End Of The World Predictions - Alternative View

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End Of The World Predictions - Alternative View
End Of The World Predictions - Alternative View

Video: End Of The World Predictions - Alternative View

Video: End Of The World Predictions - Alternative View
Video: 7 shocking predictions for 2020 and beyond 2024, September

End of the world in predictions

What do the ancient prophecies and predictions of almost our contemporaries say about the end of the world? The most famous in the world of all the ancient prophecies about the end of the world is, of course, "The Revelation of John the Theologian", or "Apocalypse."

The main idea of "Apocalypse" is the struggle between Good and Evil, inextricably linked with the fate of humanity. The plot of the "Revelation" is as follows: the Lamb-Christ opens 7 seals of a certain mysterious Book, and descriptions of the various phases of the war between Good and Evil begin and the related disclosure of the fate of the entire human race. This war originates in the soul of people and extends to all aspects of human life, subsequently increasing in its manifestation.

The voices of the 7 trumpets of angels announce the beginning of the calamities of mankind. The "Apocalypse" describes the destruction of nature, the appearance of the forces of evil in the world. Before the onset of disasters, believers are placed on their foreheads with a graceful seal that will protect them from evil and from the fate of wicked people.

The vision of the 7 signs shows the division of humanity into two opposing camps of good and evil. The forces of good are concentrated in the kingdom of Truth, symbolized, according to some commentaries, by the image of a woman clothed in the Sun, and evil - in the kingdom of the beast - the Antichrist.

The beast that came out of the sea appears in the "Apocalypse" as a symbol of vicious secular power, and the beast that came out of the earth is a symbol of the decayed church power.

The "Apocalypse" speaks of a conscious being of evil - the devil, who organizes a secret war against the church and leads it.

In the Visions of the 7 bowls, a picture of general moral decay is given. The beginning of Armageddon, the worldwide struggle between Good and Evil, is taking place, and unreasonably difficult trials fall on humanity. The image of Babylon - the harlot - in the "Revelation" is a symbol of mankind surrendered to vices, apostate from God. The power and power of evil is extended to all areas of human life.

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And then the Judgment of God over the forces of evil begins.

Gog and Magog - the personification of the forces of evil - are destroyed during the second coming of Christ. The devil, who initiated all iniquities, is subject to eternal punishment.

Further in the "Apocalypse" it is said about the resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment and the punishment of the wicked.

The final two chapters describe the New Heaven and New Earth and the blissful life of the saved.

Last Judgment

Perhaps the descriptions of disasters in the "Apocalypse" in symbolic form speak of the future that humanity will have to face.

According to the "Apocalypse", after the sounds of the trumpets of 7 angels, disasters begin in nature. First, a third of the vegetation perishes, after a third of the fish and marine animals perish, then the rivers and reservoirs are poisoned.

The "Revelation" describes the fall to the earth of hail and fire, a flaming mountain and a luminous star, which probably symbolizes some extraordinary events in the natural world or unprecedented forms of cataclysms. "Apocalypse" also speaks of the defeat of the third part of the Sun and stars and their eclipse. Many of the modern commentators on "Revelation" tend to see this as an indication of environmental disasters, pollution of the atmosphere so much that sunlight and starlight can hardly break through it. Finally, the "Revelation" speaks of the invasion of the world of locusts that came out of the abyss - this symbol is understood as countless demonic powers, whose influence on people will increase during the Apocalypse. This locust will be headed by Apollyon, which means "destroyer", that is, the devil.

"Apocalypse" also describes a terrible war, from which one third of humanity perishes. And although the description of this war with its symbols resembles modern military equipment - tanks, cannons, military aircraft and even nuclear missiles - nevertheless, many researchers of Revelation believe that it is more about an ideological war on the spiritual plane, and not about real battles on the physical plane. However, perhaps, John the Theologian had both in mind: Armageddon, that is, the battle of good and evil on the spiritual plane, itself can find expression in "earthly" wars.

