Who Are The Russian Magi? Part Two - Alternative View

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Who Are The Russian Magi? Part Two - Alternative View
Who Are The Russian Magi? Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Russian Magi? Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Russian Magi? Part Two - Alternative View
Video: Module 2: MAGI Methodology 2024, September

- Part one -


Title - today it is interpreted as a title or high position in society, this concept has three meanings.

The first is the passage of a horse by a person (i.e. serving the divine Pantheon) and the transition to the next horse.

The second meaning of the word "title" is the rite of a past life, which a person returned to himself in this life through the pastos rite described by E. P. Blavatsky, who is nothing more than a lethargic dream. In our society, death is not seen as lethargy, but is considered the end of physical life, so people are killed by autopsy. Since today tens of thousands of Russian young people have a divine incarnation, all of them, upon reaching adolescence, undergo spontaneous pastos, a phenomenon that has been called "sudden death" in modern medicine. But the person did not die at all, but they open him up. It needs to be prepared for pasta, cleansed the mouth and intestines and put in a cool place, but not with sub-zero temperatures. Previously, the role of such a place was played by crypts. After nine months, he should wake up transformed.

The third meaning "title" is associated with the etymology of the word, or rather with the last meaning of the word "tata" - father. This allowed some researchers to argue that the title is inheritance from the father.

But the correct interpretation is still the first. As for the return of a title awarded in a past life, this should only happen if a person deserves to be returned to him, i.e. really confirmed the new divine possibilities. The title characterized the level of human evolution, i.e. Which Pantheon (con) he belonged to, and only after passing the entire con, he received another title.

The title system was destroyed during the Hundred Years War, when the highest Pantheons were destroyed, and then by Peter I, who introduced a perverted system of titles, allegedly borrowed from Europe.

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There were two sets of title names. The first are the names of people who passed the horse, and the second row is directly clergy. What were these names?

The passage of the next horse, as mentioned above, was indicated by the words rock (rokir), peasant (divir), hero, chatir (knight), paneer, satyr, semir, vizir and dev.

In other Pantheons, besides the Pantheon of Ra, only those people who passed the previous horses could serve.

Orthodox Christians have adopted the word "deacon", derived from Dyya (two) and the root "con", which means a period. That is, a deacon earlier could mean a person who passed the first KON and received the right to go to the second.

It is logical to assume that there was just a kon, and then there was a deacon, tricon, quarkon, borkon, sestkon, semkon, waxon, devkon, dezkon, odinadkon, twelvekon, …, etc. This is indicated by the preserved words: konas - modern prince (kon + as) and dkonas - modern deacon, all other names have not survived: trikonas, svarkonas, pankonas, sestkonas, semkonas, westkonas, devkonas, deskonas. These were the names of the priests of the respective horses.

We find remnants of the title system among other peoples, for example, rakhan (Sanskrit rahat or corrupted arhat), followed by a sofa, tyrant, svan, pan, sestan, seman, vestan, devan and desan. Only the sofa and the tyrant survived (the latter has a different meaning today). The introductions of the shah and the padishah fall out of this series, since they were introduced by the invaders.

A person who passed all 10 horses went a full circle - kolo, therefore he was called a caliph, an Arabized caliph who was considered a prince (a contender for the king's throne) and could participate in the competition for the royal throne.

Rank is a fraction of a horse that is a multiple of its duration. For example, the first four horses, each 24 years old, are the minimum number of years that must be spent to complete them. If from the first time not everyone succeeded in passing the con, the person repeated it again, or, as they said, received the second rank (the second time he repeated the same con). And he could receive both the third and the fourth, which was not considered a model of diligence. It is no coincidence that a captain of the first rank in the Navy is considered above all other ranks. By the way, the famous word "round", which is used today for sports fights, comes from the rank.

Army and clerics

At all times, the Magi were respected, but their enemies hated and feared them. The Magi were the keepers of all the achievements of the then civilization and, in the event of hostilities, could inflict very great damage on the enemy, resorting to the help of the gods of the Pantheon. They could send pestilence to the enemy, ruin the harvest, cause a storm to disperse enemy forces, or, conversely, stop it and much more, which the modern military cannot but envy.

