Evangeline Adams, Who Predicted World Wars - Alternative View

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Evangeline Adams, Who Predicted World Wars - Alternative View
Evangeline Adams, Who Predicted World Wars - Alternative View

Video: Evangeline Adams, Who Predicted World Wars - Alternative View

Video: Evangeline Adams, Who Predicted World Wars - Alternative View
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The name of Evangeline Adams is almost forgotten today. But in the first half of the last century, she was a very popular astrologer. Also Adams was engaged in palmistry and, probably, had remarkable parapsychological abilities. For several decades, she managed to predict many significant events, including those of a global scale.

Hotel fire and stock exchange fever

Adams was born in 1868. The media first wrote about her in 1899, when an unknown prophetess from Boston predicted a terrible fire at the Windsor Hotel in New York. In March of that year, she took a trip to New York and stayed at this expensive hotel on Fifth Avenue. Of course, the owner did not fail to use her professional services, and Evangeline, after reading his horoscope, was horrified: it was obvious that in the very near future this person was in for trouble and misfortune … When the next day the hotel burned down and his wife died in the fire and the owner's daughter, Adams' career took off.

Newsmen learned about the prediction, and soon the New York Magazine asked Evangeline to make a long-term forecast of the development of the largest city in the United States. Adams prophesied that in 1901 city officials would be caught stealing. And so it happened. The new district attorney and mayor exposed the financial machinations of the previous administration, which had been fed by the city coffers for many years … In addition, Adams predicted the riots of 1909 and 1910 and declared that their scale would be much greater than ever before.

In November 1909, a strike began at the Triangle garment factory, which ended victoriously in February of the following year. It was then that the authorities finally recognized the seamstresses' union.

According to Evangeline, in November and December 1899, the New York Stock Exchange must have been in a fever. But few people believed her: in early September, the Dow Jones index reached its highest mark in a year and nothing boded for shocks. However, already in mid-December, this indicator went down sharply … The stockists immediately remembered the predictions and literally besieged Evangeline, begging her to make a new forecast. According to rumors, John Pierpont Morgan, Charles Michael Schwab and even the president of the stock exchange, Jacob Stout, consulted with her.

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Horoscopes for kings

Adams was an Anglophile and spent several months in Foggy Albion each year. She was reputed to be an ardent admirer of King Edward VII and, at the request of a lady of the court, compiled a horoscope for the monarch. Unfortunately, the soothsayer immediately saw that the stars did not favor Edward.

“If he survives next May,” she said, “I will either ask him for an audience or send the horoscope to the palace.

As you know, Edward VII died in May 1910. King of Britain became George V. Studying his horoscope before the coronation, Evangeline came to the conclusion that his reign "will be bloody and darkened by war and human suffering." This statement was reprinted by all London newspapers …

Adams was just going to England, but her friends talked her out of the trip. The British have not yet come to their senses after her gloomy prediction. Of course, the First World War broke out precisely during the reign of George V.

In the book Astrology for All (1931), Evangeline Adams devoted a whole chapter to the Prince of Wales, the future British King Edward VIII, and wrote that, judging by Uranus in his horoscope, the king is interested in mature and married women who, for one reason or another, reasons cannot become queens. In the same 1931, Edward met a divorced American woman, Wallis Simpson. In order to marry her, in 1936 the monarch abdicated the throne.

Prophecy of the Great Depression

Evangeline Adams' prophecies regarding the United States sound darker. On April 27, 1930, the Boston Herald published the following prediction: “Financial institutions and industry captains must show great wisdom if we are to preserve our present well-being and avert disaster. Even ordinary people should try to live within their means and take into account the prevailing conditions."

In January 1927, while giving a lecture in New York, Evangeline first expressed the following warning: “Beginning in 1927, Uranus will exert a more unfavorable influence on Jupiter than in 1921, and this process will worsen in 1928 and 1929. As you know, Jupiter determines monetary affairs in the material world. In 1907, the same arrangement of the planets led to a terrible panic among American financiers. Everyone should be extremely careful in investments and other financial matters and be prepared for the consequences of such a threatening arrangement of the planets."

In 1927-1928, the American market was in complete order, but in 1929 it suddenly collapsed. So life once again confirmed the fidelity of the prophecies of Evangeline.

Under the formidable constellation Gemini

On June 14, 1923, the New York edition of The Brooklyn Eagle quoted Adams in the article "An Astrologer Predicts World War 1942":

“From 1942 to 1944, the United States will experience another civil war. Uranus will enter the constellation Gemini, where it was during the Revolution and Civil War. The war will start in America and will engulf the whole world."

And in a January 1927 lecture, Adams stated: “The signs of the zodiac indicate that there will be war - religious, racial, and political. It will last three years, from 1942 to 1944. The same zodiac sign ascended when the War of Independence began in the United States. And at the beginning of the Civil War too”.

In Astrology for All, Adams explains this prophecy as follows: “Uranus passes all the signs of the zodiac in 84 years. As this planet awakens rebellious sentiments, a clash of ideals and wars of liberation should be expected that will erupt every 84 years. It is enough to turn over a few pages of history, and we will see that during the American Revolution and the Civil War, Uranus was also in the constellation Gemini. In 1942, he will again enter this constellation, and Jupiter and Saturn, alas, will be closely associated with him. The future will show what such a balance of planetary forces is fraught with. In 1943 and 1944, Mars will also enter Gemini. Such an unusual arrangement of the planets indicates that our country will surely be involved in the war again."

From an astrological point of view, this prediction sounds very logical. But if you remember that it was done long before the outbreak of World War II, it is probably worth assuming that foresight also has a psychic nature. Of course, we will never know what helped Evangeline Adams to divine the future, but the fact remains: all her prophecies have come true.

Evangeline Adams wrote three best-selling astrology books, hosted a popular radio show on American television in the 1930s, among her clients were the famous myth researcher Joseph Campbell, the actress Talulah Bankhead, the playwright Eugene O'Neill and many other prominent people of her time.

Unfortunately, this wonderful woman did not make any predictions regarding the distant future. Except for one: in 2026 Uranus will again enter the constellation Gemini …

Andrey Dyachenko