&Ldquo; Black Mouth &Rdquo; Mangyshlak: The Karagiye Depression Is A Zone Of Increased UFO Activity - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Black Mouth &Rdquo; Mangyshlak: The Karagiye Depression Is A Zone Of Increased UFO Activity - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Black Mouth &Rdquo; Mangyshlak: The Karagiye Depression Is A Zone Of Increased UFO Activity - Alternative View

Many researchers consider the Karagiye depression to be the most anomalous zone in Central Asia, because they cannot explain the events taking place here. The zone of increased UFO activity becomes a test for people who want to see its highlights with their own eyes.

The giant depression with asymmetrical slopes stretches for 10 kilometers, but witnesses to the event often noticed extraterrestrial alien ships above it, shaped like red spheres. For the first time, engineer Rozhkovsky encountered them in the late 70s, who drew attention to a strange object rushing across the sky at high speed. The man thought of a meteorite falling, but waited in vain for the sounds of an explosion to be heard.

Only the thickening darkness reminded of the visit of technology unknown to science, but these events only pushed the lovers of mysticism to travel to this part of Kazakhstan. The peninsula itself also deserves attention, because it is famous for a variety of flora and fauna. Of course, tourists are not happy with the sight of a scorpion or a snake, but the inhabitants of the sands prefer to stay away from them, and bite only in case of disturbed peace.


Scientists suggest that the “Black Mouth” was formed after the leaching of salt rocks and other natural processes that caused cracks in limestone and dolomites. After the destruction of the mountains, they began to appear with caves in the walls, and underground waters still continue their work. Therefore, there are many dangerous places where you can simply fall into the ground. In ancient times, the land was covered with a lake, and now Mangyshlak has become a generator of formed rain clouds.

First, the guests drive for a long time across the plain, where a strong wind always blows, after which they make a halt. Many individuals begin to feel unusual excitement as they approach the depression, or become depressed, wanting to get back faster. In ancient times, the Great Silk Road passed here and 600 necropolises were discovered by archaeologists, but the anomalous zone does not want to reveal its secrets to people.


A group of students from St. Petersburg decided to spend several days here in order to personally verify the information about the unusual properties of this corner of the country. At first, the guys wanted to set up camp near a drying reservoir, but the old-timers warned them about the danger, since many people died in this place because of the soft soil, falling into the bowels of the earth. The tents were set up near the Prokhladny spring, where the brackish water was suitable for drinking. At night, the attendants closely watched the sky, hoping to see an approaching UFO, but they were unable to fix the humanoid vehicles.

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After that, many members of the expedition began to talk about the atomic reactor in Aktau, of interest to extraterrestrial beings, but this hypothesis was later refuted, because the object was opened in 1973, and the first alien ships were seen over Karagiye 6 years later. But the researchers were convinced that the information about them was not fiction, because they themselves began to experience sudden weakness and suffer from headaches. Other travelers also experienced a similar situation, because this place tests the strength of earthlings and only the most hardy people can stay on its territory.

Reshetnikova Irina
