Alfred Watkins Energy Leu Lines - Alternative View

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Alfred Watkins Energy Leu Lines - Alternative View
Alfred Watkins Energy Leu Lines - Alternative View

Video: Alfred Watkins Energy Leu Lines - Alternative View

Video: Alfred Watkins Energy Leu Lines - Alternative View
Video: Man Claims He Can Tap Into an Ancient Energy Field 2024, July

In the early 1920s, an elderly English merchant and amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins walked the hills of his native Herfordshire. Suddenly the familiar landscape appeared before him in a completely different form. He saw that the whole area in front of him was drawn into squares with straight lines passing through churches, buildings, ancient monuments.

The gentleman realized that he saw before him a map of ancient Britain - a landscape covered with a grid of perfectly straight roads, most of which correlated either with the movement of the sun or with the trajectories of stars. It was a strange vision.

And, as with revelations, it shaped the rest of Alfred Watkins' life. He called these lines the Lei system. "Lei" - in Old Saxon means "cleared land".


Even before the Romans

Further research confirmed that, yes, straight lines tens of kilometers long, running through ancient burial sites and stone observatories such as Stonehenge, which Watkins could see from the hill, are indeed expensive. Moreover, they were planned long before the invasion of the Romans, although they were considered the first road builders in Britain. Now these roads have disappeared, but not without a trace.

And if Watkins saw them as a wonderful inspiration, then, walking along the path indicated by him, one could see either an ancient slab that had gone into the ground, or a row of boulders, or some other landmark. But what is this road that does not take into account the local relief at all? And doesn't even try to go around the lake, hills, bogs?

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Because, Watkins explained, these roads are laid along lines of force (energy). Just as a dowser senses underground water and finds a source, so the ancient Britons felt these lines and knew how to use them. And the energy of these lines was so strong that the road itself "carried" a skilled traveler, and this made up for all the inconveniences of off-road.

At first, Watkins' theory became the object of jokes for scientists, and not always innocent ones. But the old businessman Watkins stood his ground and continued research, which he then published in the book "The Old Straight Road." The number of supporters of the "Lee system" began to grow.

The Leu line of St. Michael in Great Britain is one of the most curious. There are many places of worship on its way.


The line of St. Michael intersects with the line on which Stonehenge, Old Sarum, Avebury and other stone structures of antiquity are located.


Forces of the Earth

The research of the archaeologist Guy Underwood helped to confirm the hypothesis of the "Ley system". He discovered that in the center of every stone monument (including Stonehenge) and deep under the stone foundations of all the churches he surveyed, there is an energy "node", which he called "the blind source."

"Blind", probably because he does not, as it should be, the source, the beginning of "water lines" (water energy), but, on the contrary, is located where these "water lines" are pulled together. And this determines the favorable energy of the area. Underwood also discovered two more types of underground ley lines. He called one of them "aquastat", and the other "road strip".

It turned out that, focusing on the "aquastat", the ancient builders "deployed" the religious buildings most favorably in relation to the cardinal points. And the direction of roads and paths was determined by the "road lane". Underwood believes that all three geodesic lines - stat, road lane and water line - are associated with the numbers 3 and 7, the magical meaning of which has been known since ancient times.

And they are also the manifestation of the forces of the Earth. And belief in these forces was the focus of many ancient religions. And it still remains. For example, in China.

Don't cut the dragon's tail

A hundred years ago, when a bustling industrialized Europe tried to "turn around" in China, it was disappointed. For example, when the Europeans offered to build a railway, and it had to go through a mountain or a hill, they received a polite refusal from the authorities in response.

Moreover, the motivation for refusal could drive an enlightened European crazy: the mountain, they say, is an earth dragon and damage to its tail is fraught with serious trouble. From time immemorial to this day, the Chinese have believed in "dragon streams" - lines of force running along the surface of the earth. And before erecting a building or planting a tree, they consult with an expert geomancer whether their work will harm the "dragon's creek".

Frenchman Patrick Burensteinas claims that one of the ley lines runs from Brussels' Grand Place to Spain's Santiago de Compostela (the so-called St. James Way). The picture below shows a map of the medieval roads of St. Jacob.


Lung-gom-pa and multi-hop

They also know about ley lines in Tibet. During a trip through this mountainous country, the famous female explorer Alexandra David-Neel saw lung-gom-pa - people who could race for weeks without rest, without slowing down. But the main thing: they always ran in a straight line, even if this line ran through the mountains.

They did not turn in front of any obstacles, they only switched to "multi-hops" - high jumps, and so easily lifted off the ground, as if they were bouncing off it. David-Neel believed that the secret of runners' extraordinary endurance and strength lies in long, stubborn physical exercise and spiritual self-improvement.

Maybe. But only partially. The fact that they never fold suggests that in addition to all this, they still know how to use the lines of force, which Watkins called the "Lee system." It is even said that the most trained lung-gom-pa could run without touching the ground. In other words, they knew how to fly.

Riding on a stone

There are many legends about the flights of the ancient British. The sorcerer and sorcerer Bloodud flew with the help of stones, but one day he leaped from heaven right to where now St. Paul's Cathedral stands in London. Another British magician, Abiris, according to legend, flew as far as Greece.

Modern explorer John Mitchell believes these legendary flights were made possible by the use of the magnetic forces of the "Lee system." He also believes that these lines are transmitters of celestial energy. Therefore, many ancient monuments, especially the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge, the purpose of which is still not entirely clear to science, were built precisely in order to "tie" together the earthly and heavenly forces. In kabbalism, these forces are united by the number 1746. So, Mitchell found that the same number is laid down in the architectural proportions of these monuments.

So maybe we can clear out the "Li system" and become lung-gom-pa? Will not work. Too much for this a man of modern civilization needs to clear in himself. Indeed, even in Tibet, not everyone can become a lung-gom-pa.