The History Of Human Civilization, Which There Is Little Of It, Who Understands - Alternative View

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The History Of Human Civilization, Which There Is Little Of It, Who Understands - Alternative View
The History Of Human Civilization, Which There Is Little Of It, Who Understands - Alternative View

Video: The History Of Human Civilization, Which There Is Little Of It, Who Understands - Alternative View

Video: The History Of Human Civilization, Which There Is Little Of It, Who Understands - Alternative View
Video: History of the World In one movie 2016 HD documentary 2024, September

It is generally accepted that human civilization is developing towards increasing the freedoms of the human person. This is what the official history says, so many philosophical and political science treatises assert, this is an indisputable truth for the media around the world.

But is it really so? I would venture to assert that in practice we are dealing with exactly the opposite phenomenon.

The entire history of mankind, as we know it, is an endless, though not always direct path from freedom to bondage. Although it is more correct to call the initial freedom Will. And the path traversed by civilization is a movement from reality to virtuality. We increasingly abandon the real perception of the world and plunge into the world of illusions, or as the Ancients said - the world of Maya.

1. Antiquity

It is generally accepted that the ancient man was "poor and unhappy." After all, he was deprived of almost all the benefits of civilization available today to any individual in developed countries. But this is nothing more than a view of reality from Maya. In fact, a person possessed all the fullness of personal freedom-Will. Which we never even dreamed of. He lived in complete unity and harmony with Nature. The huge empty (unpopulated) spaces between the Clans provided security guarantees without any need for the state, security forces and associated costs. Everything that a person produced, he spent in full on himself and his family. He did not need a weather forecast, because this forecast, and much more accurate than today's computers, was given to him by Nature herself. He didn't need modern medicines to cure disease,but killing the body's immune system. He used herbs that he knew exactly when to collect, how to take and for what ailment to use. He ate exclusively ecological products, and from Nature he took much less for his needs than she could give without prejudice to her reproduction.

There was not a single boss above him, except for the Head of the Clan, who was elected by this very Clan on the most democratic, as they would say now, principles. It is no coincidence that man lived for a very long time. Many times longer than he lives now. You can see in any statistic that life expectancy increases as civilization progresses. But this is another lie. Look with what period is the comparison? With a period when, thanks to civilization, and then finally finished off the Ancient knowledge of the Inquisition, a person was completely torn away from Nature, depriving him of direct knowledge about the world and methods of curing ailments, but they still did not have time to offer anything in return. And the same reading of the Bible, like many other ancient books and recorded legends, speaks of the life span of the Ancient people, which is not comparable with the present.

In general, the level of freedom for correctness should be defined as the number of factors that limit this very freedom, as well as the intensity of the impact of these factors on a person. Speaking about the Ancient people, you can see that there were practically none. That is, freedom (Will) was actually absolute. The only limitations were in the "rules of the community" within the Family, which is more than natural for any community of people. But these rules were developed jointly, based on the experience of many generations and served the prosperity and protection of the Family. Well, whoever did not agree with these rules could easily separate and live with their own head separately. There were no restrictions on this score.

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2. The era of the formation of states

Not much has changed about Antiquity. The way of life remained almost the same, but the resettlement of people increased the density and brought the territories of some Clans closer to others. As a result, constant contacts began, not all of which were friendly. As a result, the Clans, who had one root and good relations with each other, began to unite into nations to protect themselves from unfriendly neighbors (as, indeed, for attempts to attack them).

This required the introduction of a new level of management of the united education, and later, and the allocation of a separate category of people freed from everyday work to perform exclusively protective military functions. The level of freedom has changed. And it changed significantly for the worse. Now two fundamentally new restrictions have arisen - the need to "feed" the army and "managers", as well as to obey the supreme governing body unquestioningly, even when it consists of representatives of foreign Clans.

In addition, the possibility of resettlement anywhere has practically disappeared. All the surrounding lands were already either inhabited or belonged to the lands of some kind.

Around the same period, legalized gold (silver, copper) money appeared, which gave advantages to the control superstructure, the only one who had the right to mint a coin.

With the advent of Christianity, a person also had another limitation of freedom - the obligation to maintain churches (in Russia, the so-called church tithe). That is, in fact, a double tax was formed - for the state and the church.

The opponents of my "theory" will immediately ask about slavery. Yes, it appears during this period. But, firstly, slavery was quite limited in percentage terms, and secondly, slavery was most often the result of unsuccessful or, on the contrary, successful military campaigns. In the modern world, instead of slavery, as a rule, corpses remain, and it is not known which is better. Thirdly, slavery was by no means the worst share in comparison with the natural conditions of life. The emerging competition between peoples for many people led to the need to struggle for elementary survival. And, finally, fourthly, the horrors of slavery arising in the head of a modern person concerned only one of the civilizational branches - the one that is still striving for world domination, simply by slightly different methods. And in Russia, for example,slavery was pretty liberal. People lived practically free, as a member of the Family and could be redeemed at any time.

