Secrets Of Subtle Matter (Part 2) - Alternative View

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Secrets Of Subtle Matter (Part 2) - Alternative View
Secrets Of Subtle Matter (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Subtle Matter (Part 2) - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Subtle Matter (Part 2) - Alternative View
Video: Dark Matter (Full Movie) Drama, Meryl Streep 2024, September

All things and objects have etheric bodies, and when a person comes into contact with them, a kind of meditation arises. Its character depends on the person: how a cat can be stroked along or against the coat, depending on what it starts to purr or release its claws, so any thing can be handled in a pleasant way or not

The ability to build relationships with things, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, largely depends on the ethereal situation around a person and his energy. You do not need to be a psychic in order to feel the etheric body of a sofa cushion: if the palm does not feel its “fields” at a distance, you can easily move your hand over its surface, and most of the tactile sensations will relate specifically to the etheric body of the pillow.

Objects that surround people constantly, over time, get used to and adapt to them, excluding completely already disorderly personalities and frank ethereal vampires who are ready to disrupt and destroy the energy field of any thing. Usually, the touch of such a person causes a shiver of disgust - the etheric body tries to free itself from the unpleasant intrusion. Appearing in a room and moving through it, an ethereal vampire can rudely, barbarously, cross out all the spatial energy of the room, which she will experience as aggression and humiliation. And, conversely, you can try to delicately fit into the interior, finding yourself the place that the room is ready to offer you. Moreover, a person is able to completely change the space of the room for another, without even moving from the place where he sits or stands. So that everyone in the room becomes uncomfortable and restless,it is enough for one of them to sit in an obviously uncomfortable position for himself - even the wardrobe and the chandelier will get nervous from this, not to mention the people.

Physical behavior in social space is a special art that few people master, despite its enormous applied value. It is amazing how little people see and feel their physical body and almost do not understand what effect it has on space and others. As a rule, a person identifies himself with the astral ("my emotions"), causal ("events of my life") or mental ("my thoughts") body, having a completely wrong idea of the physical.

Modern man is poorly able to coordinate his physical behavior with the state of the surrounding world, which leads to a mismatch between internal organs and body parts. For example, a city dweller does not pay much attention to the road surface under his feet and always walks as if on asphalt. As a result, the muscles, ligaments and bones of his feet and legs receive an extremely monotonous load (in comparison with the one for which they are designed), and of the huge set of joints of muscles, ligaments and bones, only a small part is actually used. From this, firstly, the etheric body weakens, not receiving the energy of physical movements it needs, and secondly, the legs become clumsy, unable to coordinate the work of their muscles.

Anyone can easily feel the difference between a movement with a positive etheric balance, which increases the etheric energy of the joint (muscles, ligaments), and negative, when the energy decreases. In the first case, it is subjectively experienced as a pleasant stretch, produced by forces outside the joint, until light pain sensations appear, which are perceived as healing. After the stretching stops, the joint

feels pleasant warmth and full of vital energy - this is how the etheric body expresses gratitude for the nourishment.

The mode of movements with a negative etheric balance reduces the etheric energy of the joint, ligament, organ. At the same time, they work with overload, for wear and tear, and the etheric body urgently takes energy from its other parts, transferring it to the loaded organ. All modern sports are built on this scheme, which essentially differs little from bullfighting, in the role of which are athletes, and spectators, coaches, judges and the entire system of competitions serve as banderellers and picadors.

It is necessary to take into account the sharp differences that may exist between the subtle bodies of one individual: he, for example, may have a rude and cheeky astral body, but at the same time a quiet, modest and downtrodden physical, and sometimes vice versa.

Less obvious than professional sports, but no less crushing evil for a person, is a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the physical body transfers energy to the etheric body only through food. Of course, there can be no question of any positive etheric balance; after all, it occurs only with a certain (and not too large or small) load on a muscle, ligament, joint, after which they warm up and become independent sources of energy and heat.

Good ethereal energy provides excellent protection for the physical body: people who possess it do not freeze, with some effort they can walk barefoot over the coals or, without harm to themselves, hold their hand in the flame of a candle.

An excellent exercise for the etheric body is long-distance cross-country running. At this time, there is not only intense meditation inside him, but also active interaction with the physical body and the environment. Currently, a person is considered healthy if nothing hurts him and he is able to walk up the stairs to the third floor so that it does not become the highlight of the day. However, such indicators are far from the limit. Any person who is not able to easily run ten kilometers in a forest path in one hour should be considered sick.

During this time, all the main internal organs manage to "ring out", and they turn to the person in turn and you can have time to talk to everyone, having listened to his requests and complaints, and then, if possible, take the necessary measures.

Modern Western medicine and under its influence the public subconscious consider a person approximately like a car, and a disease - as a defect of one or another part. This is very convenient for doctors, since it allows them to be narrow specialists, but it does not at all correspond to the nature of the organism in general and the etheric body in particular: a disease of any organ is only a separate symptom of a violation of the general energy potential of a person.

However, the rules of good manners prescribe the presentation of claims primarily to oneself. Do I respect my etheric body? Do I love him? Do I listen attentively or do I only respond to deafening alarm signals, accompanied by acute pain and a complete breakdown?

The art of living in many respects lies in cooperation with its own body, which not only takes care of itself, but also gives surprisingly accurate signs that are visible only to its "owner" and refer to all spheres of his cares and activities without exception.

Based on materials from the books Returned Occultism, or the Tale of the Thin Seven and Subtle Bodies.


20th century has turned most ideas about the nature of things.

Scientist Nikola Tesla, mystic philosopher Rudolf Steiner and psychologist Wilhelm Reich made a significant contribution to the development of human thought of the past century, each of whom was absolutely sure that the world is ruled by energy. And today, many researchers are convinced that the physical world we see does not exist outside the boundless energy field and is just a materialized substance reflected from it.

