Atlantis TV And Radio Program - Alternative View

Atlantis TV And Radio Program - Alternative View
Atlantis TV And Radio Program - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis TV And Radio Program - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis TV And Radio Program - Alternative View
Video: Modern Talking - Atlantis Is Calling (Die Hundertausend-PS-Show 06.09.1986) (VOD) 2024, September

Is it possible to pretend that Nikola Tesla did not receive any signals, they simply did not exist, and everything seemed to him … But how is it? It is this question that is difficult to ignore! Then let's talk about it briefly, since the signal has not been decoded, and it will probably remain a mystery.

Yes, humanity is a very strange population. Now we have a boom of "flying saucers", and then we sneezed at them. Then the whole world is downright exhausted from the problem - isn't it from Mars? Otherwise, we discard this signal altogether.

But for the sake of this very signal, Nikola Tesla built the World System in Long Island, which he had bought himself - the most powerful and perfect radio station at that time for shooting … space! He found and persuaded sponsors (this was the first project, perhaps in the history of the entire Fifth Civilization, which was not supposed to bring profit!), And sponsors on a par with him, and even more than himself, invested in this gigantic structure. believing the genius madman … Unfortunately, from the World System itself, which never started broadcasting or receiving, only horns and legs remained: a world war broke out (even the first one), and the American government decided to blow up the station!.. And so it was done, because there was very powerful (and very new) equipment, which, the authorities believed, would immediately rush to use … German spies. Today, only the village of Tesla is left - a town for 2,000 residents who would work at the station and serve it.

Both the World System and Tesla himself were prevented by the First World War. She also made the enthusiasts of the Martian version forget for a long time about cosmic signals and brothers in mind. But the next generation of researchers continued their work. No, not on the search for the CC (an abbreviation used by astronomers and ufologists: Extraterrestrial Civilizations), but on the study of radio transmission methods in various environments.

Oliver Haviside discovered the so-called "echo" effect (it is now very widely used in television and, of course, radio broadcasting). The Earth's ionosphere is the upper layer of the atmosphere, made up of charged particles. We touched upon the ionosphere in the chapter on Podkamennaya Tunguska and Tunguska Diva. So it is this layer that serves as a kind of "mirror" reflecting the signals sent from the Earth. Part of the signal, as expected, goes to its intended purpose (if, for example, we direct the radio beam exactly to Mars), the other part, as you know, is absorbed (so far we do not know the energy radiation that would not be absorbed by the medium at all: the conservation law), and the third is reflected by the layer. It is this effect of the reflection of radio waves by the ionosphere that Heaviside called "echo". Nobody would say about the air of the atmosphere that it "reflects"the values of the reflection coefficients of the air are so scanty. In the ionosphere, however, reflection occurs due to the charge of the layer. Well, that's not what we're talking about now.

Norwegian Jorgen Hals knew about this effect. The mystery of its discovery in 1927 was as follows. He sent a shortwave pulse from the station in Eindhoven, and received a double echo! The engineer himself, and far from being slow-witted, Hals would have realized (he did!) That the second reflection belongs to the second layer. This was, for example, the upper layer of the ionosphere. But the difference between the first and second signal repetition was: 1) in the non-repetition of the time intervals after which the second signal arrived; 2) in the distorted nature of the second signal (as if it had time to be modulated by someone during this period of time). If the reader does not know, let us explain that an experienced radio operator (and just a radio operator) can easily determine that the first signal was sent by one author, and the second - by another, despite the same content, one to one. We know the "handwriting" of the radio operator from the films about Resident and Stirlitz. It was precisely the “handwriting” of the second signal that was different!

After running through the chain of command with his riddle, Iorgen Hals finally found a person who was interested in his discovery, and in 1928 Karl Stermer took up the problem seriously. The station in Eindhoven transmitted the signal, and two other stations, located at a distance, received it. The echo was again double, and again the intervals between the first and second reflections of each signal differed according to the undeciphered relationship. For example, let's take these intervals from the ceiling: six, twelve, five, three, ten seconds, and so on. And again, the second reflection was "mimicking"!

The phenomenon the following year was confirmed by two Frenchmen, but they could not explain either.