The phenomenon of kamikaze, and in Russia they were called suicide bombers, was born at a time when priests were called sorcerers. The man who killed the sorcerer could not escape the revenge of his spirit, which became an avenging spirit and was much more dangerous than a living sorcerer, since it was still possible to come to an agreement with the living one, but it was useless to speak with the spirit. The offender bore a well-deserved punishment, no matter what tricks he resorted to: be it special arrows with silver tips or silver bullets, or sticking an aspen stake into the grave of the deceased sorcerer - all these were useless measures. Anyone who managed to kill the sorcerer from the enemy was inevitably killed by the spirit of the killed. A simple warrior could not do this, only a sorcerer could defeat the sorcerer, so those who went to battle with the wise men knew that this was their last battle.

In the days of the Old Believers, the Christianized Orthodox Church still kept the tradition of teaching martial arts to monks. It is no coincidence that in Russia monks who took up arms were called "Black Hundreds" by the color of their monastic clothes. The monks were learning novices who, upon reaching maturity (24 years), left the monastery. Those who wanted to devote themselves to God could stay in the monastery, but not as a teacher, but as a "living weapon" against the enemy priests. From a social point of view, keeping an entire army of monks dedicated to God or gods is a completely useless undertaking for society, since each person already devoted himself to God and worked out a common aggregate even better than the monks could do. But to be a weapon against the enemy's Magi was super significant for society. Therefore, earlier in monasteries, monks performed a military function, for these purposes they selected only those who did not have relatives and who were ready to accept celibacy. Because the spirit of the murdered sorcerer was not satisfied with the death of his victor, and destroyed his entire family. It was because of this that only people who had no relatives were put on death row.

During the wars, the army was organized by the Magi. The seven gods of Rule, who were responsible for the development of the seven human shells, were subordinated to the art of war. Therefore, over time, military ranks began to correspond to the ranks of the Magi.

Of course, it is ridiculous to look for correspondences to the modern military ranks introduced by Peter I, and today borrowed by all European armies, which do not correspond to their true names. However, you can see some analogies with the Cossack ranks, of which there are still nine, exactly as many as there were shells in a person in the past: sergeant, foreman, centurion, podesaul, esaul, military foreman, colonel, chieftain, supreme chieftain. Although the ataman today has been turned into a position, not a title, the root atman (preserved in Sanskrit and meaning "omnipresent spirit") indicates an eighth-level rank, not a position. The rank of the sorcerer did not mean the length of service in the army, but the level of achievement of magical power that allowed him to resist the enemy. The higher the level, the more people one sorcerer could defeat.

From Russian fairy tales, we learn about the kladenets sword, the invisible hat, the walking boots, the magic wand, which were in service with our priests. From fairy tales we learn about lasers: "I waved my club, half the army was gone." Mace - from the root "pal", in Sanskrit and Old Russian meaning "to burn", "to burn". Yes, some ancient wise men were worth the entire military arsenal of the modern army, and it is no coincidence that they were destroyed by the enemy in the first place.

Table 3 shows the correspondence between Volkhov and military ranks. Although dushman and dukhman are words that are absent in the Russian language today, they have survived in Turkey, in the past called (as shown by A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovsky) the Ataman Empire, i.e. Cossack country.

The original military structure was with the priests. In any case, the word marsh (ma + razh), which today denotes music and a rhythmic step, was first used exclusively by priests, since thanks to it people achieved a rage, from which, by the way, the word marshal originates, i.e. the one who took the march. The marshal was saluted with a hand thrown forward, whose fingers depicted an Orthodox mudra. This mudra transmitted the energy of the participants of the march, to the marshal, who received the march. In turn, the marshal, with a weak hand, took the energy of the marching people and, gaining the strength transferred to him by the marching ones, established a connection with the gods. Divine grace began to pour through him on all participants in the march. It is no coincidence that the soldiers participating in the parade march still feel awe as they pass the rostrum.

The word "general" today means a military rank, and until recently it was a person organizing, or rather a giving birth unit Ra (gen + Ra + al), which by its level, i.e. in his knowledge he was above the marshal, because he could choose the right people for the ritual, which predetermined all further events.

Table 3. Correspondence of the Volkhov ranks to military ranks


- Part one -