Serbian-American physicist Nikola Teslawas extremely popular at the very beginning of the last century, but then faded into the shadow of Einstein (he opposed the theory of relativity with his theory of the ether, which did not find support in the scientific community). However, in the past two decades, interest in Tesla's ideas and personality has suddenly rekindled. Perhaps because he, like no one else in the XX century, was able to synthesize scientific and esoteric ideas about reality. Such a synthesis looks extremely relevant for today. Tesla had no doubts that “our world is immersed in a huge ocean of energy, we are flying in endless space with incomprehensible speed; everything revolves around, moves - everything is energy”.

The scientist explained any material phenomena by the resonant interaction of photons, of which the ether consists. Therefore, each object of visible reality appears from the ether and dissolves in it at the end of its life. The etheric field structures, in addition to matter, time, space, physical forces and other quantities that a person operates with throughout his life. It followed from Tesla's theory that energy can be transferred to any distance at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and this, as you know, fundamentally contradicts Einstein's conclusions. The latest scientific experiments and parapsychological experiments show that the genius Serb was most likely right.

Tesla differed from the overwhelming majority of physicists of the new era in that he skillfully combined theory and experiment. For example, he created "ball-shaped lightning" in the laboratory. By the way, other scientists are still trying in vain to reproduce this experience. And at the end of Х1Хв. In Colorado Springs, a scientist carried out a unique experiment on wireless transmission of energy, having managed to produce an electromagnetic discharge with the help of a special transformer, with a power exceeding atmospheric lightning. 200 light bulbs located far from the laboratory glowed white-hot from the received energy. A few years later, in the legendary Wardencliff laboratory tower, 60 km from New York, with the help of some experiment, he “lit up” the sky not only over the largest American city, but also over the vast expanses of the Atlantic Ocean.

Tesla's amazing ability to transfer energy through space gave rise to the legend that the explosion over Tunguska was the work of a brilliant inventor.

Tesla was convinced that the time had not yet come for his most important experiments. Therefore, soon after this unique experience, he left Wardencliff forever and switched to other pursuits - fortunately, the range of his scientific interests was extremely wide (Tesla made over 800 inventions alone, including he invented an alternator, invented an antenna and discovered the principle of radio communication).

ethereal beings

Rudolf Steiner was no less popular than Tesla, only among mystics and esotericists at the beginning of the last century. He also lived a very bright life: he created an anthroposophical society (with the idea of combining science and religion), led the construction of the Getenaum temple, was the founder of alternative Waldorf pedagogy, the goal of which is the free development of children without stress and educational clichés. Steiner's collected works (including transcripts of lectures) comprise 574 volumes.

The Austrian philosopher did not doubt the existence of the etheric body, and insisted that it is "not a product of matter, but an independent real entity that animates and supports physical substances." Steiner claimed that he could see the etheric bodies of people with the naked eye. Subsequent scientific discoveries showed that all living things emit electromagnetic waves in the form of glowing sparks. Hence, theoretically, especially perspicacious persons are able to see the etheric circuit of another person.

Steiner's esoteric concept implied the existence of not only the etheric body of individual people, but also the universal etheric world, with which it is connected much more firmly than the physical "I" of a person with material reality. In this etheric world there are also many etheric beings with whom a person implicitly contacts throughout his life. What he considers to be his "I" is only a reflection of the true, ethereal "I" in the physical-sensory world.

Steiner believed that in order to learn to distinguish the aura of people, you just need to awaken your "spiritual vision."

Comprehension of your etheric essence (and through it - the higher energies of the universe) is possible through internal exercises, the purpose of which, as Steiner metaphorically expressed it, is to stop living in the "element of heat" where the physical body resides, and to start living in the "element lightness ".


The concept of the Austro-American psychologist Wilhelm Reich can be considered a synthesis of the ideas of Tesla and Steiner. Reich was convinced that there is a special type of energy in nature - orgone, which determines the existence of all living organisms and, first of all, people. According to the scientist, orgone, penetrating into the human body, becomes the creative force that underlies sexuality and other active forms of activity. Reich considered the orgone sense to be the sixth sense, and the most important of all.

Mental and physical health of people, Reich believed, is directly related to their sex life (by the way, it was he who introduced the concept of "sexual revolution", and long before it began), therefore any artificial ban on sex by society is fraught with the most serious consequences. Reich was actually a pioneer of body-oriented therapy, trying to teach patients, from his point of view, the main thing - the ability to accumulate and use orgone.

The seer Wilhelm Reich wrote his famous book "Psychology of the Masses and Fascism" from 1930 to 1933, just at the time when Adolf Hitler was successfully breaking through to power in Germany.

After the Nazis came to power, Reich moved to the United States, where he later developed an apparatus for collecting and concentrating aetheric energy - a box with six walls made of alternating layers of metallic and organic materials. The scientist's attempts to introduce into practice an orgone accumulator, which, in his opinion, makes it possible to increase the level of orgone in a person, angered the American authorities. They ordered Reich to cease his activities, ordered to burn all his books and publications, and then imprisoned the psychologist in prison, where he died seven months later from a heart attack.

Quantum Man

At the end of the last century, the American physician, philosopher and writer of Indian descent Deepak Chopra put forward another theory that combines the ancient esoteric ideas and the ideas of the scientific revolution of the 20th century. Chopra theorized that the physical body is the gateway to the quantum human body, in which each organ has its own equivalent.

Although the vibrations of quantum particles are extremely weak, man, thanks to the highest sensitivity of his nervous system, is able to catch them. And this determines the possibility of interaction between two bodies. At the same time, the energy at the quantum level is extremely high, which makes people, in the case of successful "use" of their quantum body, beings with limitless possibilities.

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