Gold "hats" - Alternative View

Gold "hats" - Alternative View
Gold "hats" - Alternative View

Video: Gold "hats" - Alternative View

Video: Gold
Video: Crafting this Makes 15k-30k | Stylin' Adventure Hats | WoW Gold Making Guide 2024, September

On the territory of southern Germany and France in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. strange cone-shaped objects resembling hats were found. They are mostly made of gold (over 80% in the composition). The approximate dating of their manufacture is 1000-800. BC. Three specimens were found by the Germans, the fourth by the French. For the first time in front of the public they were exhibited together in 1999.

The weight of the items reaches 0.5 kg, and the height is about 75 cm (the highest “hat” is 88 cm). The thickness is slightly more than 0.5 cm. 21 horizontal stripes with the image of circles were applied to the cone-shaped object.

Should we be surprised at such a find? Complex items of gold were already being made on the territory of ancient Europe. For example, you can recall the "Mask of Agamemnon", created in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. It was made in Greece during the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization.

Agamemnon's mask
Agamemnon's mask

Agamemnon's mask.

But, in this case, we are talking about finds discovered in the territory where the culture of burial urns existed. The level of development of art here did not come close to reaching the Mycenaean level. It is possible that the "hats" were not made in the territory of the future Germany or France. The customers of these masterpieces only lived here, and not their authors.

What could these products be used for? The answer will seem trivial, but it is most likely. For religious purposes. Conspiracy advocates will say that this always explains what is incomprehensible to today's person. For example, the same lines in the Nazca desert. For which, as a counterargument, you can provide another find.

The Chivik Tomb is located in southern Sweden. It dates back to around 1000 BC. A stone disc was found in it. It just depicts the familiar "hat", and even in a religious context. It turns out that the "points on i" are placed?

Not so simple. Sweden is far enough away from Germany and France. Of course, contacts between the peoples who lived there could have existed 3 millennia ago, but this does not mean that they have anything to do with "hats". And it's not a fact that in Sweden exactly what was found by the French and Germans is depicted.

Promotional video:

Some researchers believe that the products could also be used as a calendar. This, presumably, emphasized the high role of priests and, in general, religion in society. They even roughly imagined how such a solar or lunar calendar could look like:


It is interesting that such finds have not been found anywhere else. That is, it makes these artifacts unique in their kind. At the same time, it is more difficult for researchers to understand the true reason for their creation. If they were made for a religious cult, then why weren't such items made in other countries, societies, cultures for thousands of years? So far, there is no answer to these questions.