Promotional video:

Hals suggested the incredible: the upper layer of the ionosphere, from which the second reflection comes, changes its position at a breakneck speed (that is, the thickness of the ionospheric reflecting layer is constantly changing without any law or according to a law that is difficult to describe mathematically). It could not even be called a ripple: at each new moment, the top layer, it turned out, was in an unpredictable place. Why would the ionosphere change so much?

Karl Stermer explained the phenomenon in a simpler way: the ionosphere is subject to a continuous and changing, equally continuously and unpredictable influence of solar radiation. Indeed, sunlight, which seems to the eye to be even and constant, is in fact a flow of energy, in which only the amplitude of the main "signal" is a constant average value. But after all, even in the short visible wavelength range (400 - 800 nanometers), the "signal" of the luminary is modulated at each frequency (wavelength) by its perturbations concerning only this frequency. And there are countless frequencies in the solar spectrum … The explanation was very, very logical from the point of view of the possibility and physical conditions of the second reflection. But K. Stermer forgot about one important detail: how could the Sun "mimic" the terrestrial radio signal-impulse? One concept of disorderThere was clearly little “primitive” chaos here.

Oddly enough, the mystery lasted … right up to 1973! The question was, as they say, posed and forgotten.

Luneen, a British astrophysicist, came across the work of Karl Stermer in 1973 and became fascinated by it. Although the reflection of the ionosphere is more of a problem for physicists involved in pure communication … Ljunen probably already guessed something if he decided not only to repeat Stermer's experiment, but also to build a kind of graph. Which one? After all, on the axes of the graph it was possible to place any quantities: for example, to measure the atmospheric pressure and put it off for eight hours along one axis, and along the other - the time of arrival of the second signal … No. Ljunen did it very simply: he occupied one of the axes … with the serial numbers of the pulses! And the other, naturally, at intervals through which the second reflected signal arrived. True, there is no information whether space was "teased" this time.

One can laugh at this for a long time, but the astronomer has got … a map of the starry sky of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth!

Struck to the heart (this is a map of the starry sky!), The astrophysicist, of course, immediately published his discovery. But first I compared the position of all the stars and found that it corresponds not to 1973, not 973, and not even minus 973 (in the sense of BC), but was observed in the Northern Hemisphere 13 thousand years ago!

In Ljunen, one star was knocked out of a slender row corresponding to a time 13,000 years distant from us: it was the star Epsilon Bootes. The fact itself could mean only one thing: it means that an extraterrestrial civilization (EC) intervened in the second reflection and somehow "modulated" the time of the second reflection. That is, she herself induced or reflected this signal (hence the mimicking effect: of course, aliens, as they say, God himself ordered to “speak” with a slight accent), sending it to Earth with information “induced” in it. In general, everything is as easy as shelling pears … But the difference is 13 thousand years … Is it possible that for so long an artificial satellite with intelligent beings revolved around the Earth?.. Or robots?.. Ljunen did not clarify this question.

As a result of the publication, many began to check both Ljunen and the effect itself. Having found some errors in the interpretation of the Englishman, the Bulgarians offered their own solution: the probe flew from the constellation Leo, from the star Zeta. Ust-Kamenogorsk engineer P. Gilev agreed with the constellation Leo, but suggested another star, in the planetary system of which the respondents "live". He considers her to be Theta Leo.

In April 1997, Muscovite Vladimir Golovin put forward his hypothesis. It concerned not the "message" of the aliens itself, but the choice between these three options. By studying the living conditions in the regions of all those stars (the topic does not particularly concern us, therefore we will not cite the star-historical calculations in detail) V. Golovin came to the conclusion that the Zeta of Leo should be considered the most probable.

True, at the same time he took as a condition the closeness of the stellar quality of the Sun and Zeta, not taking into account that on Epsilon Bootes could well have existed some Thinking Ocean of red-hot magma … Although these are details.

V. Golovin also gives some thoughts about ten small satellites orbiting in near-earth orbit, discovered in 1967 by the American John Bigby, which, judging by the trajectories, on December 18, 1955 split (or exploded?), And before that were a single spacecraft … Further fantasies on this topic will also lead us nowhere, and the problem has already been comprehended by none other than Alexander Petrovich Kazantsev himself. Let's get back to radio signals.

Hat Creek Radio Observatory is located 170 kilometers north of San Francisco. So, only for 17 years, from 1960 to 1976, out of 5000 signals received there, 4990 were identified. The remaining 10 signals appear in documents as evidence of the messages of the CC.

