Inexplicable Or Between Two Realities - Alternative View

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Inexplicable Or Between Two Realities - Alternative View
Inexplicable Or Between Two Realities - Alternative View

Video: Inexplicable Or Between Two Realities - Alternative View

Video: Inexplicable Or Between Two Realities - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Scary Pieces Of Evidence That Alternate Realities Exist - Part 2 2024, September

Unexplained reality games

Between the realities of the ordinary and the extraordinary

• 1960 November - Mrs. Barbara Teggart reported in Faith Magazine how her daughter Sonnett was teleported through a closed door.

This 16-year-old girl was the first to jump out of the car and run up the stairs to the door of the summer cottage. Mrs. Teggart was just getting out of the car with her bags when she heard a distant cry from her daughter.

Mother was surprised to see that Sonette was already standing on the veranda, still holding her books and purchases. The keys to the door were in Mrs Teggart's hands and the door was closed. She happened to use the keys to open the doors and calm her daughter.

Mrs. Barbara said: “I asked my daughter for a long time about what happened, she said that she ran to the first staircase - and suddenly found herself inside the house. In her words, the last thing she remembers about the stairs is the landing. We both did not understand what had happened … She did not touch the doors and did not let go of the luggage. She suddenly found herself on the veranda."

• Bill Freytag from Aurora, Illinois, told how he argued with fellow students and stayed overnight in a haunted house.

He had already begun to believe that it was the most boring night in his life, when a noise was suddenly heard on the stairs in the hallway. He went out of his cubbyhole and saw the image of a man in a belted home jacket, about to climb the stairs.

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It seemed to Bill that the stranger was as surprised as he was, but they both remained calm. The man continued to climb the stairs: at the very top, he stopped, slowly turned and looked at Bill. For a moment their eyes met. Then the ghost continued its movement up the stairs and went to the wall.

- When Bill told me that later he found out: in the place where the "ghost" passed through the wall, there was previously a door to the bedroom, I told him that maybe it was not a ghost at all! says Steiger. - In my opinion, the behavior of the ghost was automatic: when something in the psychic atmosphere activates them, they do the same things at the same time. I often compare a ghost to a piece of film that is projected on a screen whenever someone with the appropriate psychic power is nearby, acting as a "receiver" or "projector."

I assumed that Bill had temporarily moved to another era in time coordinate and ended up in this house (judging by his detailed description of the ghost's clothes - at the beginning of the 19th century), when the head of the family was getting ready for bed. A gentleman from another era also saw a "ghost" in the form of a tall, thin young man with a beard and shoulder-length hair.

• For four years, experts have been studying a strange mummy found in an ancient Egyptian tomb. Now they are convinced that the body, two and a half meters tall, is the remains of an alien who died 4,000 years ago.

“To be honest, we thought that way back when we found the mummy, in 1991,” says Dr. Gaston de Billiard, head of a group of archaeologists from France who discovered this mysterious body. - He had a very wide mouth, and there was no tongue, no ears and no nose. Well, also his huge growth! We have never seen mummies of this size in this area of the world before."

The alien was found in an underground tomb, where after mummification he was buried along with other "normal" dead. Nearby was a set of ancient objects, among which lay a polished metal disc with mysterious inscriptions, as well as a very rusted metal suit with remnants of plate joints. In the same tomb, many stone discs with images of stars and planets were kept.

After careful research, Dr. Jean-Luc Derme, the famous biochemist, came to the following conclusion: “After a thorough study of the object, I and my team of employees can confidently state that the origin of this mummy is unearthly. How she got here is anyone's guess. The organic structure of the mummy is adapted for life on another planet, not on Earth."

• 1963, February 1 - At about 2 pm Thomas Meehan, 38-year-old attorney and California Labor Complaints Officer, left Eureka for his home in Concord. On the road, he began to feel unwell. Arriving at Myers Hlackt, he realized that he needed to stop and spend the night at the motel. He called his wife and told her that he was ill. Mrs. Meehan also felt that he didn't need to rush home in such a state.