3. Feudalism

Two periods can be clearly traced here, most clearly manifested in Russia. The first period (before the manifesto of the liberties of the nobility) and subsequent. A feature of the first period was that the peasants (in fact, peasant communities) were charged with the duty of feeding the boyar, who in turn served the state and, in proportion to the number of peasant households feeding him, was obliged to maintain at his own expense a certain number of "fighting slaves" - professional soldiers, from which ultimately consisted of most of the state army. That is, we have a system in which there are three (not counting the church) estates: Rulers - Warriors - Peasants. The rights of each of the estates are balanced by their obligations to the other two. The rulers had power, had income from the whole country,but in return they were obliged to defend the entire country from external enemies, to fight the Tatyas and to monitor the justice of relations within the state. The soldiers had constant and good feeding, which allowed them not to think about their daily bread, had a lot of time for themselves and improve their skills, but were obliged to serve the state. The peasants had to feed two other estates, but they only cared about themselves and their Kin (their families, communities). In fact, they were the masters of the entire earth. They didn’t even have to ask permission to cut down forests to build houses for new families. Once a year, the peasants had the right to move from one boyar to another, which also significantly limited the latter's appetites. A negligent and greedy owner could easily be left without a livelihood.fight against tats and monitor the fairness of relations within the state. The soldiers had constant and good feeding, which allowed them not to think about their daily bread, had a lot of time for themselves and improving their skills, but were obliged to serve the state. The peasants had to feed the other two estates, but they only cared about themselves and their Kin (their families, communities). In fact, they were the masters of the entire land. They didn’t even have to ask permission to cut down forests to build houses for new families. Once a year, the peasants had the right to move from one boyar to another, which also significantly limited the latter's appetites. A negligent and greedy owner could easily be left without a livelihood.fight against tats and monitor the justice of relations within the state. The soldiers had constant and good feeding, which allowed them not to think about their daily bread, had a lot of time for themselves and improving their skills, but were obliged to serve the state. The peasants had to feed the other two estates, but they only cared about themselves and their Kin (their families, communities). In fact, they were the masters of the entire land. They didn’t even have to ask permission to cut down forests to build houses for new families. Once a year, the peasants had the right to move from one boyar to another, which also significantly limited the latter's appetites. A negligent and greedy owner could easily be left without a livelihood.had a lot of time for themselves and improving their skills, but were obliged to serve the state. The peasants had to feed two other estates, but they only cared about themselves and their Kin (their families, communities). In fact, they were the masters of the entire land. They didn’t even have to ask permission to cut down forests to build houses for new families. Once a year, the peasants had the right to move from one boyar to another, which also significantly limited the latter's appetites. A negligent and greedy owner could easily be left without a livelihood.had a lot of time for themselves and improving their skills, but were obliged to serve the state. The peasants had to feed two other estates, but they only cared about themselves and their Kin (their families, communities). In fact, they were the masters of the entire land. They didn’t even have to ask permission to cut down forests to build houses for new families. Once a year, the peasants had the right to move from one boyar to another, which also significantly limited the latter's appetites. A negligent and greedy owner could easily be left without a livelihood. They didn’t even have to ask permission to cut down forests to build houses for new families. Once a year, the peasants had the right to move from one boyar to another, which also significantly limited the latter's appetites. A negligent and greedy owner could easily be left without a livelihood. They didn’t even have to ask permission to cut down forests to build houses for new families. Once a year, the peasants had the right to move from one boyar to another, which also significantly limited the latter's appetites. A negligent and greedy owner could easily be left without a livelihood.

Nevertheless, this was already significantly more limited freedom than before. Up to half of what the peasant produced (not counting the seed fund) could go to the maintenance of the boyars and the authorities.

An even worse situation has come after the said Manifesto. In fact, it was the destruction of the social contract between the estates, balancing rights and obligations. After him, the rights of the peasants sharply decreased (in particular, the transition from one boyar to another was prohibited), and the nobility (boyars), on the contrary, increased their rights in relation to the peasants, but the obligations remained only to the authorities, and even then, only in part her "feeding" from her income.

In Europe, the process proceeded somewhat differently, but essentially the same. The first period is known as the era of free vassalage, and the second is the centralization of state power, including troops and tax collections.

4. Capitalism

Our ears were buzzing about how capitalism liberated everyone. Like a peasant driven by taxes from the land, happily in search of food, he was forced to flee to the city and settle in industrial enterprises, to be hired to build roads and other infrastructure. How happy he was with his salary in his fist once a month. And how this salary grew from year to year. But at the same time, all the guardians of capitalism forget about the other side of the coin. A peasant torn off the ground was forever deprived of the opportunity to gain freedom. Both he and, with rare exceptions, his children were now plowing for life for the employer to ensure their right to life. And any injury actually meant death by starvation. This was much worse and more terrible slavery than the ancient ones. There, the owner at least fed the slave, ensuring his ability to work. Here the employer owed nothing to anyone.

They will immediately object to me that one could get an education, a prestigious profession and become a respected and well-to-do person. But how many such cases are known? How many people have passed through the generations of that period? And what is the percentage of such successes? All these tales were exclusively for idiots. The upper classes firmly seized power and were not going to give it to anyone. True, the merchant and usurious estate, captured by the "chosen of God" and with such a formulation of the question, did not agree and in the end proved the opposite. But it had nothing to do with the people. Rather, things just got worse for him. If earlier he had to feed only his feudal lord, now all his hard-earned money immediately tried to take away all sorts of crooks, raising prices faster than wages grew.

