Do X People Exist? - Alternative View

Do X People Exist? - Alternative View
Do X People Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Do X People Exist? - Alternative View

Video: Do X People Exist? - Alternative View
Video: Does Someone Else Have Your Face? Doppelgängers Explained! 2024, July

Where is the truth, how can one explain the extraterrestrial interference, a gift from God, beyond the human ability, or maybe the genetic evolution of our body?

Now the 21st century is on the street, and humanity still does not know its origins, where it came from and what possibilities the human body hides. Scientists are still debating how the first man appeared. Charles Darwin proposed a theory that explains a lot, but this theory asks questions even more. More recently, it was found that the Neanderthals, who were considered the ancestors of man for a century and a half, turned out to be a deaf branch of evolution. Moreover, modern scholarly historians find a lot of inconsistencies with Darwin's theory.

For example, if humanity is constantly evolving, then why the appearance of a person has hardly changed over the past 5000 years. So the mystery of human origins is unsolved and sow the day. This proves once again that a person who has subdued all the elements flies into space, knows so little about himself. This also applies to the internal abilities of the human body, such as psychokinesis, telepathy, pyrokinesis, clairvoyance, suggestion, teleportation, levitation, skin-optical perception, proscopy. These are all possibilities that scientists cannot explain.

Sometimes it's even funny for me to watch how they argue about what they don't know about, for example, some argued that the human brain works only 10%, others insisted that it works at full capacity. But all this reasoning, as for me, is just water, where is the truth, how can we explain the extraterrestrial interference beyond human ability, by God's gift, or maybe the genetic evolution of our body? I do not know, I will just give you examples of the manifestation of these abilities, I will tell you about them, but you have to decide. And so let's go alphabetically.

Levitation - (from Lat. Levitas "relief") is the ability of a person to rise into the air without any support and is the opposite of gravity. I read somewhere that people levitate due to the fact that they lighten their weight because of this they rise into the air. As for me, it is absurd if it were so then the person would definitely be carried away by the wind and not in one document describing levitation is not said about it. I believe that levitation with relatives is telekinesis.

Pyrokinesis - (from the Greek pyro - fire kinesis - to control) literally means control of fire, the ability of a person to cause fire without special devices only by an effort of will. To date, there is no documented material for this ability, but from time to time stories about pyrokinetics have appeared in different places at different times.

Proscopy is the ability of a person to identify the past and future of a person based on the present. That is, the ability of a person, when communicating with an interlocutor, on a subconscious level, to assume that he has undergone in his life and what else he can survive. This gift has nothing to do with clairvoyance or telepathy.

Psychokinesis is a person's ability to move objects with the power of thought. Often this ability is mistakenly called telekinesis, this is because these words have different meanings of psychokinesis translated from Greek - I mentally control, and telekinesis - I control from a distance.

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Suggestion - (Latin suggestio suggestion) is the impact on a person's consciousness in order to suggest this or that attitude that he does not lend itself to analysis and accepts as truth. This ability is often used by gypsies to extract everything valuable from the victim. Suggestion resembles hypnosis, a person, as in hypnosis, is awake, clearly aware of his actions and it seems to him everything that he is doing right, but in fact he is doing someone else's will.

Teleportation is the ability of a person to move from one place to another in a very short time.

Telepathy is the ability to read other people's thoughts.

All these abilities are a mystery to modern science, and there is no explanation for them. Every year these people grow in number. So maybe humanity began to evolve not externally, but internally, and everything that happens naturally, I don't know, I leave it to you to decide.