Chakras - Lotus Flowers Of Life - Alternative View

Chakras - Lotus Flowers Of Life - Alternative View
Chakras - Lotus Flowers Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Chakras - Lotus Flowers Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Chakras - Lotus Flowers Of Life - Alternative View
Video: have sacred crystals lotus flowers around your chakras subliminal 2024, September

One cannot but agree that over the past few decades, medicine has advanced far ahead, and the successes in this area are truly tremendous. However, the essence of curing a person from an illness is still reduced to the effect on the physical body.

But no one will deny that energy is needed for any process that occurs in the body. The person himself is an open energy-informational system, and therefore his full-fledged vital activity directly depends on how healthy his energy centers - chakras - are.


The ancient sages of India, Tibet and China were well acquainted with the chakra system, and references to it can be found in the tantric and yogic sources. However, elements of the chakra system are also found in some combat systems in Japan, and similar elements are also traced in the shamanic practices of Meso-America. Much later, the inhabitants of Western Europe got acquainted with the teaching about chakras, and the first of the Europeans who became the bearer of ancient knowledge was Arthur Avalon. This man studied in a closed Indian tantric school, and it was he who first made the classic drawings of the chakra system available to the public. Largely thanks to Avalon, various schools and directions appeared, which began to practice teaching techniques of working with chakras.

Interest in the chakra system increased in the 70s of the last century, during the period of craze for psychic practices. The fact is that psychics, relying mostly on their own experience, talked about the existence of the main energy centers in the human body. And these centers just corresponded to the location of the chakras in the drawings made by Arthur Avalon.

So what is this energy center? Translated from Sanskrit, chakra is "circle, wheel". Similar structures are found in many cultures, albeit under different names. For example, active acupuncture points in Chinese medicine are called lataif. And the halos above the heads of the saints in Christian icons exactly correspond to the location of one of the chakras.

According to the modern system, a person has only seven chakras, each of which is responsible for the work of certain organs, and has a clearly defined localization and symbolism. Most often, the symbol of the chakras is the lotus flower, and depending on the type of chakra, the flower has a different number of petals.


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The interconnection of energy centers (chakras) and the physical body ensures harmony and health of the human body. In the event that a failure occurs in the energy center, then it is blocked, and, as a result, disruption of the functioning of organs and the development of diseases. Each chakra has its own color, but it is quite easy to remember them, because the colors of the chakras completely coincide with the color spectrum of the rainbow.


The first chakra, mooladhara, is red and located at the base of the spinal column. It is believed that she is responsible for immunity and strong-willed life stimulus. Fear leads to blockage of this center.

Svadhisthana, the second chakra, is orange in color, located somewhere between the navel and the upper edge of the pubic bone. Creative self-realization, cheerfulness and activation of the subconscious are the approximate sphere of activity of this chakra. The feeling of guilt leads to the oppression of this energy center.

Bright yellow manipura affects the digestive system, this chakra is also the control center of emotions.

The color of the fourth chakra, anahata, is green (sometimes golden or light pink is perceived). Anahata is located in the region of the heart. Negative emotions, hatred and despondency lead to the oppression of this center.

Vishuddha, the fifth chakra, is bright blue. Located in the throat area, controls verbal communication. Accordingly, correct, beautiful and truthful speech leads to the harmonious functioning of this chakra. And vice versa, swear words and lies lead to disruptions in the work of this center.

Ajna, she is the "third eye" - the sixth chakra, blue. Located between the eyebrows. People with developed ajna have the gift of clairvoyance and are capable of hypnosis. This chakra is responsible for the autonomic nervous system and the pineal gland.

The golden-white or violet chakra, Sahasrara, the seventh chakra, is located above the head. It has an impact on higher brain functions, helps to achieve wisdom and enlightenment. Low passions and desires act depressingly on this chakra.


Excessive inflow or outflow of energy leads to chakra deformation. Energy "bridges" that give or withdraw energy gradually lead to a distortion of the human aura, as a result of which various defects appear in this shell: dents, holes, etc. It is these distortions of the aura that can be visible to people with extrasensory abilities. We can say that these deformations are the very "spoilage" that is often found in a suddenly ill person.

Subsequently, the situation can be aggravated by the fact that the very energy structure of a person is damaged, which leads to persistent pathological processes at the physical level. There are various practices to restore oppressed or blocked chakras. For believers, these are prayers that allow you to let go of negative feelings and achieve harmony between yourself and the world around you. For those who practice yoga, this is a deep meditation that allows you to achieve the same result, but with a slightly different method.


In any case, having abandoned negative emotions and accepting himself as he is, a person realizes not only his “I”, but also feels himself as one with the whole vast and immense World. And the ancient doctrine of chakras gives a person the opportunity to make himself healthy, and his life - full and happy.