At about 11 am the lawyer stopped at the Forty Winks Motel in Redway.

There Meehan felt so bad that he decided to go to the doctor.

Motel employees advised him to go to South Humboldt Community Hospital in Garbelville. Later, a nurse at this hospital said that at about 18.45, a person who identified himself as Thomas Meehan told her that he was almost dying. The nurse began to register the patient, and then, without getting to the doctor, the patient disappeared.

At 7:00 pm, a couple from Myers Flat told the Highway Patrol that they had spotted a car from the rear lights that had pulled off highway 101 into the Eil River.

At about 8 pm, the owner of the Forty Winks Motel, Chip Nunnmaker, again spoke with the lawyer. Nunnmaker recalled that Meehan interrupted their conversation with the words, “Do I look like the dead? I feel like I died and the whole world died with me."

The motel owner said Meehan's boots and trousers looked wet and muddy. At 21 o'clock, Meehan went to his room.

At about 9:30 pm, motel employee Harry Young walked into Meehan's room to say that Meehan's ordered telephone conversation with his wife would not take place - the storm damaged the telephone line. Young noted that the lawyer had changed into a black suit and white shirt.

At 10.45 pm, a California Highway Patrol found Meehan's car in the Eil River, its taillights shining like beacons.

Skid marks indicated that hard braking did not help level the fast moving car. The patrol found blood on the roof of the car. The right front window was down. For 30 feet (about 5 km) drops of blood and muddy footprints stretched along the shore, and then they disappeared.

On February 20, the body of Thomas Meehan was found 16 miles downstream. An autopsy revealed that he had suffered a head wound.

But death occurred as a result of a long stay under water. The evidence indicated that the car entered the river at about the time the hospital nurse checked in the patient. There were no other missing vehicles reported that evening. None of the other vehicles were found in the river that day.

Could it be that a sick, weakened, dizzy lawyer fell into the river Iil somewhere around 20:00, and his confused mind, being in an alternative state of consciousness, found the key to the relativity of time? His spiritual projection could go to the hospital when his sick and tired physical body was desperately trying to keep the car on the highway, just as his spiritual projection could return to Forty Winks to talk to the owner, while his physical body was in ordinary reality, trying to get out to the river bank. Chip Nannemaker noted Meehan's dirty boots and trouser cuffs and his repeated complaints about feeling dead.

30 minutes after Meehan went to his room, Harry Young talked to him and saw him in new clothes. Nobody saw Thomas Meehan again - only 19 days later his body was pulled out of the river.

• Clark is just one of many who believe that other human abilities can manifest themselves in the most unusual moments.

“I was supposed to give a lecture on general issues of hypersensitive perception (HSP) in Lancaster, California,” Clark says. “My talk had nothing to do with astral projection or anything like that. This was a simple overview of ongoing physics research. After 45 minutes, I began to feel an unusual feeling, as if I began to lack air or it was not absorbed by the lungs. I don’t know how to explain this, but it seemed to me that with each breath, the chest increases more and more, while occupying more and more volume. Soon, I felt the ribcage reach the walls.

Then I thought that I might have a heart attack. I remember trying to say, "I think that's all I wanted to say." As soon as I sat down, something unimaginable began to happen in the hall. I was told that my voice could be heard, but I myself completely disappeared from view for at least a couple of minutes. I was surprised. One thing that I felt in those minutes was the feeling of how I became, as it were, a particle of everything. Taking a breath, I filled the entire audience with myself. I stretched from wall to wall.

- Did you feel dizzy or weak?

- I do not remember. Again, I thought I was having a heart attack. Interestingly enough, my listeners noted that my voice never wavered and I did not lose my line of reasoning. They were surprised when I said, “Well, I think that's all I wanted to say,” and sat down.

- Did they see you when you were sitting?