At the same time, the legislation was sharply tightened. Especially nothing good awaited the worker or peasant in cases of conflict with the upper classes. Regardless of which side the Truth was on.

The bondage was somewhat weakened only by the discovery of America, sharply dropping the level of oppression for the most enterprising, who risked to go in search of happiness. Huge free territories and the richest opportunities for free self-realization were real, not a contrived "ray of light in the dark kingdom." Moreover, a relief of fate awaited even those who remained in Europe. After all, the reduction in labor force forced the capitalists to slightly weaken the pressure of exploitation. But we will come back to America.

The last point that I would like to draw attention to, and which concerns this and the previous period, is the colonial conquests. The cruel exploitation of the occupied territories and the complete lack of attention to the problems of the local population (actual slavery), the robbery of all the wealth accumulated by many generations of aborigines, all this caused a huge flow of values into the old world. The stream, from which small streams inevitably went to the lower classes, weakening for a fairly long period the rigidity of class (or, more correctly, class) contradictions. And this fact makes it possible to still obscure the eyes of even modern researchers of social history.

5. Socialism

In a sense, what we have achieved is generally incomprehensible how to characterize. On the one hand, it was a genuine liberation from any class and estate contradictions. At least during the 30-50s. On the other hand, it was a rather brutal dictatorship that completely did not allow any political and ideological alternatives. I am inclined to believe that the unique experience of trying to build a just social state, which was given by the USSR, should not be considered within the framework of this topic at all. For the simple reason that it (this attempt) was never completed. The rollback from socialist principles that began in the 60s does not give us the opportunity to adequately assess the potential of this social form of self-organization of society. Nevertheless, our experience has had such a huge impact on capitalism,which forces us to single out the modern phase of capitalism as a separate one.

6. "Post-industrial society"

The quotation marks emphasize the illusory nature of the term. It would be more correct to call this period "dependent capitalism". This stage of social formation is characterized by the forced transfer of production to third world countries. Two factors contributed to this.

First, the system of direct colonialism became ineffective at some point. The main wealth had already been exported to the metropolis, and the rest did not compensate for the costs of suppressing national liberation movements and maintaining the colonial bureaucracy. Therefore, the transition to informal economic colonization became inevitable under formal state sovereignty.

Secondly, socialism by its successes forced the capitalists to fork out and provide the people with high consumer standards, behind which it was possible (and quite successfully) to hide the general bondage. But this required high costs, which made production uncompetitive. As a result, production rushed to regions with low labor costs, which could compensate for the increased level of costs in the metropolis itself.

From an external point of view, this period can be called the triumph of Maya. Cabal takes on the most hidden forms. In politics - democracy; in the economy - an upturn, provided by inexpensive consumer lending; education is paid, but available on credit to more than half of the population; the legislation is strict, but fair (no one cares about clowns). In general - almost heaven on Earth.

7. Financial capitalism

A paradise created artificially inevitably has its own "shelf life". Since 1972, the situation has begun to flow faster and faster into the phase of financial capitalism. The levels of profitability in the real and financial sectors have simply become disparate. But the main thing is different. Credit tentacles so tightly entwined the entire population of Western countries that it became quite quickly clear who actually is the actual owner of all the material goods produced. As, however, and the means of production. Those who had previously been forced to temporarily retreat, went on the offensive, taking away everything issued earlier. But the most important thing is different. In the last decade, it has become quite clear, at the top of the pyramid they know for sure that the term of the hidden rule is coming to an end. The pyramid of debt is ready to collapse at any moment, and with it all power will inevitably collapse. The preservation of bondage is possible only if people have nowhere to go. And the main thing here is food. The production of GMO products that are not capable of independent reproduction is the path to eternal bondage. Already direct, not based on the illusion of money. Of course, food comes with military strength and ownership of all land. As well as total control over human movements. But that's not all.

The rulers do not need such a lot of people at all. 10 times less would be enough for their needs. But such issues cannot be solved even by war. A global war is quite capable of leading to the complete destruction of humanity. Therefore, the destruction is taking place on several fronts at once. Local wars in regions not controlled by the Players or those where control is associated with increased costs. Launching controlled outbreaks. Production of drugs that cure some diseases, but provoke much more serious ones. Manufacture of products leading to infertility. The introduction of ideologemes that hinder population growth - sex is just like that; homosexuality; the childfree movement and so on.

In fact, today the entire population of the Earth, regardless of eye shape, skin color and political predilections, is on the verge of Neo-slavery, which in its scale, cruelty and possible consequences for the entire civilization will turn out to be not just terrible, but very possibly fatal.

And this result is not accidental. It was purposefully prepared by all centuries of the so-called "historical liberation of the individual", but in fact, by centuries of enslavement of man.

Whether it will be or not is up to us. To all of us, every day. Doing seemingly completely mundane things and making household decisions.