An interesting thing comes to light. We cry that our civilization is technically weak: we cannot really fly into space (the third cosmic speed, sorry, only developed a tiny box with a pennant, sent from America on behalf of all earthlings, and even then in the distant seventies), nor to catch the signals of the EC (they are unlikely to use "antediluvian" primitive radio stations, if a long time ago they visit each other, just opening the door). And we ourselves are examining interplanetary ships on the Moon (Apollo 11), we receive interstellar messages (Stermer - did not understand, Ljunen - understood), and since the discovery of the first radio signal (Tesla) we received at least a couple of dozen (of course, more, since only one Hat Creek "caught" 10 unidentified signals!) Undoubted radio messages from the stars, and at the same time we are still amazed: "The universe is silent!.."

Suppose, and Stermer "lied" (not in the least wanting to offend the scientist! - take the expression as a figure of speech: "exaggerated"), and Ljunen is not quite right … Tesla - he was in a hurry to pass off wishful thinking … But besides The UN received an official report on the registration of unidentified intelligent radio signals for a decade and a half, and this report has been quietly shelved …

One science fiction writer has a wonderful story on this topic. An alien ship appears in Earth's orbit and sends radio signals. The signals are accepted, and discussions begin in scientists, military and government circles of the two camps - the socialist and the capitalist (story of the 1960s) - on the topic of how to relate to this ship and these radio signals. In the end, clever people agree to the point that this does not happen.

There are two brilliant moments in this story. First: after about six months, someone missed:

- But there is a satellite ?!

Everyone seemed to come to their senses and again began to discuss the issue. They came, of course, to the fact that the problem was happily blabbed. And the second brilliant moment: the end of the story - the interstellar probe waited for an answer from the earthlings, did not wait and … flew back, and radioed to his home planet: "Unfortunately, there is no intelligent life here either."

Is it worth taking offense for the abductions … Excuse me, but where else can we go if not to an alien zoo?

Let's now turn to the figure given to us by a respected astrophysicist from England in 1973. As it seems to the current reader: are not all these discoveries too biased, which, in fact, boil down to the same thing - the date of the Flood?

We are not big supporters of exaggerating this topic, but too many and many discoveries of recent decades come down to this time - the moment of the death of Atlantis. It became bad form to mention this island, which, according to Plato, was hidden under water as a result of a planetary cataclysm.

Perhaps atlantologists are people who are really too mired in the topic, perhaps they try to enclose any fact (or semi-fact) within the framework of only their own concept. However, many "real" scientists do the same. We will not elaborate, because there is no need.

But Ljunen was clearly not an Atlantologist in 1973, and he calculated the date of the death of Atlantis. And Bauval is an astronomer, and the date of origin of the Egyptian pyramids was obtained by him from calculations of the position of the stars! But Oronteus Phineus could not compose his map of Antarctica without ice, because Antarctica then, excuse me, was not yet in the minds of people: before the discovery of this continent by Russian navigators there were one hundred and eighty years! And the famous clairvoyant Casey was completely illiterate, and his mysterious gift really weighed him down. But he (in a state of sleep-trance) told about the same as the atlantologists after him. And now the predicted by him about the Sphinx is about to come true. They say that Joseph Martin Shore has already discovered a chamber with a sarcophagus … Maybe he will find a message from a past civilization? Everything that Casey predicted in his "trances" had a strange tendency to come true …

Almost all the myths of the peoples of the Earth about the creation of the world contain the same plot - the Flood. And nowhere is it called local. Why? Because he was WORLDWIDE! Well, maybe he did not touch some piece of land … They say, for example, that it was just the land of Ancient Egypt. Excuse me, what is Osirion? The temple is in the middle of arid space, to which one should sail by ships (there was even an opportunity to dock). If the Flood had not been worldwide, the myth would not have contained this history as a worldwide one. You yourself know how quickly many Indians realized that the conquistadors (white people with blue eyes and thick beards) were not at all the gods for whom they initially took them. It's another matter that they understood it a little late … But the myth about the coming of the gods for the second time did not take hold!

So in the case of a local flood of any scale. Sooner or later a stranger will come to this land and say: but we didn’t have any flood, so you guys got something wrong … In the myths, there is only that which has been tested by time!

