taught them the wisdom of the ants from the sacred books that were kept in ancient temples. According to legend, these temples were built many thousands of years ago by the wizard Kitovras and Gamayun at the behest of the sun god.

Bus with brothers passed initiation and became sages. To the highest degree of Pobuda (Budai), i.e. Awakened and awakening, a spiritual teacher and herald of the will of the gods, Bus and Zlatogor rose.

Bus sailed to the island of Rhodes and married there the princess Eulisea. There, during the reform of Constantine, he began to adhere to Christianity. Returning to Ruskolan, Bus began to patronize Christians, and he himself began to preach the doctrine of the Path of Rule, of Orthodoxy and Righteousness, of the path of Jesus Christ.

In ancient legends, the life of Iosaph or Budasaf, old Georgian and Greek stories, his patronage to Christians and the preaching of Christianity are reflected. This caused misunderstanding on the part of his father, Prince Dazhin. Dazhin knew that the adoption of Christianity in Armenia led to the destruction of the shrines of the Beloyars (statues of Arius and Kisek), the Vedic temples were closed, and the ministers were executed, or forcibly converted to the new faith.

However, Bus knew that any teaching could be turned into evil. He preached differently. Dazhin did not want to live with his son, who opposed his will. Then Ruskolan was divided. Bus began to reign in the west, in the Dnieper region, and Dazhin in the east. After the death of Dazhin, Bus's power extended to the lands of his father.

Busa's preaching was a continuation of both Christian and Vedic traditions. Bus began to purify and validate the Vedic faith. He gave people a teaching about the Path of Rule. (Veles's book, Bus 1, 2: 1)

The doctrine of the Path of Rule is set forth by Bus in the Proclamation, where cosmology and philosophy are given. Bus said: “Reality is the current, that which is created by the Rule. Nav is after her, and before her there is Nav. And in Rule there is Reality. It also says that it is necessary to glorify the name of the Lord, as well as to honor the ancestors.

Bus strengthened Russia, which waged wars with pagan tribes. He viewed paganism (denial of the Most High) as one of the main dangers for Russia and the Vedic faith (Bus 1, 3: 1-2). He also fought with the Huns. In the Book of Veles (Bus 1, 4) it is said that after defeating the Huns, Bus founded Ruskolan at the Nerpa River.

In the middle of the IV century. Gothic king Germanarich conquered all of Eastern Europe. According to the Veles book, Germanarich first made peace with the Slavs, which was sealed by the marriage of Busa's sister Swan and Germanarikh. They had a son, Clovis, who was brought up by Dazhin's grandfather after the death of Swan.

Germanarich was over 100 years old. According to Edda, Swan fled to his son Rindver. For this, Germanarich hanged his son, and threw the Swan under the horses' hooves. This murder caused the Slavic-Gothic war. Antes with Prince Bus and Slovenia, led by Prince Sloven, opposed the Goths. Bojan, the son of Bus, served as Sloven's aspirants. Germanarich was defeated. According to the testimony of Jordan, Germanarich was struck in the side with a sword by the Rossomon Sar (Tsar Bus) and Ammius (his brother Zlatogor). After this victory over the Goths, Tmutarakan (Taman) and Tavrida (Crimea) returned to the Rus again.

The great cultural heritage of the prince-sorcerer was the reform and ordering of the calendar. We still live according to the Busa calendar. In the folk Orthodox calendar, many Christian holidays had a Vedic meaning in the past. So, after the Christianization of Russia, the day of Elijah the Prophet ousted Perun's day, and the day of the Nativity of the Virgin - the Nativity of Zlata Maya, the day of St. Nicholas Veshny - Yarilin's day, etc. Having given a new understanding of the ancient holidays, Christians did not change the original dates tied to the dates of the passage of the brightest stars in the sky through the vernal equinox line. But due to precession, these stars do not cross Sed Merida (north direction) today on the appropriate modern holidays. They have shifted by an angle of about 22 degrees. It is easy to calculate that the dates of the calendar coincided only in the 360s. That is, under Prince Bus.