Hopi Indians' prophecies about the end of the world

The Hopi Indian tribe, which lives in America, on a reservation in northeastern Arizona, is of growing interest around the world these days. This is connected not only with the amazing knowledge of the Hopi about the world and man, very reminiscent of the esoteric knowledge characteristic of India and Tibet, but also with the healing and prophetic gift of the representatives of this tribe. The Hopi predicted World War II and the Iraq War. By the way, in their opinion, the war in Iraq could lead to the Third World War! The Hopi predicted dangerous earthquakes in California, Japan and Turkey - and their predictions came true. According to some sources, the Hopi even predicted the tragedy in America on September 11, 2001, while they did it a year before the incident. And finally, the Hopi predict the Apocalypse!

For centuries, the elders of the Hopi tribe have kept in secret the prophecies of a certain deity about the future. These prophecies speak of the appearance of white Indians on the lands, the invention of the car, the Second World War and the end of the world, or, in any case, a period of total cataclysms that could take millions of lives.

In the book by Thomas Miles, in which he describes many Native American prophecies, it is said that in the mysterious book of the Hopi elders there are at least a hundred different prophecies, and at least 80 of them have already come true. Elder Dan Ewahem, 104, who lives on a reservation in Arizona, spoke of the prophecies to Miles.

As the legends of the Hopi Indians say, their ancestors were warned about the coming of the end of the world about 1100 years ago by a prophet and spiritual teacher named Masso, about whom little is known. Hopi consider Masso the servant of the supreme God and the guardian of the Earth; to them this person is what Jesus Christ is to Christians. It is curious that both the moral commandments addressed to Massot's followers and his predictions of the end of the world are very similar to the commandments and prophecies that Jesus Christ left to the world.

Miles cited some of Masso's already fulfilled prophecies preserved by the Hopi.

• The arrival of white people. “The day will come and the Hopi will meet people of a different race, different customs and traditions. They will create their own kingdom in the Hopi land. At first glance, kind-hearted … they will multiply like ants …

• Railroad - "… and there will be mobile homes made of iron."

• Car - "… and horseless carts."

• Telephone wire - "a person will be able to talk on the web."

• Mini skirt. - "The skirts of women will rise above the knees, devaluing the sacred female body."

According to Masso's prophecies, on the eve of the apocalyptic time, three big wars will take place, in which almost all the peoples of the Earth will take part. The second war will be unleashed by the admirers of the cult of the Sun and the swastika symbol.

The prophecies speak of the invention of weapons that will boil the oceans and burn the land. The elders are sure that in this case they are talking about nuclear weapons that can be used in the Third World War, if it happens.

As Miles notes, the description of the last apocalyptic war in the prophecies of the Indians is very similar to the biblical account of Armageddon.

Just like the Tibetan Initiates who gave the world the teachings of Theosophy and Agni Yoga, the Hopi Indians divide the entire history of mankind into cycles. According to their prophecies, the third cycle ended with a grandiose flood (we are clearly talking about the civilization of Atlantis!). The modern era, the Hopi believe, represents the end of the fourth cycle of history.

On the basis of Massot's teachings, the Indians believe that the coming cataclysms can be avoided to certain limits, or at least mitigated by following the basic moral commandments left by the Supreme Deity.

Masso's prophecies indicate the following signs of the impending end of the world.

• People will forget the great laws of the Creator. Children will stop honoring their parents and elders. Greed and debauchery will engulf humanity.

• Shortly before the onset of cataclysms, a foggy halo will be seen around celestial bodies. It will appear 4 times around the Sun as the last warning.

• The day will come when some of the constellations will return to the position that they occupied millennia ago. During this period, the climate on the planet will change, natural disasters will come.

• The natural resources of the Earth will be depleted. Machines used in agricultural work will become useless. Mother Earth will deprive her children of food.

• The arrival of late springs and ever earlier winters will mark the onset of an ice age.

• Ordinary people will rebel against their government leaders. Those, being cornered, will retaliate, and chaos will come, everything will get out of control. The conflict, growing like a snowball, will lead to the final, apocalyptic battle between good and evil.

• This conflict will end with the use of terrible weapons, and this will mean the end of the fourth cycle. Only those who remain faithful to the will and behests of the Great Creator will survive.

• Then there will come a period of the Great Purification, when there will be no wars, peace and harmony will again descend on the Earth. The planet's wounds will be healed, Mother Earth will bloom again, and people will unite in peace and harmony. This will begin a new, fifth cycle.

