Etheric Double - Alternative View

Etheric Double - Alternative View
Etheric Double - Alternative View

Video: Etheric Double - Alternative View

Video: Etheric Double - Alternative View
Video: Ethric Double 2024, September

The etheric body is made up of tiny lines of energy, like a sparkling array of rays of light. It has the same structure as the physical body. The etheric double has a certain framework of lines of force, or an energy matrix, on which physical matter develops and takes shape. The physical tissues exist only because of the vital field; that is, this field precedes the physical body, and is not its product. This ratio was confirmed by my long-term observations of the growth of the leaves of the rose that blooms in my kitchen. Using the sixth chakra, I saw that the plant projects the energy matrix of the leaf before it appears. As the leaf grows, it cheerfully fills this pre-existing shape with green cells.

The cobweb-like structure of the etheric double is in constant motion. The clairvoyant can observe how blue-white sparks move along his energy lines through the entire dense physical body. The etheric body extends beyond the physical for a distance of one to six centimeters and pulsates at a frequency of 15 to 20 cycles per minute.

The color of this twin ranges from light blue to gray. Light blue is associated with a more subtle shape than gray. That is, the first layer of the sensitive body will be bluish, while the etheric body of a more athletic, strong person will appear gray. All chakras in this layer have the same color as the body. Therefore, in color they will also vary from blue to gray. Chakras look like funnels, consisting, like the entire etheric body, of a grid of light. A person can perceive in this layer all organs and members of the physical body, but as consisting of flickering light. Just like in the energy system of a plant leaf, this etheric structure projects a matrix for cell growth.

When the etheric body is isolated and viewed separately, it appears to be male or female, composed of frequently intersecting bluish lines of light. Moreover, facial features will be recognizable.

The etheric body is so close to the physical that you can feel it. As you ride the high-speed elevator, notice the feeling of "sinking" or "pulling" in the stomach. It occurs due to the fact that the etheric body begins to leave the connection with the physical as a result of the pressure arising from the rapid movement of the elevator. The same can be experienced by swinging on a large swing. The etheric layer is just at the border with a solid, and it can be influenced by this kind of physical pressure. Conversely, the etheric double can sometimes affect physical objects. There is a kind of magic that allows a person to gain control over his etheric body and with its help to do many wonderful and powerful things on the physical earth, including moving heavy objects by the invisible power of a double.

The famous English clairvoyant and magician Dion Fortune, in her book "Modern Psychic Defense", tells an interesting story of how she had to look after her sick teacher. One full moon night, she was awakened by someone sitting on her bed. As Fortune's eyes adjusted to the darkness, she was surprised to see the teacher's face and figure. He sat in his usual robe on her legs and dozed, painfully squeezing his weight on Dion's feet. With difficulty, Fortune pulled her stiff legs out from under the sleeper and began to gently shake the teacher. But instead of waking up, he suddenly disappeared. After analyzing what had happened, Dion realized that it was the etheric double of the teacher, since the figure was seen as gray and colorless. In the morning she asked the patient about the incident, but the teacher said that he slept all night, he had heavy incoherent dreams,usual for an unhealthy person, but he did not remember them.

It is well known that if the etheric double is struck or wounded while traveling outside the body, then corresponding traces immediately appear on the sleeping physical body. Dion Fortune says that after astral fights with other magicians, physical bruises and abrasions appeared on her body. The nature of these bruises has the same mechanism of appearance as in the case of bleeding stigmata on the bodies of saints and deeply religious people.

When you have mastered a little clairvoyance, then by observing someone's shoulder in dim light against a dark background, you can see the pulsations of the etheric double. Pulsations arise on the head, transfer to the shoulder, then flow down the arm like a wave of water. If you look more closely, you can make out the clear space between the shoulder and the blue haze of light. This is followed by a layer of blue haze, which gradually fades away from the body. Its pulsation along the arm is very rapid, and without preliminary training, you may not have time to see it.