I would also like to express something of our own on the occasion of the 13-thousand-year-old star map. That is, not about the card, but about the radio signal.

The presence of an alien spacecraft in near-earth orbit for 13 thousand years is, of course, absurd. Nobody needs it. Well, if he (the ship) really is (was), how did he "figure out" that Jorgen Hals would radio, and then - Karl Stermer?.. And at what frequency?.. And at what time? The last question is especially important, because in order to reflect or reproduce someone else's signal, this signal must first be received! An alien ship could "blunder" this whole process, being at that second on the opposite side of the Earth (roughly, of course, but this is for clarity). And according to the logic of the event, it was precisely such a signal from earthlings that he was waiting for! It turns out that one ship is not enough. Ten?.. No, John Bigby's discovery does not fit either.

We offer something that is simpler (of course, easier for them): having discovered the imperfection and primitivism of humanity, they (we will not specify who: what if - the Atlanteans themselves?) Programmed the ionosphere (in some way), and it was all 13 thousand years ready for secondary reflection of a series of signals. What was needed was a series of signals: the pattern manifested itself only in a series, and before that Heaviside had discovered only the fact of the presence of a reflecting layer in the ionosphere. Most likely, he first probed the ionosphere with single signals.

Let's call it the beginnings of enlosophy

The highly respected Russian philosopher and ufologist Georgy Ivanovich Kunitsyn called his last (or one of the last) work "Philosophy of UFOs". It was on the basis of his own conclusions, and much earlier than Russian ufologists began to be afraid to engage in ufology in general, that Georgy Ivanovich believed that they often punish those who made this or that correct conclusion on the UFO problem. Only they themselves decide whom to choose: for research, for "contact", for fun, for delivering information (to humanity or from humanity - it is not so important), for donation and so on, and so on, and so on … The information medium itself (let's call for simplicity, all these functions are information) - or remembers about an encounter with a UFO all his life, or several years, or a few seconds. Further, if desired, cosmites (a conditional concept),you can "fish out" from the "eyewitness" either with the help of regressive hypnosis, or … nothing. And the most dangerous cases end in death for such "contactees". Moreover, it was revealed that they are the initiators of a lethal outcome only in extreme cases. Even an “initiate” (professional ufologist) can mistakenly and unintentionally, with a very persistent attempt to “talk” a forgetful “contactee”, cause a person's death.

The complexity of the UFO problem lies not only in the great variety of UFOs and their "crews", but also in dualism. It may be easier for our consciousness to understand the duality of the "yes" - "no" type, but their duality is more complicated: Yes. No. Everything is contained in one answer, and it has no alternative.

Probably, in the next millennia, the human brain will not have to evolve to such an extent to master uncontested thinking. Our brain is "blocked" from above: no matter how anyone of us claims that he can physically imagine the infinity of the Universe - alas, the brain is not given this. We can only find an indirect proof of this and force ourselves to believe in it - we are talking about the mathematical expression of infinity, obtained from formulas. Without even guessing that the understanding of infinity in his brain did not happen, the academician can claim that he understands it, but in fact he understands only the graphic sign of infinity - the horizontal eight (?) - and knows how to use it.

Our brain is blocked from below: with all the habit of the finiteness of absolutely everything that exists on Earth, starting from sensations (pain, fear, pleasure, love - also a sensation, only complex), ending with the distance to the Moon, a person is unable to comprehend the finiteness of his own life. About the neighbor - it is clear: there was a neighbor, there lived a neighbor, and now he is not. And I ?..

No matter how he persuaded himself, proving to himself that he understands this, the best illustration of the fact that he understands absolutely nothing about this is the incomparable horror when he suddenly (for example, accidentally) returns to this question again. Through the same logical (and deceptive at some stage) reasoning, a person can quickly persuade himself again, and fear disappears (for someone else completely), but only until the moment when the question itself, insoluble for our brain, again looms in consciousness.

How so? Why is the most perfect of the inhabitants of the planet (this is, however, questionable, but let us accept this non-binding verbal formula, since we are accustomed to it) all his life experiences the strongest fear of the natural course of things? After all, other inhabitants of the planet (animals) take it for granted, and they fear death only once - when it really looms …

We say: brain, brain … Is it legitimate to talk about the brain? Fourteen billion brain cells, which we practically in vain, uselessly carry in our cranium, are used at a meager, miserable percentage. Maybe this is the case? What if we make the brain serve us … well, not one hundred percent, but at least fifty percent?