The image of the "World Circle", that is, the calendar "Kolo Svarog" on the pedestal of the statue of Bus Beloyar, confirms the Bus's reform. All events described in the Vedas are marked in this calendar. Bus constituted the Annual Colo of Agricultural Festivals. All natural phenomena, the change of seasons, seasonal changes in the weather were explained according to the Busov calendar by the reflection in Revelation of what is happening in Navi, in the world of gods and spirits. Bus improved the already existing calendar based on the Star Book of Kolyada. After the death of Ruskolani, the dates were no longer specified, with Christianization (Byzantium) only the names of the holidays changed.

From the time of Bus and to the present, the dates of the festivities in the folk calendar coincide with the sidereal dates of 368. AD (5875 from the creation of the world according to Byzantine calculation). This calendar is followed by the Russian Orthodox Church, which has preserved the starry mystery of the ancient Busov calendar.

368g. has a certain astrological meaning. This is the end of the Beloyar (Aries) era, the beginning of the Rod (Pisces) era. The Great Day of Svarog, which is also called the Year of Svarog, which lasted 27 millennia, ended (the Troyan centuries, counting from the time of Troyan, the grandfather of the Patriarch Rus, ended). The Night of Svarog has come (Winter of Svarog). This means that people leave the gods.

Bus Beloyar and 70 princes were crucified on the night of Thursday to Friday, March 20/21, 368. The eclipse of the moon lasted from midnight to three o'clock on March 21st. They were executed by order of the successor of Germanarich Venitarius, who belonged to the German-Venetian royal family of Amals. Velesov's book directly calls him Vend. Many descendants of Venitaria bore Slavic names: Vandalari (son), Valamir and Vidimir (grandchildren).

Bus's wife poured a mound over their grave on the banks of the Etoko River (a tributary of the Podkumka) and erected a monument made by Greek craftsmen on the mound. Then she ordered to perpetuate the memory of Busa, to rename the Altud-Alatyrka river to Baksan (Busa river). Bus, like Jesus, was resurrected on the third day, Sunday. And on the fortieth day he ascended Fof-Gora. Currently, the Busu monument is kept in the storerooms of the Historical Museum in Moscow. It is impossible to come up and take a picture of it, it is littered with rubbish. And few people know that this 3-meter statue is dedicated to Bus, and the inscription on it is not translated.

Patriarch Prokulos (434-447), who ruled the Byzantine Patriarchate under the Emperor Theodosius II, informs in his address to the people about the people of Southern Russia, in which he sees the descendants of the dews. The prophet Ezekiel said about them that this people of southern Russia attacked together with the Huns of Khan Royola (Rugila) in 420. to Byzantium. But Emperor Theodosius II paid off, and the Rus returned to their country on the river. Borisfenus (Dnieper), and Khan Royola soon died, and Attila was chosen in his place.

Southern Russia is the tribes of Rus who came from the Wild Field and settled along the rivers Ros, Seim, Dnieper, Desna and Sule. At the beginning of the 5th century. here was the state of the Russian Land, which united the following tribes: rus, glade, drevlyans, dregovichi, polochans (they are western krivichi) and northerners. The founder of this state was the Prince, who walked "by force of an army to Constantinople", and the "forgotten king" was Emperor Theodosius II.

According to the Veles book, the princes Kyi, Shchekho, Khoriv are the rulers of their tribes - Russia. These tribes are a nation, which the book calls Ruskoluny, i.e. Rus-farmers, known to Latin authors under the name "Roxolane".

Moses Khorensky, who lived around 468. AD in Armenia, wrote "History of the Nations", which mentions the people of the Rus. The next witness, Joseph the False, mentions the Rus people who lived north of the Black Sea.

Jordan in the VI century. tells how during the war the "Russian men" went over to the side of the empire. One of them left his beautiful wife Sunilda in Scythia. Germanarich ordered to tie her to two horses and "open the field", which was done. Her brothers Sarus and Ammius took revenge by inflicting fatal blows on the king with a sword (according to some sources, they cut off his arms and legs), "… he soon died a miserable death." In the VI century. the Byzantine writers Procopius and Mauritius hide the Roxolans under the name of Antes.

