Snowden - The New Jesus - Alternative View

Snowden - The New Jesus - Alternative View
Snowden - The New Jesus - Alternative View

Video: Snowden - The New Jesus - Alternative View

Video: Snowden - The New Jesus - Alternative View
Video: Edward Snowden on GCHQ, Facebook and his new life in Moscow 2024, September

Similar comparisons can be found more and more often on the Internet. Below is a post from one of the Russian bloggers:

“There has been a bad tendency lately to belittle what Snowden has done. Some say that this is a moron who did everything for the luzlov. Others - that nothing happened, since everyone knew everything.

But at the same time, the US state apparatus is proposing an unprecedented effort to crack down on it by pressing on other countries with unprecedented and indecent force. And in the Snowden case, there are more and more parallels with another noisy case that happened about 2 thousand years ago, when the state fell upon a small common man who wanted something strange and did not seek personal gain.

Both Jesus and Snowden had predecessors - John the Baptist and Assange. Both were persecuted and wanted to ruin vile depraved women. Both were born on the outskirts (Jesus in Nazareth, Snowden in Hawaii). Both led ordinary lives, cogs in the system, until they left it and began to preach at the age of 30. Both were poorly understood by their contemporaries.

The Jews were waiting for a messiah - a king who would free them from the Roman yoke and give them power to other nations. Instead, a simple poor man came on a donkey, who began to tell that it didn’t matter whether you were a Jew or not, and that the main thing was not power and money, but love, and that we should strive for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now people are waiting for the Messiah, who will come on a donkey, preach love for one's neighbor and introduce everyone into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Instead, a person flew in on the plane who says that it is not good to spy on and eavesdrop, that personal information should be inviolable, but that that concerns everyone, including the principles of intelligence services, should be known and controlled by society.

Both, it seems, did not say anything contrary to the official ideology. The Jews were very religious at the time, and Jesus developed the idea of the importance of religious behavior. Now "human rights" have become something like an object of religious worship.

Everything Snowden does is fully consistent with the defense of human rights in front of the state machine. That is, both just took the official ideology seriously and began to act in accordance with what the Jews and Americans called for. And both, as a result, became state criminals.

Promotional video:

By the way, Jesus and Snowden are similar in appearance.


There are many other significant coincidences. For example, according to the Bible, before the second coming, the dark Prince of Peace, the Antichrist, should appear. At the moment, US President Obama has the most serious opportunities for the entire existence of mankind to influence what is happening anywhere in the world. Well, the first black president of the United States also has other characterological features of the Antichrist.

Further, now for the first time in all time there are two popes at once. And before that there were false dads, and before that there were cases of the forcible removal of the pope from dignity, but there has never been two popes at the same time - the current one and the type of honorary pope who retired. So one of them is the antipope, as predicted. Well, about the little things like that during the abdication to St. Petra was struck by lightning, not to mention.

So the Messiah came to us again, and again they did not recognize him. His further fate, I think, is also predictable. But the possibilities of resurrection in the modern age of the Internet have expanded significantly."


Another blogger sees matches

“Anyone who is a little bit versed in telecommunication technologies knows very well that everything that is digitized is always stored somewhere. Stored regardless of our will. This is what the father of lies, the devil, does. This is an axiom. Your father the devil, he was a murderer from the beginning and he did not stand in the truth, the Savior said to the Pharisees and scribes. For this they greatly disliked Him, for they had “spiritual power,” as they believed. However, the world was created by the Creator, and not by presumptuous liars under the control of the devil, and this is an indisputable fact.

Edward, due to his upbringing, thanks to his parents, or worldview, which is almost the same, could not lie. I could not lie, especially since this lie is so obvious to everyone. And therefore, he essentially chose the passive Path of Christ, the path of confession. He is being persecuted for the truth. And whatever the crafty lawmakers say there, God is on his side. The world has lost this round. The Antichrist can only once again be convinced that conscience is higher than fear.

Leave the guy alone, he is honest and all people on the planet understand this. Not the rulers of the world, but all the normal people on whom you collect the dossier in order to manage them like a herd of sheep."

Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983, North Carolina) is an American technical assistant and former employee of the CIA and the US National Security Agency. At the beginning of June 2013, Snowden gave the newspapers The Guardian and The Washington Post classified NSA information concerning the total surveillance of information communications between citizens of many states around the world by the American intelligence services using existing information and communication networks, including information about the PRISM project. In this regard, in the United States, he was charged in absentia with violation of the law.