The World's First Human Head Transplant Is To Be Carried Out In Germany - Alternative View

The World's First Human Head Transplant Is To Be Carried Out In Germany - Alternative View
The World's First Human Head Transplant Is To Be Carried Out In Germany - Alternative View

Video: The World's First Human Head Transplant Is To Be Carried Out In Germany - Alternative View

Video: The World's First Human Head Transplant Is To Be Carried Out In Germany - Alternative View
Video: World's First Head Transplant: What's Involved? 2024, July

The world's first human head transplant is due in 2017. Italian neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero, who is preparing to conduct it, said that the operation will take place in Germany.

According to Canavero, he and his team of Chinese specialists are ready for the most difficult procedure. The only problem that needs to be solved now is the funding of the project, which Canavero gave the code name "Heaven".

Earlier it was said that the operation could be carried out in China, and the donor, on whose body the head of Russian Valery Spiridonov will be transplanted, will also be Chinese. Canavero is convinced that if successful, the patient will be able to fully recover within a year after surgery. However, according to Express, it was not possible to find a donor among the Chinese "for biological reasons."

According to the Daily Star, Canavero now wants to have an operation in Germany. He did not name the exact date, however, assumes that the transplant will take place "closer to Christmas" (most likely, he means Catholic Christmas, that is, December 2017).

“Today I officially appeal to the German authorities with a request to help me realize the first cephalosomatic anastomosis in the history of mankind,” the publication quotes Canavero. In his opinion, Germany is a country that sets medical standards around the world. Moreover, in the upcoming operation, the surgeon intends to use German technologies, so, in his opinion, Germany is the best place where this "breakthrough in the history of medicine" can be made.

Canavero announced his readiness to transplant a human head back in 2015. Russian programmer Valery Spiridonov, who suffers from Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, volunteered to take part in the project. Because of her, Valery is confined to a wheelchair and practically cannot move on his own.

Canavero did not rule out that the operation could take place in Russia, since there are highly qualified surgeons here who are ready to take part in the project.