Biography Of Vasily Stalin - Alternative View

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Biography Of Vasily Stalin - Alternative View
Biography Of Vasily Stalin - Alternative View

Video: Biography Of Vasily Stalin - Alternative View

Video: Biography Of Vasily Stalin - Alternative View
Video: Stalin - Communism's Man of Steel Documentary 2024, October

Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Vasily Iosifovich (born March 24, 1920 - died March 19, 1962) - military pilot, lieutenant general of the Air Force, the youngest son of I. V. Stalin.

Early years. Study

At the age of 11, Vasily was left without a mother. For I. Stalin, this was a huge tragedy, who not only changed his former apartment in the Kremlin, but also stopped visiting Zubalovo, where his children lived in their dacha. They were under the supervision of the housekeeper Karolina Thiel and the head of the guard of the "father of nations" Nikolai Vlasik. As Vasily himself said, he grew up in an environment that was not distinguished by temperance and morality. As a result of such upbringing, he became addicted to smoking and alcohol, which appeared at a fairly early age.

1938, autumn - Vasily enters the Kachin Aviation School, which trained fighter pilots. He graduated in March 1940. As his teachers later recalled, despite his poor knowledge of theory, he was a good pilot. Until the very beginning of the war, he served in a combat aviation regiment, combining this with training at advanced training courses in Lipetsk and at the Air Force Academy in Moscow.

Military service

At the age of twenty he went to the front with the rank of captain. During the Great Patriotic War (WWII), he flew 27 combat missions; shot down one plane; had awards: three Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov II degree and Alexander Nevsky.

Promotional video:

1942 - awarded the rank of colonel. 1946 - Major General. 1947 - Lieutenant General. Vasily Stalin - became one of the youngest generals in the Soviet army. He graduated from the Second World War as the commander of a fighter aviation division. During the war, he received official punishments from Stalin several times. 1947 - V. I. Stalin was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District.


Post-war time

Vasily is well known as a patron of sports, he created the Air Force football and hockey teams. Stalin removed him from his post, according to one version, after one of the Il-28 bombers crashed on May 1, 1952, during an air parade over Red Square, due to the fact that weather reconnaissance was not carried out.

According to another version, in the evening, after the parade, Vasily got very drunk, and just at that time his father ordered him to be brought to Kuntsevo, to the dacha, where he gathered members of the Politburo. Vasya entered the hall, swaying. Stalin, seeing in what condition he said: "What is this?" Vasily replied that he was tired. Iosif Vissarionovich asked if the son often gets so tired. Vasily replied that no, not often. Then Air Force Commander Zhigarev reported: "Often." Vasya was rude to Zhigarev. The father said loudly: "Sit down!" There was a dead silence, then Joseph Vissarionovich drove his son out. By the morning, Vasily was removed from office and sent to study at the Academy of the General Staff. However, he did not appear there. For six months he sat at the dacha and, according to eyewitnesses, only did what he drank.


After the death of I. V. Stalin

The death of Joseph Vissarionovich negatively affected the life of his reckless son. Vasily Stalin was ordered to leave Moscow to command one of the districts, but he refused to leave Moscow. After, he was fired from the army, and then he committed another rash act - he was sent to the Chinese embassy with a message about his father's poisoning and a request to move to China. The government did not leave such audacity unpunished.

Vasily was arrested on charges of embezzlement and abuse of office. He was sentenced to 8 years in prison. In prison, the former pilot was also robbed of his real name. He also had to change his profession - to become a turner. Life in prison had a bad effect on Vasily's health. Chronic diseases began to progress, new ones appeared.



At the age of 41, Vasily was released. He was also forbidden to bear his father's surname and live in Moscow.

1962, March 19 - Vasily Iosifovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili) died. According to the official medical report, from alcohol poisoning. 1998 - Kapitolina Vasilyeva, his third wife, who attended his funeral, questioned the diagnosis of alcohol poisoning and stated that there was no autopsy.

1962, March 21 - V. I. Stalin was buried at the Arsk cemetery in Kazan.

2002, November 20 - his body was reburied at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow, near his last wife Maria Nusberg.

Personal life

Vasily Stalin was married four times and had four children of his own. His first darling is Galina Burdonskaya, the daughter of an engineer in the Kremlin garage. Registered marriage in 1940, divorced in 1944. In this marriage, a son, Alexander Burdonsky, was born, who later became a theater director and a daughter, Nadezhda.

Vasily Stalin's second wife is Yekaterina Timoshenko, daughter of Marshal Semyon Timoshenko. Their life together lasted only three years. But there was a son - Vasily Stalin, who committed suicide in 1972 while intoxicated with drugs, and a daughter, Svetlana. Stalin's third wife was Kapitolina Vasilyeva, a swimming champion. This marriage also lasted 4 years. Vasily's fourth wife was Maria Nusbeg, a nurse. The marriage was registered shortly before the death of Stalin's son.


Interesting Facts

• In the early 1950s, by order of the son of the "leader of the peoples", the construction of the Sovetskaya hotel was started in the capital, where he lived. This hotel has apartments that are named after him.

• Stalin became one of the youngest Soviet generals. Nevertheless, his father only signed the order for the title of general only 12 times.

• He created the football, hockey and other teams of the Air Force. The strongest athletes from other teams were transferred to their rosters, so a comic decoding of the Air Force appeared: "The band of Vasily Stalin" or "They took all the athletes." Vasily was the head of the Equestrian Federation.

• Once Vasily organized the construction of 500 houses, in which the families of pilots and technicians were settled, huddled in barracks and barracks before. It was he who was able to get the officers to attend evening schools.

• During the Second World War, he flew on an airplane with the inscription: For Volodya! (in memory of the death of his friend Volodya Mikoyan);

• Vasily had four adopted children. These were the children of his wives from previous marriages.