For many decades in the scientific community there was (and still is) the opinion that the human brain works with a very low efficiency (efficiency), and it is our task to increase it. Maybe we (as home computers) simply do not have enough "RAM" to remove the problem of both blockages - both from above and from below - and start thinking on a universal scale?..

Yes, if not for one but. It is simple: at the onset of a state of clinical death, the body and brain, as you know, remain in place, and consciousness (let's call it that, in a Marxist way) leaves its shell and continues to exist outside the body and brain. This has already been proven by medical scientists, whose awareness of the objectivity of the phenomena occurring in a state of clinical death forced them to carefully record many (thousands) of identical cases (as a rule, this happened to their own patients in intensive care). By the way, practically all these scientists, starting their work, tried to build it in such a way as to prove that no separation of the “soul” from the body can take place … As you understand, they proved the opposite. As a result, now they are all believers!.. These are: Moody, Subom, Kubler-Ross and others. Moody's book "Life After Death" is well known in our country,so it's clear what this is about. We forgot to warn you that, of course, only those people who were returned by resuscitators from there were interviewed! The materialist doctors did not have any conversations with other people (souls).

Those who have read the works of these scientists remember the feelings transmitted by those who visited there. Those who hear the names of doctors for the first time will still read their wonderful works. Considering both the first and second, we will not dwell on the details, the volume of what the soul experiences outside the body, crossing the fatal threshold. The objective fact that the other world exists is important! It is the otherworldly, and not parallel or any other. In the transitional stage - between this world and that - a person is already in the realities of that world, but they are present with the local realities. The soul does not feel itself a soul, but continues to think that it is a person. All the memory of the experience during life on Earth is preserved, the inertia of the sensation of the body, earthly connections, worries, production problems and so on is also preserved. Only after a certain period of time (sometimes considerable!) the soul realizes to the end that it has already left the body, and before it is a huge other world.

This chapter is not intended to prove or disprove the existence of the Lord God. I just want to consolidate in the reader the understanding of what objectively happens when a certain subject (its thin part) is simultaneously in the familiar, earthly, world, and - in a completely different, existing, most likely, in the same space, the other world, world. By the way, neither the screams of a subtle substance, nor attempts to help or hinder doctors with the help of physical actions that are familiar to us (push away, bring, open the door …) have not the slightest effect on the "remaining" in this world. The subtle substance from this world is not visible or audible. Only, perhaps, a specially trained person or a person with phenomenal abilities can hear and see (even just feel the presence) nearby a subtle substance that has recently left the living human body.

What is the role of the brain in this situation? We always thought that the brain is an organ in which thoughts are formed and through chemical reactions are transformed and decayed, certain clots of information are transferred to certain cells (cells) of memory, which transmit information about an object, an event, completely encoded in some way., phenomenon, person, animal, etc. Then, if necessary, by itself generating other types of “thought-signals,” the brain takes out from its own storeroom this or that information, long ago recorded in the cell, and uses it. It makes the arms and legs move by the third type of signals, composes, remembers words, formulas, and so on and the like … But it turns out that the subtle substance thinks outside the brain, doing well without it! What, then, is the brain?

Alas, he is only a coordinator. A highly complex mechanism that connects the thinking subtle substance with the shell (body) and coordinates the behavior of the body, but not consciousness. The brain is actually connected by its material origin with the body, the body with this world, that is, with the Earth. In fact, we can rightfully equate the shell (body) and earth (clay), which, in fact, is recorded in the Holy Scriptures.

What makes the soul and body united together to be a living being - a human? A kind of life force that makes this one whole exist, and also feeds this double (actually more) system with energy. This life force is the very ether that we once proudly rejected.

We will leave it for the next chapter, and we ourselves will complete the universe, from which the materialists long ago disowned, but which is described in the Holy Scriptures and has not been supplemented (and has not been corrected by theosophists) for two thousand years. No matter how ironic the smile of a reader who did not expect to find mossy dogmas in a sensationalist-prone topic, let us explain: there is no other way of building enlosophy yet.

