The WOW Signal Has A Recipient Address - Alternative View

The WOW Signal Has A Recipient Address - Alternative View
The WOW Signal Has A Recipient Address - Alternative View

Video: The WOW Signal Has A Recipient Address - Alternative View

Video: The WOW Signal Has A Recipient Address - Alternative View
Video: Replying to the Wow Signal | National Geographic 2024, September

The WOW Signal has a recipient address: Solar System, Earth. The tip was always in sight, in the numbers circled by the operator who received the signal. A more accurate hint to distinguish the Earth from the other planets of the solar system cannot be given.

If you look at the order of numbers recorded in the printout of the Signal, the clue immediately catches the eye. The first three numbers - 665 coincide with the angle of inclination of the Earth's rotation axis to the plane of its orbit - 66.5 °.

The basis of the WOW Signal cipher was the alphanumeric order of the terrestrial alphabet. Also, it turned out that the priority in decryption belongs to the Russian alphabet.

On the right, the figure shows two decryptions: a set of symbols for the WOW Signal - 6EQUJ5 and with it - two numbers 6 and 7 circled in the printout, and a set of letters of the Latin name of the constellation Sagittarius - SAGITTARIUS.

Deciphering the combinations of Signal numbers - 6,5,6,7 gave the main signs of the Earth, by which it can be distinguished from other planets of the solar system.

65 - axis

67 - orbit

75 - Earth

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The decryption is presented on the basis of the alphanumeric order of the Russian and English alphabets to confirm the above conclusion about the priority of the Russian alphabet.

As you can see, all the highlighted numbers from the WOW Signal printout fully correspond to words from the Russian language, but differ from the same words from the English language. Although the English translation also showed internal clues to the Signal receiver's address.

The presence of hints in English suggests that the Signal could have been decoded immediately after it was received in 1977. Moreover, if an astronomical prompt was noticed that does not require deciphering skills, but only care - the angle of inclination of the Earth's rotation axis to the plane of its orbit is 66.5 °.

The decoding of the letters of the Latin name of the Sagittarius constellation - SAGITTARIUS revealed the address of the recipient of the WOW Signal.

The specified address reads like this: Star Signal. Address: Solar system. Earth. The hallmark of the Earth: the axis of rotation.

In general, such a plan for sending and receiving the WOW Signal was apparently envisaged.

When the Signal is received on Earth, the earthlings will be able to easily determine the cosmic coordinates of its source. And so it turned out. The constellation of Sagittarius was determined by the area of the Signal source.

Assuming that the Signal may be an extraterrestrial Message and, having noticed in the Signal record a recognizable astronomical clue to the "axis of the Earth", earthlings will try to discover other hidden information, and in the process of searching, they will determine the method of encrypting the Signal. Next, they will analyze the cosmic source of the Signal - the name of the constellation SAGITTARIUS, and decipher the second part of the Message.

Putting together two parts of the Message: terrestrial - on the printout of the Signal and cosmic - in the name of the constellation - earthlings should come to the obvious conclusion that the WOW Signal has an artificial nature, and thus is the first evidence of the existence of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

But this Discovery, which is the most important for the earthly civilization, did not happen either then, it does not happen, for some reason, even now. Even after the Signal decryption algorithm and the important warning information found in this case were presented in detail.

Grigoriev Yuri and Azhazha Anna