Mystical Car - Alternative View

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Mystical Car - Alternative View
Mystical Car - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Car - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Car - Alternative View
Video: The Holy Grail - Mystical Car Boot Sale 2024, September

Not only apartments, abandoned hospitals, castles and so on can be mystical. This attack can affect anything, even modern technology. And especially often, paranormal phenomena occur with cars.

Suffice it to say that ghost cars are constantly seen in the world, which can appear nowhere and also suddenly melt away, as if they never happened. Moreover, such ghost cars are not always harmless, often because of them accidents occur, people die. But there is also something else, when a real car suddenly behaves as if a demon had possessed it. Or even worse: as if it belongs not only to you, but also to some dark, otherworldly forces, which are its true masters.


For example, Pyotr Skvortsov from Rostov-on-Don once bought almost brand new Zhiguli at the car market, and so cheaply that the guy considered it the greatest luck in his life. However, his joy very quickly gave way to anxiety when Peter realized that something strange and incomprehensible was happening to this car.

Mystical things began to happen to the car

Carefully looking after the new car, Skvortsov, one might say, literally licked his Zhigulenka. It was in this state that he locked it in the garage in the evening, and in the morning … found it dirty, as if someone had been driving a car all night long. Moreover, the gasoline in the tank was significantly reduced, although the speedometer remained fantastic untouched. Pyotr tried to catch these dexterous and cunning hooligans, but that was not the case: by twelve o'clock some unnatural sleep was making him (nothing helped in this case, even a day's rest and strong coffee). And then the guy woke up in the morning near the same broken trough, that is, he collided with the same dirty car with open doors and sometimes even lowered windows.

Skvortsov tried to spend the night in the car, hiding in the back seat. However, at night someone hit him hard on the head, and in the morning he woke up in his Zhigulenka, which this time, apparently, had been driving somewhere all night.

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However, a Russian person cannot be taken so easily, and Skvortsov began to drain the gasoline from the tank and take the canister home. It was not so, the car in this case was winding somewhere at night, but the strangest thing in this case was that she "ate" gasoline from a canister that was at home.

And the guy gave up: he decided to sell the mystical car. At least, it was possible to make good money on this, since the car was practically new, and it was not difficult to push it for a decent amount. However, the same night, when the decision to part with the car matured, Peter had a dream in which the former owner of the Zhigulenka came to him. The man was all in black and looked somehow mystically ominous. He went up to Skvortsov and, shaking his finger at him, whispered in his ear: “Sell the car for as much as you bought yourself! And do not try to disobey - you will regret it."

Naturally, Peter did not dare to contradict the "black man", and therefore almost a new "Zhigulenok" for that bargain price was bought from him at the car market in a couple of days. It's strange, the guy recalls, but as soon as the car was sold, it became surprisingly light and calm in his soul. And no pity about the time spent, gasoline and even health: a bump on the head by that time still remained. Just a huge relief - and that's it …