The Persian ruler of Derbent, Shah-Riar, mentions the Russian people. In 645. Knauer, a specialist in ancient Arabic literature, conveys the words of Arab authors who report that they knew the people of Russia, who lived along the Volga River until 713.

All authors from 41 to 713. from the words of Roman intelligence officers, the ancestors of the Russians are called Rus' or dews, but they are never called Slavs. Although the Rus existed before the appearance of Roman scouts.

The unity of the Russian Land took shape by the 6th century. and kept for 2 centuries. This unity of the tribes of the northerners, glades, rus, and others received a common name after one of the tribes included in this union - rus. The place of their settlement should be considered the river. Ros and the nearest section of the Dnieper. This is also confirmed by archeology - the northern neighbors of the Rus were glades, and the eastern neighbors were northerners.

Slovenia, settling down the Morava River, began to be called Morava, those who settled along the Vistula were called Lyakhams (whose descendants were Polyana, Lutichi, Mazovians, Pomorians). The meadows lived along the Dnieper, the Drevlyans lived in the forests. Those who settled between Pripyat and Dvina began to be called Krivichi and Dregovichi. The tribes that settled down the Dvina were named Polochans, after the name of its tributary - Polota. Other tribes near Lake Ilmera (Ilmertsy) built the city of Novgorod. The Slovians who lived along the Desna, Sule and Semi rivers called themselves the north. So the Slavic clans parted.

According to legend, the Apostle Andrew in the 1st century. AD, brother of Peter, ascended from the mouth of the Dnieper to the Dnieper mountain and put a cross on the mountain, saying: "Kiev will be here." Along the Dnieper he came to Slovenia (now Novgorod), saw how people wash in a bath, was surprised and went to the Varangians. Andrey traveled around southern and northern Russia up to the island of Valaam, an ancient Russian sanctuary. Everywhere he saw prosperous Slavic-Russian communities. Fortified cities and fortresses towered everywhere, surrounded by powerful log walls. In the oral legends of the Valaam Monastery, details about the stay of the Apostle Andrew on Ladoga are preserved. The Valaam monastery was repeatedly attacked by the Swedes and ruined. Storages and archives were indulged in fire. Therefore, no written confirmation has survived. Andrew the First-Called “passed Golyad, Kosog, Roduen, Skef,Scythian and Slovenian reached Smolensk in adjacent meadows (steppe), and the militias of Skof and Sloviansk the Great, and leaving Ladoga, sowing in lodya, went to Valaam, baptizing everywhere, and supplying stone crosses to all places. Today, the Resurrection Skete has been built near Nikon's Bay, where the Apostle moored to the island.

The Apostle Andrew was the first to respond to Christ's call to follow him and was the first to proclaim him the messiah, therefore he received the nickname the First-Called (John 1.41). Peter's brother Andrew was a fisherman, together with his brother fished on the lake of Galilee, then went to John the Baptist and for some time was his disciple until he was called to the Jordan by Jesus. After the death and resurrection of Christ, he traveled and preached in Russia. Then he returned to Rome and said that he had learned a lot and had seen a lot that was unusual and outlandish. Then Andrew the First-Called was crucified in the Greek city of Patras on an oblique cross by order of the Roman proconsul.

The Radziwill Chronicle supports this message with an illustration depicting the raising of a cross on the banks of the Dnieper. In the upper right corner of the miniature, there is a drawing of an aircraft that looks like a modern spaceship. These were the first satellites, and later - and descent vehicles. The same "companion" is depicted in the illustrated Old Russian book "A Commendable Word for the Conception of St. John the Baptist", which tells about an angel who came down from heaven and the proclamation of a miracle: the barren wife of the priest Zacharias Elizabeth, with the blessing of the Lord, should conceive and give birth to the future prophet John the Baptist. Another "flying machine" is shown in the icon of the 16th century. on the theme of the Apocalypse from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery: this shows a typical two-stage rocket with a detachable module and three nozzles,from which a tongue of flame bursts out.