- Yes. They saw me standing and talking, then I disappeared and again became visible already in the chair. The listeners were as shocked as I was if I were a spectator.

• Who can know exactly where his spirit double was and what he was doing?

Again and again, there is evidence that such cases are possible. Therefore, to become participants in the Game with Reality, we need to learn the rules of the Game. In other words, how do we bring these forces under our conscious control?

“My parents, by nature, taught me to balance between the realities of the ordinary and the extraordinary,” says Brad Steiger. - I was lucky that one of my mother's ancestors was Christian Andersen, from him she inherited the ability to live in two worlds. As a teenager, she and her sister encountered a dense three-dimensional materialization of a bearded man in a hoodie on a country road. Although his figure slowly disappeared into thin air, it left sandal prints that were seen by other family members.

All this was self-evident and natural. Mother often talked about her dreams and visions, and they were all real.

On the other hand, my father was a hard-working, practical, good-natured farmer without fantasies, who helped me understand the sensual plane of being. If my mother had led me along a road paved with hard bricks, my father would have stood smiling at the intersection with an empty basket, indicating that it was time to collect eggs and feed the cattle.

I remember how often Vardogr, or the spiritual harbinger of my parents, frightened me when I was alone at home.

In turn, my projection frightened my wife and children with noise when I was just approaching home after traveling with lectures or on business.

One day, while attending a rather prim luncheon, I watched with envy as the men around me lit their pipes. Although I smoke very little myself, I like to smoke my pipe after dinner. In my mind, I imagined all the operations for stuffing, lighting and smoking a pipe.

In my office, the secretary asked my workmate, Ron Teese, if I had returned from the meeting because she could smell my tobacco.

Ron admitted that a strong scent of my favorite brand was coming from my office and was spreading through the office.

Around this time, as we later established, I began to think with concern about the work that awaited me in the office. I mentally inserted a piece of paper into my old 1923 Underwood and began to compose an important letter to be sent that very day.

Both Ron and the secretary were sure that at that moment they heard me move the chair at the typewriter, insert a sheet of paper into the carriage and try on to bang on the keys. Even though they were convinced that I was really sitting in my office and working diligently, they knew at the same time that I had not yet returned from lunch.

Unwittingly, they became worried and even frightened of what was smoking my pipe and knocking on the typewriter. They called another employee of mine, Glenn McWain, and went with him down the hall to my office to see what was going on there.

In the office, they did not see any sheet of paper in the typewriter, no one was working on it, but they claimed that there was tobacco smoke in the air.

When I returned, I noticed that the secretary and my comrade were looking at me with genuine suspicion, which bothered me until they told me this story.

I deformed our flexible reality by the force of waves without special special attempts, that is, I consciously performed certain tasks in my mind, but without the goal of spreading my influence somewhere.

With all this in mind, I decided to try to get a real sense of the environment both in the service and at David and Alain Graham's home when I was in Hawaii in March 1973. However, I did not announce my intention to do this, because I did not want to plant suspicions in someone.

It turned out that I made some wonderful discoveries in our usual concept of time and space. David and Alain met me and my wife Marilyn at the Minneapolis airport and, before getting into the car, reported the following.

1. Once in an institution, David heard the sound of a typewriter in my locked room.

2. Alain was awakened in the evening by strange sounds (ringing and crackling), and she saw my image shining at a distance of one and a half meters from the bedroom floor (such sounds are often noted in such cases). I was surrounded by radiance and smiled, which was a testament to my well-being (at first she thought she was seeing a dying image of ghosts).

3. On the morning of our arrival, David mentally tuned in to receive our image and saw us in the seats of the plane with which there was some kind of accident (during takeoff, the Boeing 747's tire burst, and we landed in Seattle instead of Portland) …

It may be intriguing to be able to project an image of your body. But isn't it more useful to have full power? This is another achievement available to the participants of the Game of Reality.

N. Nepomniachtchi