Faceless Visitors - Alternative View

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Faceless Visitors - Alternative View
Faceless Visitors - Alternative View

Video: Faceless Visitors - Alternative View

Video: Faceless Visitors - Alternative View
Video: How To Get More Views On YouTube (New Strategy) 2024, September

Both of these strange cases were sent to the researcher of anomalous phenomena Alexei Priyma and published in his book in 1998. Therefore, it is difficult to accuse their authors of having read horror stories about Slender Man or other tall skinny faceless monsters on the Internet. The authors also assured in every possible way that these were not hallucinations and not dreams, but everything happened to them in reality in the most ordinary place, their own apartments.

Leaked into the ceiling

Andrei Perepelitsyn from Kaluga sent a story about an incident that happened in the house of his countrywoman Nina Ivanovna Burdykina, whose age is 70 years. On July 19, 1994, Nina Ivanovna buried her dearest person on Earth - her own husband. She remained to live in her one-room apartment in sorrowful solitude. Two weeks after the funeral - in the early morning of August 4 - the Unknown invaded her lonely life.

Here is the story of N. I. Burdykina:

- As always, I woke up at six in the morning. She sat up on the bed, lowered her bare legs to the floor and reached out with her hand to the chair next to the bed. She picked up the stockings that were lying on the chair.


I was just about to pull the stocking over my leg when I heard a soft sound, reminiscent of the rustle of a newspaper crumpled in the palm of my hand. At the same time, there was a dull, very weak chime. And rustling and chimes, barely audible, came to the left - from the corner of the room where the TV was.

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Then the chime was cut off, and the "rustle of crumpled newspaper" sharply intensified. Immediately I heard a new sound - shuffling footsteps. Unbeknownst to anyone walking leisurely across the room, heading towards me from where the TV was.

Having heard all these sounds, I was surprised, - Nina Ivanovna continues her story. - For I was in the apartment alone. Who entered my house while I was sleeping? Are they really thieves?.. I turned my head to the left and looked in bewilderment in the direction from which the rustling and chimes were heard, then steps.

There was no fear. I remember I was just amazed. I see a woman slowly, very slowly approaching me. More precisely, someone who remotely resembles a woman. The figure froze as it approached opposite me, who was sitting on the bed. Outwardly, she looked like something like a delusional parody of a person.

Description of "delusional parody":

- The growth of a nightmarish stranger did not exceed one and a half meters. She was dressed poorly: a skirt to a blouse. The skirt is an old, washed, ash color, gathered in folds at the waist. She rested on her hips somehow unevenly, slightly shifted. It seemed to me that the skirt was made of thick paper, pasted over with cheap coarse calico. She bristled ugly, carelessly in all directions, not adhering to the body.

The blouse on the stranger, up to the waist, was also made, as it were, of paper. In contrast to the plain skirt, vertical thin lines of black color were visible on the blouse at a distance of about two centimeters from each other. The sleeves of this striped blouse were long, free, completely hiding the arms …

And now about the head, extremely strange. In silhouette and size, it resembled a human. The skull was covered with stubble of short blond blond hair. Well, and the face … I was all and winced when I saw him. No ears. Moreover, there is nothing on that face - no eyes, no nose, no mouth, no eyebrows! Nothing at all, except for the skin with a slight tan, which hugged the skull as tight as a drum.

Drilling a "face without a face" with a stunned gaze, Nina Ivanovna asked:

- Who are you? Where are you from?

I didn't get an answer.

Instead of answering, the mysterious creature in a ladies 'jacket and a ladies' skirt started and moved all over. He rolled his legs, moved his elbows. The wide, spacious sleeves flew off to the sides, exposing the arms. To her own horror, Burdykina did not see any palms or fingers on those hands. The arms were like two sticks, rounded with slightly tanned skin where the wrists should have been.

The creature jumped and hovered in the air. Only at that moment did Nina Ivanovna pay attention to his legs, covered with a skirt up to his knees. From under the skirt protruded two thick appendages, completely devoid of feet. They were covered with the same tanned skin as the “face without a face” and hands without fingers and palms.

Staring at these incredible legs with all her eyes, Burdykina screamed loudly. She saw how unthinkable metamorphoses began to occur with her legs. The legs began to rapidly thin out. They stretched out in length and dried out at the same time. And the "woman without a face" slowly climbed strictly vertically upward, soaring to the ceiling, like a balloon … And now her legs turned into something like two thick ropes.

