Photos Of UFOs From The Inside Have Been Published - Alternative View

Photos Of UFOs From The Inside Have Been Published - Alternative View
Photos Of UFOs From The Inside Have Been Published - Alternative View

Video: Photos Of UFOs From The Inside Have Been Published - Alternative View

Video: Photos Of UFOs From The Inside Have Been Published - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, September

The photographs were published in the book by the Italian author Dr. (!!!) Roberto Pinotti.


Until this year, they ply only in Italy. A few days ago it was published in the United Kingdom and now the whole world can look at the interior of the alien ship.


Book author. He is not only a world-renowned ufologist, but also a doctor of sciences in politics and sociology. Founder of the oldest world-class magazine Centro Ufologico Nazionale (CUN) and one of the oldest and most respected private research organizations UFO, created 50 years ago. INCREASES!

Mods who have prepared scissors and patterns to copy alien clothing patterns, please calm down. It was in 1957 and according to all Ecumenical concepts, the models are outdated long ago.

If there are losers among us, congratulations, this is your day. Worse decoration even you can not think of. Congratulations on your ascent from the bottom!

Visually impaired readers - get a triple magnifier, or maybe even better ask your neighbors for a microscope. They won't refuse, will they?

Promotional video:

According to legend, some aliens developed serious communication activity in Italy, near Pescara. They called themselves "friends of the Earthlings" and said that they had come to help humanity.

For this, an unclear number of underground bases were rebuilt throughout the territory with a central headquarters on the banks of the Adreatica.

Here I unquestioningly believe and do not doubt a single gram. I would also build a headquarters on the seaside. I would have done this without even being an alien. And you can not have a whole underground headquarters, but a completely ordinary surface villa.

In 1957, a flying saucer, not forgetting to turn on the turn signal near Francaville, landed on the coast of Italy.

Naturally, under such an event, the locals came running to take a look. Two were selected for a tour on board and allowed to film a secret alien object.

For aircraft UFO designers: the diameter of the saucer is 24 meters, the control room is 10 meters. This is enough to construct such an object. We are waiting for your drawings.

10 pictures were taken. 8 was published by Alberto Perego in a 1958 book. And two, apparently, rolled under the bed. Italians are not the biggest lovers of order and cleaning, so they discovered them only now and immediately made them public!

Command center of the ship:


I do not want to offend the valiant space travelers. Moreover, they came to help us, but the command center of your ship looks more like a restroom. Once again, I'm sorry.

Alien Guest:


Crew representative. Without shoulder straps, the rank cannot be identified. Well, here you are! And no tentacles in a conspicuous place.

I don’t know how to comment on these wonderful pictures. I just want to take a minute of silence and bury the modern UFOlogy. If this is worthy of study and is an important artifact, then it is time for all fans of flying saucers to somehow get together and go in search of something more tangible. It looks like it will be easier to dig out Atlantis and clear the ice with a baby scoop. But we do not despair and keep our finger on the pulse.