“… Slovenia is sitting in Novgorod, while others are on the river. Polite - Polotsk residents. In the upper reaches of the Volga, Dvina and Dnieper were the Krivichi, their city of Smolensk. All sits on Belozero, on Lake Kleshchina - Merya. According to the Tsarina, where it flows into the Volga, it is a messenger and has its own language. Muroma, cheremis also have their own language. The Slovenian language is spoken by glades, Drevlyans, Novgorodians, Polotsk, Dregovichi, north, Buzhan (along the Bug river) and Volynians. Tribute is given to Rus: all, Merya, Muroma, Cheremis, Yam, Mordovians, Pechera, Lithuania, Zemigolova, Kors, Neroma, Liv - have their own language from Afet and live in northern countries."

MV Lomonosov had evidence that the Roksolans or Rusalans were the ancestors of the Rus. When he died, his archives ended up in the Academy of Sciences, where the German Schlözer, who was hostile to him in his views on Russian history, "reigned". After Schlötser's "efforts" the chronicle data disappeared from the archives of MV Lomonosov, they were destroyed. The Greek historical work "War with the Scythians", the works of Dexipus, "The Great Chronicle" disappeared.

Pomponius Mela in the work "Chronography", written about 47. AD, tells about the ants living “above the Hyperboreans and the Amazons”. Tacitus in the work "Germany" about 98. AD speaks of the existence of the Wends, the same Antes. There is no doubt for us that the Kievan Land was the southern part of the land of the Antes or the north. Constantine Porphyrogenitus called the Polish tribe Lenganes in Greek transcription - "Lezanins". The city of Polotsk is named after the Polota River. The Kurinka River gave its name to the city of Kursk. The Rusyns were the southwestern Slavs, who then lived west of the Dnieper, south of Kiev. Thus, the beginning of Kievan Rus is most likely to be sought in the middle Danube region.

The glade began to be called Rus under Constantine Porphyrogenitus. They were a sedentary agricultural tribe of the Eastern Slavs, which was located between the Drevlyans from the west and the tribes of the north from the east and spread south along the Dnieper. From the south, the Rusyns tribe approached their lands, pushed aside by hordes of Asian nomads, which was confirmed by B. A. Rybakov by archaeological finds. The Rusyns, having adopted the culture of the Black Sea region and being more cultured, absorbed numerically smaller glades. There was no war between the glades and the Rus, they quickly assimilated.

Having appeared in the Kiev region, the Rusyns organized a significant state from the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. On the Western Dvina and on the Volkhov, states were created with centers of purely Eastern Slavs.

The era of the great migration of peoples must be revised, the role of the Slavs in this huge process, which Russian historians have not studied due to the isolation from Western sources, must be revealed.

The South Russian scientist Gizel (died in 1684), he is also Archimandrite Innokenty, the rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in his work "Synopsis" indicates that Kiy, Khorev and Schek were aliens and, moreover, Russians, they came from the south - from the Black Sea region. This work was the reference book of the pre-Petrine era. Gizel said that the meadows lived on the river. Nepru (Dnipro) and earlier. With the arrival of Kiy, the land of the glades was called the Russian Land. Residents of the r. Nepry - the Nepryans are marked by Herodotus as Neuri, and Claudius Ptolemy - as Nevras, according to the Veles book - Nepry. Greek name p. Nepry (Dnieper) Borisfenis - a river flowing from Borus, from where the Borus live - Forest Rus. In the Veles book, the land occupied by Kiy and his family is called the Land of Ruska (Russian Land). This is the beginning of the Russian Land of our chronicles.

The northerners of the Dnieper are a wave of slavs from the Danube, pushed to the north by the movement of hordes of nomads.

Kiy, Khorev and Schek are named brothers in the annals. In the Book of Veles, they are presented as the leaders of the Ruskolun tribes: Horev - Croats, Schek - apparently, Czechs. They are not members of the same family, but the leaders of fraternal tribes. The Veles book says: "Khorev and Shchek moved away from the rest and sat down to the Carpathian Mountains and there are now cities." According to Yu. P. Mirolyubov, they did not want to obey Kyi and retreated west to the Carpathians. But there they were attacked by enemies, and they were forced to flee again to Kiev and Golun. In the Book of Veles, Russia and Golun are mentioned as two separate, related regions with 300 cities and villages. There are also mentioned the Vends, who went to the west and cultivated the land for the enemies "… and adopted a false faith."

O. Vinogradov