Today's Hopi elders continue the tradition of prophesying about the future. They argue that the spirits with whom the Hopi shamans communicate speak of an increase in solar activity, an increase in air temperature and global climate change. Actually, the Hopi spirits say the same thing that individual representatives of science predict in our time! There is in their prophecies the same information that is present in the predictions of Regno Nero, Edgar Cayce and other prophets. So, in the Internet material "The Incredible Prophecies of the Hopi Indians" it is said that, according to the opinion of the elders of this tribe, the inclination of the earth's axis will soon change. But it will be possible to say more precisely and in detail about this event only in 50–80 years.

In addition, the Hopi predicted the appearance of a mysterious disease that will take many human lives until a cure for it is found. Until 2035, according to the predictions of the Indians, major natural disasters and such astronomical phenomena will occur that will clear the planet of "extra" earthlings. On the eve of the apocalyptic time, a bright star will appear in the sky …

Some of the Hopi predictions about the events of the Apocalypse resemble science fiction novels about the times of the "end of the world." Thus, the Hopi believe that during these events "machines from the sky" will save those people who live in harmony with the world!

One can, of course, assume that someone composed some predictions for the Hopi or gave a fantastic interpretation to what they said. But the Avesta (1st millennium BC) also says that when the light of two suns shines over the Earth, Thaumian the Savior will come to Earth, and people from the sky will come to him on sparkling clouds!

Well, we have been told for a long time that our civilization in the Universe is not the only one. True, skeptical scientists still do not believe this, but there are fewer and fewer of them every year. If our Elder brothers in mind can help us get through the difficult times of the Apocalypse - so much the better!

Edgar Cayce's predictions

Curious, albeit rather frightening, predictions about the future were left to the world by the famous American prophet of the 20th century Edgar Cayce.

In the 1930s, Casey revealed that he had been aboard an aircraft. It should be noted that at that time even passenger aviation did not yet exist, not to mention spaceships; and the concept of a UFO also did not exist yet. It is likely that such a visit to the aircraft was made by Casey during one of his famous trances; that is, he was on board the ship not in the physical, but in his astral body. During this unusual visit, Casey showed the events of the future, as it were from the Cosmos. He saw atomic explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as various natural disasters. Cayce saw how, as a result of earthquakes of unprecedented power, most of Japan, Northern Europe and other lands collapsed and disappeared under water. Edgar Cayce, of course, was shocked by what he saw, he could not believe his eyes. But the ship's owners told him that all this will happen as a result of the movement of tectonic plates in the Pacific Ocean.

Subsequently, Casey argued that the Apocalypse would not touch all countries of the Earth at once, and many people would be able to avoid cataclysms. Russia will also be one of the countries not affected by the cataclysm. But, warning people about possible natural disturbances, Casey advised them not to panic, expecting the coming destruction. The Prophet said that at the time of the onset of cataclysms, God will tell people the way to salvation. And the Apocalypse itself will be the cleansing of mankind from sins, which, in fact, will become its main cause. Casey even wrote in his predictions which country would be punished for what.

In the predictions of Edgar Cayce, America will become a victim of natural destruction primarily because it does not live in accordance with its motto proclaimed: "We trust in God." England will be punished for its pride, because of which it considers itself to be an ideal state, India - for the fact that, possessing great spiritual knowledge, its population does not apply this knowledge in practice, China will be punished for its isolation from other countries of the world.

Casey predicted that most of Japan would be flooded, Northern Europe would also sink; the sunken continent of Atlantis will emerge from the sea; many geophysical changes will occur in North America. In particular, the North Atlantic coastline will be transformed; Los Angeles and San Francisco will be destroyed; after that the same fate will befall New York. Areas of the east coast near New York will practically disappear under water; it is possible that the same will happen with New York itself. But another generation may live on this territory. The southern parts of Carolina and Georgia will disappear completely.

According to Cayce's predictions, after the displacement of the earth's axis, the Earth's climate will change; areas with cold and subtropical climates will approach the tropics in terms of their weather conditions.