Then the "ropes" suddenly twisted rapidly, forming something like a braid with wide loops. While all this was happening, a sound that resembled the rustling of a newspaper began to be heard from the "woman" again. A figure with legs-"ropes" twisted in a spiral, rushed up and in the blink of an eye disappeared from sight, dissolving into the ceiling.

N. I. Burdykina says:

- After catching my breath and recovering from what happened, I climbed into a chair and carefully examined the ceiling. I did not find a single crack in it, let alone some kind of hatch leading through it somewhere up. To this day, I cannot understand where and how this creepy lady without a face, without palms on her hands and with legs without feet, which turned into two "wires", twisted with a screw, disappeared.

How did she manage to fly out of the room through the obviously impenetrable ceiling, consisting of reinforced concrete slabs?.. I want to emphasize here that this was not a dream. I sat on the bed, holding a stocking in my hand, and with a drooping jaw looked at what was happening in front of me … I do not know why, but in my mind the appearance of a terrible creature somehow intuitively linked with the death of my husband, which happened two weeks earlier.

Flat man

Lidia Kornitskaya from Krasnodar, 28 years old, recalls:

- On April 5, at 3:30 am, I woke up abruptly, as if from a push to the side. As soon as I woke up, I automatically glanced at the luminous dial of the electronic clock that stood on the bookshelves. These shelves were hung one above the other on the opposite wall of the room …


Then I behaved, as I now understand, strange. Without knowing why I was doing this, I quickly got out of bed and went to the door leading to the hallway. One single thought powerfully, like a lantern, burned in my head: "We need to immediately leave the room, as soon as possible leave it somewhere, for example to the kitchen."

Lydia was already one step away from the door when something made her turn around.

“With all of my being,” she says, “I felt the gaze that someone was drilling my back with.

The woman looked around. And she gasped softly.

A wardrobe stood in the room next to the bookshelves. Between it and the shelves there was a small free space - a section of a bare, uncovered wall a meter wide. Kornitskaya saw, against the background of the bare wall, a tall - tall to the ceiling - a figure, very narrow, as if flattened to the left and right. The figure was completely flat, as if carved from a piece of tin. Abnormally long arms dangled along the thin body.

The oval head, which had no neck, sat directly on the shoulders. The face was absent. Instead, there was a black circular spot in the center of the oval, similar, as Lydia put it, to a target. Except for this spot, the entire figure glowed with a phosphoric light, blue-white-green.

Something like an intuitive insight told Lydia that it was a man. She insists: a man, not a woman, although in the appearance of a flat, like a plywood sheet, the stranger did not show any sexual characteristics.

- I shouted good obscenities, seeing this monster, - says Kornitskaya. - She rushed back to bed and began to shake her husband, who was sleeping peacefully.

And now - the story of her husband:

- Lidochka literally shook me out of deep sleep. She grabbed my shoulders and in a full voice shouted the same phrase, very, very strange, constantly repeating it: “I will only fly away with you! I'll only fly with you!..”When I asked where exactly she was going to fly“only with me,”my wife could not say anything intelligible.

Women's screams were heard in the next room, where Lydia's parents rested.

Parents' testimony:

- We ran, extremely frightened, into the bedroom of our daughter and her husband. My daughter fought in hysterics, now and then pointing her hand at the pier between the wardrobe and the bookshelves. We did not see anything unusual in that wall. There was a wall, just a bare wall. And on Lydia's face there was such a crazy grimace that we thought with horror: our daughter had suddenly gone mad. We calmed her down for a long, long time. Soldered with valerian.

Pouring valerian drops into a glass, wandering back and forth around the room, we suddenly noticed with surprise that the floor in it was splattered with large drops of water. The maximum number of drops was observed on the floor in the partition between the wardrobe and the shelves. The further from the pier, the fewer drops. Where they came from is unknown. None of us went to bed until morning. When dawn broke, we noticed another oddity in that wall. Wallpaper on the wall there, and only there, was blown up in bubbles along the entire height of the wall, from floor to ceiling.

For almost a month after this incident, Lydia Kornitskaya felt disgusting. She suffered from headaches and stabbing pains in her heart. There was a general breakdown. At the same time, and also for almost a whole month, her head was ringed … with some invisible hoop!

Lydia wore glasses. Whenever she put on her glasses, their temples sensitively clung for a moment to the narrow invisible ring that encircled her head - forehead, temples, nape. At the moment of "catch" the ring, disturbed by the temples, twitched. The woman clearly felt the jerk of the invisible hoop.

Repeated palpation of the skull with fingers gave zero results. Fingers did not find any hoop on the head, even invisible … After about a month, the hoop disappeared. In any case, the temples stopped clinging to him when the woman put on her glasses.