Flocks Of UFOs Are Flying Around The Earth! - Alternative View

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Flocks Of UFOs Are Flying Around The Earth! - Alternative View
Flocks Of UFOs Are Flying Around The Earth! - Alternative View

Video: Flocks Of UFOs Are Flying Around The Earth! - Alternative View

Video: Flocks Of UFOs Are Flying Around The Earth! - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

The video demonstrates a luminous object that slowly floats over the Earth. And at the end another appears, which sweeps by rapidly

There are two legends about the history of this video. One by one, NASA, in preparation for its 50th anniversary, has decided to release stunning film footage and video footage captured during historic flights around the Earth and the Moon. This is absolutely true. Like the fact that on the day of the holiday, July 29, the agency staff pierced outer space with The Beatles' song "Through the Universe" - they sent a digital recording towards the North Star.

Luminous objects are very rapidly sweeping in front of the video cameras installed on the shuttles

But then they say that, looking through the archives, some cunning NASA employees copied the most out of the ordinary. And they sold it. Now these shots are played on the Internet, used in documentaries. And the people see: around our planet, "flying saucers" are rushed by whole squadrons.

According to another version, the sensational video was "borrowed" by only one person - a certain Martin Stubbs. Like, working at a space communications station in Canada, he caught and recorded live broadcasts from shuttles. And he had accumulated films for almost 2500 hours. From there he pulled the abnormal. Well, and sold, of course.

Squadrons of "saucers"

Be that as it may, but now in the course of a few videos related to expeditions on shuttles in the mid-90s. Two were accurately identified, captured during flights codenamed STS-75 and STS-80 (February and December 1996).

The shots are really impressive - it's not without reason that millions have already watched them. On some (STS-75) I counted 4 UFOs moving in different directions. On others (the expedition has not been established) - as many as 8 pieces. They fly not only up and down, but also from the bottom up. They look like bright ellipses.

The video (STS-80) shows a luminous object that slowly floats over the Earth. And at the end another appears, which rushes by rapidly.

Promotional video:

The shooting, which was allegedly made either in 1984 or in 1991 (STS-51A or STS-37), actually captured a giant UFO - at least it seems so. Looks like a luminous ball, maneuvers around the spaceship.

Some frames are decorated with mysterious bright flashes in the Earth's atmosphere. With them, just everything is clear - these are lightning, clearly distinguishable from orbit. And what flies?

Gullible ufomaniacs

Some hotheads, of course, do not doubt: aliens have occupied near-earth space. And it was hidden from the public for 12 years. But there are also more sensible arguments.

- I fully share the opinion of James OBERG, a recognized expert on cosmonautics and anomalous phenomena, - says Mikhail GERSHTEIN, chairman of the UFO Commission of the Russian Geographical Society. - He explained in detail “what flies” in a letter to the well-known ufologist Mike FARREL, director of the GUFON project (global video exchange), who was puzzled by what he saw (original correspondence -https://www.hyper.net/ufo/vs/m20-015.html).

According to Oberg, the observed objects are small particles that have separated from the shuttle itself. Sparkle in the sun. And they move - including in different directions - from the fact that the spacecraft turns on the engines. Turns on automatically, adjusting its position in space. Jet exhaust essentially blows off these particles. Occasionally appearing plumes are an optical effect associated with excessive illumination of a digital camera. Its sensors do not have time to "move away" from the bright light of the particles.

- The shots "about the glowing ball" are generally complete bullshit from the point of view of the anomalous, - Mikhail does not doubt. - Only gullible ufomaniacs can believe that this is a UFO. In fact, the so-called Autonomous Extravehicular Activity Robotic Camera Sprint was filmed. The contraption is amusing in itself. This ball is about 40 centimeters in diameter. It looks like a soccer ball. Equipped with 12 miniature nitrogen-powered jet engines and two video cameras. The ball is not attached to anything. Can fly freely, controlled by radio. It is used for external inspection of a spacecraft or station. Obviously, the robot got into the "sensational" shots. And to fool the people, the "distributors" of this movie incorrectly dated the expeditions. The robot ball was first used later, in 1997.


The military is perplexed

Soviet cosmonauts have spoken about "flying saucers" in Earth's orbit. Either Leonov, or Grechko have repeatedly recalled: they say they saw. And for this they knocked on the window glass. Particles of ice were separated from it and looked like "plates" from the side. Which is essentially the same as Oberg's explanation.

However … There is something in the near-earth space that defies any explanation. At least this is admitted (unofficially) by high-ranking specialists of the Russian space forces. Their equipment makes it possible to see for tens of thousands of kilometers, to recognize objects the size of a goose flying on the other side of the planet. And identify them. And there are those that are impossible to recognize. Roughly speaking, the parameters of these objects flying in near-Earth space do not fit into any reasonable framework - in terms of speed, mass, matter. Hearing this from people with big stars on their epaulets, somehow you start looking at the video from NASA with suspicion. The solution to these shots no longer seems so simple and unambiguous.

By the way, James Oberg refused to comment on the "sensational footage" on television. But not because he backed down. He was afraid that the public would bite him. And he will accuse him of helping NASA hide the truth about aliens. And people now believe in them more than in God - polls show.