Discovering The Amur Atlantis - Alternative View

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Discovering The Amur Atlantis - Alternative View
Discovering The Amur Atlantis - Alternative View

Video: Discovering The Amur Atlantis - Alternative View

Video: Discovering The Amur Atlantis - Alternative View
Video: Legend of Atlantis (Full Episode) | Drain the Oceans 2024, July

There is something to surprise tourists in the Khabarovsk Territory. We have something to see: the Amur River, and Shantary, and the village of Vyatskoye - the birthplace of the Juche and Kim Jong Il, the son of the great leader of the DPRK Kim Il Sung, and the Amur tigers, and ecotourism - fishing or walking in the middle of the almost virgin taiga.

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And what about ethnotourism? If you come to a national village in spring, for example, you will be treated to Nanai wormwood soup. Where else is there?

We have a large land, sparsely populated, which means that there are “white spots”, riddles and secrets. Why not come up with another direction of tourism from this? Let's say to the Khabarovsk Territory - for classified materials.


In search of regional X-files, I turned to Yuri Udovichenko, head of the Club of Far Eastern Researchers, a member of "Cosmopoisk - Far East" - a public research association that studies little-studied, including anomalous, phenomena.

Dolmens and runes

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“For example, we have found dolmens on the territory of one of the tourist eco-routes along the“royal road”in the Bureinsky nature reserve. At first I was told, however, that this is secret information, literally three weeks later the information was everywhere: we have almost a whole stone settlement, just come to us. This is a landmark event.

Scientists speculate that these buildings may date back to the Neolithic or Early Iron Age. Earlier, dolmens have not yet been recorded on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District. The nearest stone structures are located in Mongolia.

- It seems that scientists from Novosibirsk were going to, but still have not arrived. It seems to me that they are not going to. This is contrary to the history books.

Once Yuri Udovichenko and his friends went to Sikachi-Alyan. We went, took pictures of stones with petroglyphs.

- Already at home I sorted out photographs. On one of them I saw a stone with an inscription of three letters. The trick is that they were not painted, but hollowed out on a basalt boulder, they are made in the same technique as, for example, the petroglyph with the famous elk. They could not be seen with the eye, they were caught by the camera. The letters are similar to the Turkic runes.

Dalnegorsk secrets and reality

Yuri Udovichenko has been working on the book "Secrets and Mysteries of the Far East" for several years. A separate chapter in the book will be devoted to the legendary "height 611" - the place of the UFO crash near Dalnegorsk. Scientists came there, studied, called the Russian Roswell.


- I went on an expedition organized by Valery Druzhinov. There is a coal mine near Dalnegorsk, which closed in the early 90s. Now there is a lake. According to some eyewitnesses, a certain creature lives there. The locals laugh, of course. We tried to find a creature at the bottom of the lake with an echo sounder. The equipment behaved strangely, unexpected pictures appeared: at the bottom there were huge long "sausages" that should not be there. They shot a video: a boat is floating, and behind the boat is something with tentacles.

The place is pathogenic, "Martian". You can make fantastic films there. Water washes away the rock - blue clay, waterfalls.

People told that in this area they found a rare rock, similar to a metal alloy, which broke the teeth of an excavator bucket, someone told about giant runners. It was said that an unidentified flying object crashed in these places. Because of this, there is a gravitational anomaly.

- Closed system. There is fish in the lake, but it is not enough. Almost no vegetation. There used to be mining of radioactive coal. They took him to Vladivostok, heated their homes. We found coal on the shore, the radioactivity exceeded three times the norm. One of the versions, it is possible that they dug up SOMETHING. It fell into the water and came to life. It looks like a giant leech that has never attacked humans.

The researchers tried to "communicate" with the animal, gave a sound to the water. The whistle dance began at night. Lights appeared everywhere.

- Apparently, these creatures communicate in the range of ultrasonic waves, and we create interference with our echo sounder.

Snow people and strange circles

- In the north of the Khabarovsk Territory, in the area of the Aldan Upland, we met snowmen. The places are poorly explored, sparsely populated. In the twenties of the last century, they wrote in the newspapers that wild Chukchi live there, that they are furry, go out to people. The Yakuts called them chuchuns.

The article also gave a description of the chuchuna: “… tall, strong build, dressed in animal skin, has very long hair that flutters when running, armed with a bow and arrow, avoids local residents, sometimes climbs into the cellars for edibles, runs very quickly - faster horses.

There is an interesting place in the Khabarovsk region near the village of Novokamenka.

- There are strange spots with a diameter of one hundred meters. There are swamps, flooded meadows. If there is ordinary grass near the spots, then there is tall grass inside the spots. The radiation was measured, it is normal. It all looks like burial grounds. There are bald spots inside the circles.

Real artifacts

There is something to be proud of, something to amaze artifact hunters. Here you have petroglyphs near the villages of Sikachi-Alyan and Malyshevo, the Amur Nefertiti - a female Neolithic figure found in Kondon, and the world's oldest ceramics more than 12 thousand years old in the Archaeological Museum, stone waterfalls in the Khabarovsk region, Amur pillars in the Komsomolsk region.


Some alternative historians believe that these are the remains of an ancient civilization; at a later time, shamanic rituals took place in these places: sections of the wall with clear fitting blocks of the same size, similar to piles; rectangular blocks that lie next to the wall (the feeling is that they were delivered for construction, but for some reason they were not laid), two symmetrically located semicircular blocks resting on rectangular slabs.

There is a breach on the northeastern wall from the Shaman Stone. In the masonry and on the ground - blocks of regular rectangular shape with a section of 80 x 80 cm and a length of 4 meters. Near the "watchtower", located on the ridge, there is a building made of similar blocks.

Yuri Udovichenko also advises to visit the cave near Sosnovka. There, 25 years ago, a boy disappeared, and psychics found out that near the village there is an anomalous cave that bends space and is activated once every a certain number of years. By the way, a bypass road is being built nearby.

And the island of Yadasen on Lake Bolon? There are flying saucers, and stone sculptures (destroyed either by the Japanese, or by ours), the remains of Jurchen temples. They say there is a cave near Achan, where the people of Khabarov himself mined silver.

Mount Magloy with a shamanic sanctuary. There, on the side of the mountain, amateur researchers found three tiers of hewn granite slabs, separated by sandy areas, the slabs were fitted to each other so that a knife blade did not pass between them.


Anyui Pillars (Nadge) in the area of the Gobili River, where Arseniev first saw a "flying man" and described it later in his book.

Here's a quote in full: “I heard the flapping of wings. A large dark mass emerged from the fog and flew over the river. In a moment, she disappeared into thick vapors that rose higher and higher from the ground. The dog expressed obvious fear and huddled at my feet all the time. I was surrounded by a mysterious environment, a strange combination of forest silence, the incessant noise of water in the river, splashes of frightened fish, rustle of grass shaken by the wind. At this time, screams were heard from the other side, similar to the screams of a woman. In the evening after dinner, I told the Udeheis about what I had seen in the taiga. They began to talk very lively about the fact that in these places there is a man who can fly through the air. Hunters often see traces of him, which suddenly suddenly appear on the ground and just as suddenly disappear, which is possible only on conditionif a person descends from above to the ground and rises again into the air. The Udekheis tried to follow him, but every time he frightened people with noise and shouts, the same exactly what I heard today."

There are miracles in the Khabarovsk Territory, there are places where no man's foot has yet set foot. Every traveler has a chance to discover the Amur Atlantis.

Yuri Vyazankin