Flying Saucer Riddles - Alternative View

Flying Saucer Riddles - Alternative View
Flying Saucer Riddles - Alternative View

Video: Flying Saucer Riddles - Alternative View

Video: Flying Saucer Riddles - Alternative View
Video: 9 Riddles Only People with High IQ Can Solve 2024, September

The concept of "flying saucer" has become firmly established in everyday life of both ordinary citizens and science fiction writers after the famous incident in the American town of Roswell, where a round spaceship allegedly crashed in 1947, and at the same time "sensational" photographs of an alien's body flew around the world … Prior to that, it was always believed that if aliens arrive, then only on spaceships, and always with a lot of fire and a loud sound. Today, in many respects, of course, thanks to the widespread use of video recording technology and the Internet, UFOs are constantly recorded, and numerous viewers have the opportunity to see them, but no one has yet been able to explain the principle of operation of these devices.

No matter how modern aircraft are stuffed with electronics by their developers, the principle of operation of even the most modern ship will remain the same as that of the first, on which the Wright brothers made their first flight. Since then, the laws of aerodynamics have not undergone changes and therefore it is quite difficult for a person to realize that there are some other rules that allow an object to easily and nonlinearly move in the air. But looking at the UFOs moving in this way, you involuntarily understand how powerless humanity is and, if necessary, it will not be able to provide at least any resistance. Today, ufologists classify all UFOs into three types: "classic" flying saucers, cigar-shaped objects and balls surrounded by a shimmering energy field. If the first two categories are uniquely controlled by someone inside them, then with respect to the balls,the opinions of experts were divided.

One group of researchers believes that the balls are remotely controlled and are clots of plasma, inside which the aircraft itself may be located. Plasma or force field is a kind of spacesuit and protects the internal device from damage. Another group of researchers is convinced that the operator is still inside the aircraft, which, however, does not change the purpose of the force field. I must say that regarding the purpose of the latter, perhaps everyone is right, since not a single attempt to shoot down such a ball was successful, according to the stories of the pilots who struck, the missiles simply disappeared inside the field, without causing any harm to the object.

While flying saucers and cigar-shaped objects often move alone, less often in a group of several objects, the balls often form exactly a group performing some kind of maneuvers. However, regardless of the type of object, any of them can perform such movements in the air, which are not available to any man-made aircraft. The most important thing is that they absolutely contradict the laws of physics and aerodynamics, since instant acceleration or, on the contrary, deceleration, the description of geometric figures and simply hovering in the air are impossible. Tellingly, all these processes, unthinkable from a scientific point of view, are carried out without the slightest noise, which, again, is unusual for terrestrial aviation.

As a rule, arrivals of alien ships are always accompanied by powerful bursts of a magnetic field, which causes a shutdown or even breakdown of sensitive electronic devices within a radius of up to several hundred meters. Electrical equipment is simply turned off or starts to work intermittently. Given such features, the researchers suggested that alien vehicles could use the force of opposition to the planet's magnetic field to move. A similar principle is already used today by some countries in the railway industry, where trains are equipped with a so-called magnetic cushion instead of wheels. The movement of the train, as well as the power supply of electric motors, occurs exclusively due to a powerful magnetic field generated by an electric current passing through a metal core embedded in a concrete base. At the same time, the speed of movement can reach more than 400 km / h and, most importantly, the train does not need wheels, it soars in the air.

The planet's magnetic field could theoretically be used to generate a current of enough power to allow the aircraft to hover over the surface and make any maneuvers. The problem is that the apparatus itself must have some kind of powerful source of energy to create a counter-force. Apparently alien beings know such a secret, because judging from the stories of military pilots who saw UFOs in the air, these aircraft can easily fly next to the fighter and overtake it.

Inside the flying saucers may have an atomic energy source or some other, since movement over the planet's surface can occur due to the strength of its magnetic field, but in interplanetary travel, such a principle will not work and will require the generation of its own energy. It is thanks to the counteraction of the magnetic field that such an object can perform any movements and figures with the same accuracy as the cursor on the monitor screen, guided by the user using a computer mouse, does.

It is noticed that UFOs do not appear anywhere, but only in certain places, and there is a constant concentration of various objects. In the same places, you can notice the anomalous nature of the magnetic field. The compass needle stops showing the correct direction here, mechanical or electronic clocks go astray or even go backwards, and sensitive electronic devices refuse to work. These are the so-called anomalous zones, characterized by tectonic faults in the earth's crust; less often there are small areas in which the vertical and horizontal magnetic lines of the planet intersect. Researchers believe that due to the high magnetic activity, spatial portals can open here to parallel worlds or connecting our planet with other planets in the universe.

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This can explain the constant presence of UFOs here, penetrating through the portal to this side or, on the contrary, being transported from here. By the way, not necessarily an anomalous zone can only be on land, for interplanetary spaceships, even a large water column does not create any obstacle. This also explains the appearance of flying saucers from under the water, and especially in the area of the so-called Bermuda Triangle.

Another place where UFO arrivals are also frequent is various objects that generate electrical energy. Experts assume that such interest on the part of aliens is due to the presence of a strong electromagnetic field surrounding any power plant or a similar technological object. It is noticed that having flown up to it, the UFO hovers motionless, and is in this position for some time, after which it abruptly flies away. Or, the alien object constantly performs some maneuvers, and then again flies away. Thus, we can conclude that those who arrived replenish the charge of energy necessary for their vehicle for further movement.

I must say that this principle is familiar to earthlings, although the full potential of this method of energy transportation has not yet been revealed. Wireless charging using an electromagnetic field is now used in mobile gadgets, and only a few manufacturers of electric vehicles are still timidly trying to install such a system on their products. Of course, our analogs are still very far from what the aliens use, but in principle they are probably identical.

In addition to energy facilities, a considerable number of times unidentified flying objects were seen above hazardous industries, such as plants for processing chemical or nuclear waste. Here, researchers find it difficult to answer what exactly caused the interest, but definitely not the need to replenish energy reserves. Some ufologists believe that the Earth is a kind of intermediate station on their way, possibly to other galaxies, while aliens land their ships on the Moon. Their increased interest in our natural satellite has been noticed more than once, and the Moon itself has not yet revealed its mysteries to people. Suffice at least such a fact as its perfectly rounded shape, while the satellites of other planets have a shape that is far from symmetrical.

It is unlikely that aliens use chemical fuel for space flights, as we do, because anyone understands that this is unprofitable, inefficient and quite expensive. That is why, over the past half century, mankind has not advanced in space projects further than the launch of commercial satellites into orbit of the planet. In any case, they provide income, due to which it is possible to conduct scientific research and maintain at least the same international space station.

The attention of many researchers, even after decades, is still attracted by the details of the incident in the city of Roswell, because the military collected any evidence of a UFO crash in this place, but apparently, they failed to create such a device. Unlike the military department, today, some aircraft companies are trying to implement the principle of flying saucers in their devices, and I must say there are first results. Of course, it is still far enough before free flight, however, it is still possible to raise the hull with the pilot above the ground, however, the principle of operation of hovercraft is used here, so experts are skeptical about the development prospects. Perhaps, nevertheless, developers will be able to find an energy source powerful enough over time,to repel the planet's magnetic field and, at the same time, having an insignificant size for placing it in the body of the aircraft. In this case, at the same time, the problem of the lack of gravity on board the space station will be solved, and the astronauts will no longer need to use food in tubes.