Alien Hunters Have Found An Ancient Alien Engine On Mars - Alternative View

Alien Hunters Have Found An Ancient Alien Engine On Mars - Alternative View
Alien Hunters Have Found An Ancient Alien Engine On Mars - Alternative View

Video: Alien Hunters Have Found An Ancient Alien Engine On Mars - Alternative View

Video: Alien Hunters Have Found An Ancient Alien Engine On Mars - Alternative View
Video: Mars rover begins search for alien life on Red Planet - BBC News 2024, September

As part of another attempt to prove the existence of intelligent life on Mars, alien hunters began to ring bells and poke a finger at a photograph of the Martian surface, which supposedly shows artificial artifacts that are parts of some alien engine. This amazing find was made by UFO researcher Scott S. Warring when he was looking at images taken by the US Aerospace Agency's Curiosity rover.

The image (see above) from 1584 Martian sol clearly shows objects of unnatural shape lying on the Martian surface and "clearly hinting at their artificial origin," as the alien hunters say. The latter believe that these mysterious objects are parts of the engine of an alien spacecraft, which was thrown by aliens after it went out of work.


Western blog editor UFO Sightings Daily Warring writes:

“The recovered parts clearly indicate that they were designed for some kind of mechanical work. The circular object in the picture is generally very similar to some kind of electric motor. The find may support the fact that the aliens had mechanisms that could make their lives easier. Both of these objects could once have been part of one common mechanism, probably similar to a large motor, which had moving parts like a fan, but with a lower rotational speed."


Alien hunters have previously "discovered" several objects that, in their opinion, prove the existence of life on Mars. Among these objects were: "insects" that were located directly next to the Curiosity rover; face-shaped monuments; alien martian rockets; remains of ancient cities; drones; faces of "Martian goblins" and much more. Not to mention the UFO near the International Space Station. All these "findings", according to ufologists, testify to the existence of life on the Red Planet.

Some even claim that the American aerospace agency NASA has no right to ignore such phenomena and evidence, and in general it knows very well that aliens do exist, but at the same time hides this information from us. However, all these "facts" NASA unofficially calls pareidolia - a visual illusion of fantastic content. The illusion of objects that don't really exist.

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