Let us turn to what many consider long ago realized, experienced … and lived through (that is, a passed stage, a kind of "childhood" of Mankind). Let us discard the stage of the creation of the world, for we cannot “raise it”: let us turn immediately to the “historical” side of this issue. And let's go deeper, because many, I think, will still be interested in what they think they know, but in fact they have never objectively studied.

Pushkin "at the crossroads" appeared "six-winged seraphim". Captivating image … But Pushkin seems to be such a conservative in this poem! "Burn the hearts of people with the verb" - this is more understandable, so to speak, in our own way, in a revolutionary way. And the "seraphim" …

Let's trace a little heavenly hierarchy. Trust me, it's worth it. According to the teaching adopted by the Holy Church, the creation of Angels was before the creation of the material world and, later, of man. For what and why did God create Angels? In the Word for Holy Pascha, Saint Gregory the Theologian says:

The goodness of God was not satisfied with the contemplation of Herself: She had to pour out and spread the good, so that many would become partakers of goodness, and this is characteristic of the greatest goodness. She, first, invented Angels and heavenly spirits. Thought was a deed, which was produced by the Word, accomplished by the Spirit. (Let us remember this phrase, as well as everyone knows: “In the beginning was the Word.” - Author). Thus, the second Lights, serving the first Light, were created … They surround the original Cause with the endless face of the singers, or bring something more, according to their ability to do that, than the singing praise, shining with the purest light, illuminating them in various ways, according to their nature or ruling authority.

St. Dionysius the Areopagite in his theological work "On the Heavenly Hierarchy" says that there are nine angelic ranks. They are divided into three hierarchies: upper, middle and lower. Each contains three ranks. Highest: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones. Medium: Dominance, Strength, Power. The lowest are: Beginnings, Archangels, Angels.

All heavenly ranks for the simplicity of our perception with you bear a single name - Angels. The word "angel" in translation from Greek means - the messenger. Thus, this name was fixed due to the attitude of the heavenly ranks to man. They carry out the ministry directed by the All-good Lord to save the human race. Of course, the ministry of the Angels is not only about helping the salvation of man and the human race, the origin of the name of the word itself is simply recorded here. The name was given by the Holy Spirit himself in the Holy Scriptures.

Here is everything related to the origin of the family of Angels.

But this is not all about his existence. We forgot the Fallen Cherub! (Hereinafter, pure Angels will be named with a capital letter, and those who have fallen and carried away into the fall - with a lowercase letter. - Author).

Initially, at the time of the creation of the Angels, there were no unclean, evil spirits at all. The unhappy transformation took place in heaven. The cherub was so proud and proud that he destroyed his wisdom. And God threw him to the ground. This is said by the prophet Ezekiel.

In his fall, the devil (slanderer, libeller, seducer - translation from Greek) carried many with him into apostasy! This is how evil spirits appeared (evil spirits, fallen angels, demons, demons). Many angels from the highest ranks, dominions, beginnings and powers are carried away into the fall. It was a large gathering of angels. And the Lord determined the place of residence for them in the heavenly (that which is not heaven: air, earth and the underworld). None of the fallen (fallen) can appear in heaven: the way there is closed for them.

In order not to forget the topic of the book, not to replace theologians and theosophists, I think we can take what has been said for information and as a basis for what we have divided into People in White (very conditionally) and People in Black (also conditionally, only if necessary to objectively reflect observations eyewitnesses), in other words: White Angels and Black Angels.

Well, the beginnings of enlosophy seem to have emerged: white - black. White forces fight for the human race, black forces against the human race.

A fairy tale?.. Very simple!..

How simple is all this and how difficult?

The sick bed called Humanity, of course, requires weeding from time to time. Watering - weeding, watering - weeding. This is how the harvest will be. But will there be?.. After all, the Creator not only "weeds" His Garden: from time to time he thinns it, often very coldly and mercilessly …

Why is it necessary to associate the struggle of white and black forces with UFOs? Isn't it better and easier to involve theologians, theosophists, philosophers of all stripes to the question - and they will solve the problem easily and naturally?..

Of the philosophers known to us, only Aristotle and some others touched on the UFO problem, and even then they limited themselves to description. This is not an accusation, but a statement of fact: in the days of Aristotle it was difficult to pose this problem at all. What to put! To designate - and that is difficult … Well, what are "flying discs"? They are still "discs" and fly to this day.