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The etheric body is a body of magnetic tensions, in the volume of which all the atoms of a physical person are located. However, there is one more intermediate link between them, which is called "Hile" or ectoplasm. Hile is a raw material from which dense matter condenses. Human thoughts are magnetic in nature, so they easily condense the ectoplasm into a certain form and produce various phenomena of physical manifestations. Hele can be projected in the form of long rods, which can be actively used at a considerable distance from the magician. Or transform the ectoplasm into a misty cloud, connected to the medium by a very thin control cord. With the help of fantasy, a person can turn this cloud into any animal or bird and transfer his consciousness into it. Usually with such an embodiment of consciousness into an invented animal,a sleeping human body loses two-thirds of its original weight. From etheric atoms and molecules, artificial elementals are consciously, but sometimes unconsciously formed. They differ from simple thought-forms in that they receive a separate existence, independent of the magician. Of course, first of all, they strive to fulfill the will of their creator. These artificial animals are like electric batteries: their life flows out through radiation, like accumulated electricity. If these buildings are not periodically recharged with their thought-forms, they slowly weaken and die, dissolving in the ether. Of course, first of all, they strive to fulfill the will of their creator. These artificial animals are like electric batteries: their life flows out through radiation, like accumulated electricity. If these buildings are not periodically recharged with their thought-forms, they slowly weaken and die, dissolving in the ether. Of course, first of all, they strive to fulfill the will of their creator. These artificial animals are like electric batteries: their life flows out through radiation, like accumulated electricity. If these buildings are not periodically recharged with their thought-forms, they slowly weaken and die, dissolving in the ether.

An artificial etheric elemental is usually created by the magician's four conscious actions:

1. A clear image of the required creation is formed in the imagination.

2. With the help of daily meditations on an invented image, matter is condensed in the volume of an imaginary being.

3. Then the being is spiritualized (revived) by transferring the corresponding part of its consciousness to the elemental.

4. By analogy, a suitable natural force is invoked into the created being.

For thousands of years, this simple and reliable method has been used by people from different countries and continents for good and bad deeds. In this way, guardian angels and destroyer demons are formed. Some dying women, worried about the welfare of their children, often unconsciously create such guardian angels for them.

I myself have accidentally gone through several difficult experiences of the unconscious formation of elementals - protectors. At that time, I still did not even suspect I had occult abilities. Once I was severely and for no apparent reason beaten by a young man of athletic build, after which I spent a month in the hospital with numerous fractures and concussion. Although I was offended that I had suffered for nothing, at the same time it seemed to me that I had forgiven my offender and did not wish him any harm. However, my subconscious did not agree with this decision of the rational mind. Every night I had nightmares in which I continued to fight this aggressive young man. With a frail physique, in dreams I seemed to myself a hero, reminiscent of Hercules, and invariably won the victory. Another great feature of my double - the "guardian angel" was incredibly cruel and loved to torture his victim. When I left the hospital, I learned through acquaintances that a great misfortune befell my enemy. Then he suddenly disappeared somewhere and my nightmares stopped.

The ethereal bodies of people are not similar to each other, as are people walking the streets. The question arises: why does one person have an ethereal double that is tall, powerful, athletic, while the other has a short, thin, narrow-shouldered one? It turns out that everything depends on the purpose for which the soul is once again incarnated on Earth. Young souls who have just come from the animal kingdom, or those who constantly indulge their desires and remain "for the second year" in the first grade of the earthly school, must learn the simple laws of gross matter - the laws of force. They will have to deal with a shovel, hammer, plow, and exhausting physical labor. Therefore, young souls create powerful etheric bodies to copy their athletic physical counterparts from. Old souls, or mature ones, or those who have already passed the initial stage of training,are born on earth to develop their mental body with the help of human science and art. You don't need large muscles and heavy bones to hold a pen, brush, or press buttons. Therefore, the ethereal counterparts of the “high school students” look more elegant and sensitive.

Boreev G. A.