Cultivating Stupidity - Alternative View

Cultivating Stupidity - Alternative View
Cultivating Stupidity - Alternative View

Video: Cultivating Stupidity - Alternative View

Video: Cultivating Stupidity - Alternative View
Video: The Dunning-Kruger Effect - Cognitive Bias - Why Incompetent People Think They Are Competent 2024, September

All Russians remember the times when they laughed at Mikhail Zadornov's jokes about stupid Americans. The audience was filled with national pride due to the apparent intellectual superiority over an ignorant and degrading nation, watching wrestling and eating big macs. And so, something happened to us that we despised - an epidemic of stupidity came to Russia.

It would seem - why does the state support and is still trying to lower the already low intellectual level of the population, because its economic, industrial, scientific and cultural progress directly depends on the state of minds of its fellow citizens? Why directly in that era when the inhabitants of the planet had so many means and opportunities for education and creativity, we see such a stream of stupidity in the movies, on the network and on TV? But let's take it all apart. First, let's face the obvious - people don't like to think. Wiggling brains is to some extent labor that consumes energy, and people are lazy to strain. Nervous tension in the head causes fatigue and discomfort. Therefore, instead of reading smart books or useful creativity, it is better to sit in front of the TV or on the Internet.

Ignorance and capitalism go hand in hand. The USSR followed a different path - they tried to comprehensively educate the population, one of the best education systems at that time was created, the Soviet people were one of the most reading in the world [, however, they read everything voraciously, but that's another story], children were actively involved to join the circles of radio engineers, designers, etc. However, developing education, the USSR cut the branch on which it was sitting. Educated and developed people did not seriously believe in the idea of communism, and did not support the existing regime during the fateful perestroika time.

Unfortunately, in the USSR they taught only to read, and not to think, otherwise how to explain the fact that hundreds of thousands of residents of the former most reading country after the collapse of the latter began to massively "charge water" from televisions and take money to "MMM". The capitalists, on the other hand, have well understood that a stupid person is much more useful to power. He will not go to rebel when his favorite TV series, an episode of "The Battle of Psychics" or "Comedy", is on TV. Although it is easier to make him hate the authorities by showing them imaginary or real crimes on the Internet, because a stupid person, not knowing how to deeply analyze, gives in to emotions more easily. But now, as we are seeing, the Internet is being tidied up step by step in the government's iron grip.

And here it is not so much about politics. Those who are at the top of the economic pyramid understand: The more dumb people, the easier it is to make money on them, and the easier it is to manage them.

“American colleagues explained to me that the low level of general culture and school education in their country is a conscious achievement for the sake of economic goals. The fact is that, having read books, an educated person becomes a worse buyer: he buys less washing machines and cars, begins to prefer Mozart or Van Gogh, Shakespeare or theorems to them. The economy of the consumer society suffers from this and, above all, the income of the owners of life - so they strive to prevent culture and education [which, in addition, prevent them from manipulating the population like a herd devoid of intelligence]. " Original Russian Text © V. I. Arnold

So, to make people easier to manage, they need to wean them to think a lot. The thinking of the average citizen should remain at the level of that of a teenager. How is this done in practice?

1. Patterns and stereotypes make thinking much easier. The more stencils and generally recognized points of view in the head, the less room for your own thoughts. Of particular importance is the opinion of “authorities” who appear in the media - artists, athletes, politicians, TV presenters: if you listen to them all the time, you won't have to work on drawing up your own opinion.

Promotional video:

2. The average person must think strictly evaluatively. Assessments should be categorical, unambiguous: this is good, and this is evil; this is good and this is bad; this is white, and this is black - there is no third, no gray shades and midtones.

3. What does a citizen essentially do while relaxing in front of the TV after work? Gets emotions and laughs. Humorous programs [as well as funny pictures and videos, and “statements” on the Internet] occupy the lion's share of the leisure time of ordinary people. However, this humor does not require mental effort, it is mostly flat [as for children], or vulgar-toilet-obscene [as an option - "cynical", but also stupid]. The best humor for citizens is the so-called "rzhaka" - when some inappropriate action that does not require thought provokes a reaction of laughter.

4. The entire diverse entertainment industry is aimed at minimizing the habit of thinking - 50 television channels in each house, all kinds of shows, shopping and entertainment centers, bars, clubs and cafes, alcohol. Whatever the people are busy with - the main thing is not to interfere. I hope no one will argue that Dom-2, TNT programs, TV series and music videos, as well as mouse clicks in search of rzhaki or sexual relaxation on the Internet, do not develop intelligence, but on the contrary, they suppress the desire to move brains. Dullness, sexual behavior, aggression and shocking are glorified in TV shows and comedies. It clearly demonstrates how fun and cool it is to be stupid and inadequate. Freaks get all the attention. The most common image on a TV show is a hysterical, moody, fucking person,that behaves deliberately shocking and requires attention to himself. Young people most often want to imitate such freaks in order to also be “not like everyone else”, special and popular. But this "standing out from the gray mass" most often consists in inappropriate behavior, bizarre appearance and strange manners, but by no means in mental abilities. And, of course, in order to “not be like everyone else,” ordinary people spend a lot of money on buying “exclusive” clothes, accessories, gadgets and other junk [what, in fact, the industry is aimed at]. And, of course, in order to “not be like everyone else,” ordinary people spend a lot of money on buying “exclusive” clothes, accessories, gadgets and other junk [what, in fact, the industry is aimed at]. And, of course, in order to “not be like everyone else”, ordinary people spend a lot of money on buying “exclusive” clothes, accessories, gadgets and other junk [what, in fact, the industry is aimed at].

5. Another implanted “trend” is hatred and contempt for others [including, by the way, for their “stupidity”]. This spurs the desire to stand out, acquiring more status items. The more individuals despise and seek to humiliate each other, the more they buy in order to assert themselves. The people around should be seen as a source of personal self-gratification [in every sense of the word].

6. A citizen is implicitly instilled that the meaning of his life is in demonstrating his own worth and constantly receiving doping pleasure [through consumption, watching various shows and purchases].

Be cool and buy more. Get exalted and get more buzz. Heifers, booze, cars, clubs, take everything from life - that's your motto. The triumph of PSV and the inexhaustible flow of endorphins.

7. The mass media should encourage and develop in consumers those emotions and qualities that will help producers of various goods and services to cook well.

For instance:

- Greed, greed, desire for freebies;

- Feelings of superiority, egocentrism, narcissism, arrogance.

- Aggression, desire to dominate;

- Sexual instinct, desire to look attractive;

- The desire to stand out, to be special, not like everyone else;

- Striving to be fashionable, to be “in trend”, to keep up with life, to change wardrobe more often and update things.

Such emotions and aspirations in ancient cultures are considered to be base. People whose heads are stuffed with such things more often resemble flocks of gnawing animals than civilized society. From here we get disunited, indifferent, cruel fellow citizens to each other.

8. The ultimate goal of the media is not even so much dullness through entertainment as the formation of the consumer. The ideal consumer should be confident in his exclusivity, selfish and narcissistic. His "I" and his wishlist should be at the center of his universe. Not a logical, but an emotional attitude to what is happening is encouraged. A person's desires should overshadow his real needs. People are eager to teach people to want new things strongly, even when there is no practical need for them.

The ideal mass is one that will not ponder the appeal, but will immediately go to buy, obeying its desires.