Jealous Car - Alternative View

Jealous Car - Alternative View
Jealous Car - Alternative View

Video: Jealous Car - Alternative View

Video: Jealous Car - Alternative View
Video: How To Handle Jealousy As a Man - Mate Guarding 2024, September

An acquaintance of ours named Boris divorced for the second time. He was 42 at that time. For a man - the most prosperity Add to this an interesting appearance, a great sense of humor, erudition and your own business - and you get an almost complete portrait of him.

Our Boris was a favorite of women. But he was not lucky with family life. Both marriages were short-lived and childless. And he loved children very much and dreamed of them for a long time.

Immediately after the second divorce, Boris decided to change the car. He had wanted to buy an Audi for a long time: in his life he had many different cars, but he had not yet had a car of this brand.

I must say that Boris was well versed in technology. Even in his youth, he, together with a childhood friend, opened a small car repair shop. Over time, it turned into a network of auto repair shops, thanks to which Boris flourished.

The new black Audi, finally acquired, turned out to be a car with character. He first appeared when Boris, who, naturally, was not going to give up on his personal life, decided to give Natasha a lift, his new girlfriend. The car just didn't want to start. Then, when the engine still managed to start, she snorted displeased: the engine was malfunctioning.

A worried Boris drove the car to one of his workshops. But the master, not finding any problems, said with a smile that the car was simply jealous of its owner for women. He knows a lot of such cases - he has heard enough from clients.

Boris only smiled in response, although he recalled that as soon as he got behind the wheel alone or in the company of a friend, the car would start without problems.

The affair with Natalya continued until, once coming to her home without a call, Boris found her with another man. Later, he had a thought: it was not for nothing that the car did not accept the girl!

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Another friend - Oksana - Boris led to the car door with interest and apprehension: will his choice be approved? This time everything repeated itself with frightening precision. And in the future, the car started to junk every time when Boris gave Oksana a lift.

Taking note of the strange behavior of his car, our acquaintance nevertheless continued to communicate with the girl. And one day I accidentally overheard her conversation with a friend on the phone:

- Are you going to teach me? I finally met the rich Buratino, and Stasik - an alternate airfield.

Boris did not say anything to Oksana, but soon broke up with her.

For some time, and quite a long time, Boris did not start serious relationships with women - he did not want new disappointments. Life went on as usual. Boris lived without denying himself anything, often went on vacation, including abroad, to hot countries. He devoted a lot of time to auto repair shops, and the business went uphill.

Once Boris was racing along a suburban highway: he was going to look at the premises for a newly created auto repair shop. As he passed the bus stop, he noticed that a young woman who was walking with a child of about three years old on the side of the road, suddenly fell. She got up, tried to move on, but, apparently, twisted her leg. He took pity on the poor fellow, stopped, offered his help.

The girl asked for a ride with her son to her parents' house in a nearby village. And what is most surprising - this time the car behaved beyond all praise, despite Boris's fears.

He decided to take a closer look at the stranger. We started talking. Her name was Olga. It turned out that she had recently left her husband, who was very jealous of her and spread his arms. Now Olya lives with her parents.

Boris liked the girl, he asked for her phone number. As a result, this acquaintance ended with a wedding. Boris fell in love very much and adopted a boy who somehow resembled himself in childhood. This is how the car showed the owner who his destiny is!

I. Manich, city of Krasnoyarsk