But only one - GI Kunitsyn - posed the problem. However, I must say frankly: he solved it in a very utilitarian way. The disease of the philosophy of our century. Or, like Nikolai Berdyaev, "start talking" any question.

All my life studying the philosophy of Marxism and being forced to constantly face the insoluble contradictions of the theory of Marxist philosophy, which had to be not only linked to itself, but also presented to students (G. I. Kunitsyn at one time was dismissed from party work not without the help of the the ideologist of "perestroika" A. N. Yakovlev and for three years could not find a job at all: he was banned!), he did not free himself from the fetters of materialism until the end of his days, although he made huge steps (for some reason through Berdyaev!) in comprehending the irrational, unknowable, went further away from destructive positivism. And yet the “old” leaven appeared on the UFO (Kunitsyn at that time was one of the leading ufologists!). For example, Georgy Ivanovich argued that Paleocontact (in the prehistoric era) was more or less regular,but with the development of human society along the path of technology, the Earth became an unbalanced planet: at any moment, humanity was ready to turn to self-destruction. Consequently, Kunitsyn believes, the alien mind has ceased to directly interfere with the human mind and for the time being shies away from official communication with the earthly race, fearing to harm both earthlings and themselves. As long as there are weapons of mass destruction on Earth, there can be no talk of any Contact. That is, a UFO, from the point of view of the philosopher Kunitsyn, is the presence on Earth of an alien intelligence, in principle ready for Contact. Thus, professing "internationalism", Georgy Ivanovich considered the cosmites to be the same equal - no more and no less - the race of the Universe that Mankind is. The only difference is in the level of technology that determined the consciousness of aliens. And they treat people from the same positions of equality and brotherhood.

We have already examined the cockroach Innokenty. I arrogantly consider myself a little more highly organized than a cockroach, so I dare to assert: there will never and under no circumstances be Contact between Humanity and the cockroach race. He is alive, no one argues. And in the last couple of decades he has also become a smart one, a parasite!.. There is nothing to be done: objectively, a man and a cockroach will never find points of contact, despite any ingenuity of the latter. By the way, in "Men in Black" Steven Spielberg showed it great. A cockroach riding a UFO remained a cockroach!.. Like a man. Let him fly on the Apollo, let him fly on a "saucer" or in a mortar, swinging a broom - he is above all a man. It's not about technology! This is the gigantic and most important mistake of the post-Marxists. There are psychological vibrationsto which the person and his contact partner react, but there are those to which there is no desire to continue communication. The concept of psychological vibrations is very inaccurate, superficial, but so far to illustrate thought, we think, just right. In fact, here the individual planetary frequency of being comes to the surface and objectively works. We can see objective reality and evaluate it only from those positions and in the case when we are firmly convinced that we see the objectively complete picture. We can see objective reality and evaluate it only from those positions and in the case when we are firmly convinced that we see the objectively complete picture. We can see objective reality and evaluate it only from those positions and in the case when we are firmly convinced that we see the objectively complete picture.

So, version one. We all think that just a little more - and we will grab the alien by the "tail": well, let's contact. How do you sow wheat there? Huh?.. What kind of technology? How many crops do you harvest per year?

Nonsense in vegetable oil! They eat, for example, once every millennium. He ate a titanium sausage, checked at a pressure of ten to minus fourteenth degrees of pascals - and was full until the Second Coming. He digests nails, and we tell him about wheat. What to share? What is the best and even more reliable way to destroy our native blue ball?..

Second version. They have been so imbued with us, since the paleo-times, that they have almost already decided on Contact. It seems to them that we are about to ripen … And then they will open to us … Lord, what do we need for them to open? Technology (again!) For transgalactic flights? How to dig a hole in space and be on Zeta Bootes in a second? What for?!

Tsiolkovsky was not a “Kremlin dreamer,” but he was a fair dreamer. However, he also spoke about the resettlement of mankind to other worlds when and only when it is ripe. In today's jargon, borscht must first "fester", and only after that it will be borscht. And why do we need Theta Leo?.. Tell them how great we were able to decipher their star map? For 13 thousand years they have gone so far from themselves that the universe will laugh at us! By the way, another question: where did you go - forward? back? Or maybe at all - on the side?

"Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.