"The end of the world," according to Casey, will not be complete; destruction will not affect the entire globe. There will remain a vast continental plate practically unaffected by cataclysms. Most of the people living in this place will survive the Apocalypse, and they will have the happiness of standing at the origins of a new civilization, a new world. And this continental plate, according to Cayce's prophecies, is in Russia, in Siberia! It is Western Siberia that will become the center of the future civilization.

The American clairvoyant argued that catastrophes are designed to destroy people weighed down by sins. Only those who have led a righteous life will survive. It is from them, as in biblical times - from Noah, that new people will come.

According to Cayce's predictions, after all the destruction of apocalyptic times, humanity will turn to spiritual ideals. Its goal will be the construction of the New Jerusalem, that is, a state based on the principles of spirituality and morality. “For those who will enter a new life, a new worldview and rebirth will come. Then New Jerusalem will open not only as a place on Earth, but also as a state of mind,”said the American prophet.

Prophecies of Regno Nero

Michel Nostradamus's predecessor, a Franciscan monk nicknamed Regno Nero (which means "Black Spider") was an astrologer who left many interesting predictions about the future. His real name may have been Federico Martelli, and he lived in Florence around the 14th century. In any case, a radioisotope study of his manuscript showed that it was written no later than the 17th century.

The manuscript with the prophecies of Regno Nero, called the later "Eternal Book", was found in 1972 in one of the monasteries in Bologna. In it, Nero, a century and a half before Nostradamus, predicted all the most important events in the history of mankind up to 6323 inclusive, that is, up to the VII millennium.

The black spider predicted many events, which, in fact, came true centuries after the birth of his predictions. In particular, he predicted the following:

• 1925 - Satanic religion appears on Earth. (In 1925, Aleister Crowley, in fact, founded the Church of Satan with his followers.)

• At the end of the 20th century, the whole world will worship Satan. Many of the white people will be seduced by this religion. Tartary will become the main center of seduction. (Russia was called Tartary at the time of Nero!)

• A terrible bloody cyclone forms in the middle of Europe. It will spread out on three sides - west, south and east. Its action will last 7 years. This, of course, is about the Second World War. It lasted 7 years, if we consider it the beginning of the occupation of Austria by Germany in 1938.

• Two terrible poisonous mushrooms will rise over two cities. There will be 7 such mushrooms in total (While there were 2 of them: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.)

• At the end of the 20th century, a terrible cloud is visible over the East. (Probably events in the Middle East? Or the Apocalypse will begin from the south and east? But Nero did not predict the Third World War!)

• In 1981, a terrible new disease will appear as punishment for fornication. (Maybe it's about AIDS.)

• At the end of the 20th century, deadly diseases will begin to rage in Europe, which will take away half of the population. There will be five new diseases in total, but one of them will be for the good of people.

• After the 20th century, the number of humanity will greatly decrease. France, Spain, Turkey, Scandinavian countries will disappear. Tartary will not disappear.

• Two suns and two moons will appear in the sky. There will be no night. The earth will turn into a blazing hell, and it will be impossible to live on it. Salvation can only be found in the air and underground. People will build eight underground cities. Soon it will be possible to live only on the mountains, and the peaks will be cut down from the mountains. Many people will be blinded by the light of two suns.

• Snow and ice will melt in the north. The poles will turn into vast lands of lush vegetation.

• Huge waves will rise, which will flood half of the earth's firmament and then roll back into the oceans. (Flood? Or tsunami due to large-scale seismic cataclysms?)

• The new sun will patronize the religion of Satan. When people see the light of two suns and two moons in the sky, there will be the coming of the Antichrist - Satan on a horse with three heads.

• Insects will become the worst enemies of man in the XXI century - strange spiders will appear that will destroy people; locusts will fill the whole earth. (Mutants?)

• Humanity will be divided into two parts - black and white. (It is unlikely that we are talking about the black and white races. Most likely, it is talking about the moral polarization of humanity, which is also said in the "Apocalypse".)

• The sun will shine on the island of Erin, and the Savior will come from there. (There will be three Saviors on Earth. One of them will descend from the mountains.)

• Malicious dwarfs will destroy people. Fear those with a head larger than the torso. (Aliens from the lower layers of the parallel world of the Earth?)

E. Bardina