Raised From The Dead - Alternative View

Raised From The Dead - Alternative View
Raised From The Dead - Alternative View

Video: Raised From The Dead - Alternative View

Video: Raised From The Dead - Alternative View
Video: Rise from the Dead.. 2024, October

Several centuries ago, the zombie theme was banned. People whispered about the secret practices of Voodoo sorcerers, who raised the dead, and in addition, turned living people into obedient slaves with the help of their potions.

People were afraid to turn into zombies, and this fear outweighed the fear of death. But gradually filmmakers and writers first turned the zombie theme into something terrible, and then made a comedy out of it. Modern people have lost faith in the existence of zombies so much that they not only use zombies for mass entertainment, but also make them the main characters of children's films and comics.

An illustrative example of this is the case that occurred in the province of Laguna in the Philippines. There, more than five thousand people took part in the most massive zombie escape championship. According to the organizers of the event, their goal was to relieve people of the monotony and boredom that always accompany long-distance runners. Along the entire route, more than two hundred actors were placed, who portrayed zombies. They hid behind bushes and trees and frightened unsuspecting runners. Each athlete had three ribbons attached to his belt, the loss of each of them meant a bite. When all the tapes were lost, the athlete was declared "dead" and removed from the distance.

Of course, it was very fun and a little scary, but, perhaps, none of the private traders seriously thought about whether zombies really exist. And this is rather strange, because if such a phenomenon exists in reality, then someone suffers greatly from it. And laughing at other people's suffering is not entirely humane.

According to psychics, a zombie is a very undesirable condition, because as long as the "living dead" walks on the ground, his soul is actually in slavery, and can neither reincarnate nor fully control the body. Often, innocent people suffer from this type of demonism, who for some reason became victims of black sorcerers.

It should also be noted that zombies have nothing to do with those creatures that can be seen in the movies. In fact, these are ordinary people who outwardly are no different from others, except that they completely lack free will. These are puppets who do not decide anything on their own, forced to obey.

Confirmation that zombies in the classical sense are not dead at all can be the fact that in some African cults there is a certain practice when sorcerers first douse their victims with a potion that caused symptoms of death, and then resurrect them and turn them into obedient slaves …

Science does not know where the word "zombie" came from. One of the versions says that this concept is a distorted word "nzambi" of one of the African dialects, which means "soul of a dead man" or "small deity". Another version claims that it comes from the word "zhambi", which means "ghost" in translation. There is another theory according to which the word "zombie" in African mythology was called a huge black snake that personified evil.

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The word was first mentioned in his book The Island of Magic by reporter William Simbrook in 1929. The book dealt, in particular, with the effect of zombification, as well as the "living dead" who worked on the sugar cane plantations.

Later, the famous Soviet paranormal researcher Gorbovsky in his work "Other Worlds" argued that the practice of turning people into zombies was brought by the descendants of black Dahomean slaves and Voodoo priests to the island of Haiti. Its essence lies in the fact that the poison of the paralytic action tetrodotoxin, which is obtained from the two-toothed fish, is mixed into the food. When the poison begins to act, the person's skin turns blue, breathing stops, his eyes turn glass, and the person looks like a dead person.

A few days later, such a “dead man” is kidnapped from the grave and, using certain manipulations, is brought back to life. Such people, as a rule, do not realize who they are, where they are and what is happening to them. True, in some cases, both memory and consciousness return to the zombie.

So, for example, the case of Claudius Narcissus, who was suing his brothers over land plots, became widely known. The official version confirmed that the man died in the spring of 1962 and was buried. After some time, the "dead man" came to his senses and saw that he was on some remote farm together with the same zombies. One day the overseers forgot to give them the "medicine" and all the workers fled. Narcissus himself did not lose his memory at all, he remembered well who he was. He suspected that his brothers were to blame for what had happened to him, so he did not return to his native village. But one of his acquaintances accidentally met him and told his relatives. At that time, eighteen years had passed since the funeral. Relatives recognized Narcissus, but did not accept him into the family, and put him in the hospital. And there was a photograph in newspapers around the worldwhere Claudius Narcissus sits on his own grave …

Many peoples have a practice of raising the dead. So, in particular, in the monasteries of Tibet, a ritual called "rlan-ga" is known. After a person dies, he is brought to the courtyard of the monastery, where the lama conducts a certain ritual over the deceased. After that, the deceased rises and goes around this place three times. Then he lies down and dies. The local population believes that in this way it is easier for a person's soul to withdraw to another world. However, in those few minutes, while the dead come to life, they can no longer be considered full-fledged living people, since they are only capable of performing mechanical movements.

Siberian shamans also know how to resurrect the dead. In the traditions of the Khanty people, there is a mention of special people called "isylta-ku". When a person dies ahead of time, "isylta-ku" goes to the house of the deceased, lies face down next to him and does not get up for three days. At this time, relatives are prohibited from entering the premises. Three days later, "isylta-ku" comes out with the man who has been resurrected. If this person leaves alone, then this means that the spirits have already taken the soul of the deceased, and shamans in a trance state cannot contact it and return it back.

The sorcerers of Australia can also bring the dead back to life for three days. Such revived people with one foot seem to remain in the afterlife: they keep as close as possible to the fire, since the blood gradually cools down, they cannot eat.

In general, it must be said that the practice of returning dead people to life exists among many nations. A prerequisite is that not very much time has passed since death. For example, in Haiti, shamans can revive a person even on the tenth day after death. The tribes of New Guinea and North American Indians are able to resurrect the dead before the sixth day. Siberian shamans and ancient Sumerians - up to seven days. But Turukhan shamans are able to bring a person back to life in no more than a day. But at the same time, official medicine says that if the brain has been in a state of clinical death for more than four to five minutes, then it is already impossible to revive it.

If it is potentially possible to bring people back to life whose brains have not yet died, that is, their death cannot be called real, then it is completely impossible to bring people who have long been in the grave back to life.

Although … Several years ago, a sensational article appeared in Western print media about an incident that happened in Australia in a small village cemetery. The dead who were buried there allegedly rose from their graves and marched through the village in a friendly column. The local population was shocked, people watched in horror as a crowd of half-decayed bodies and yellowed skeletons walked to the shore of the lake, and then simply disappeared into it. The next day it turned out that all the graves in the cemetery were really empty, but at the same time, no traces of the dead were found in the lake either.

However, an explanation was found for this. At the same time, eyewitnesses saw a bright light above the lake, which gave rise to the version that a meteorite fell into the reservoir, which attracted the dead to itself. Only one thing is not clear - where did they go after all.

Something similar happened in India. There, two meteorites fell into the forest at once, and all the dead of the nearby cemetery left the graves and went into the forest, after which no one saw them …

It is quite obvious that no one can guarantee the reliability of all these stories. And yet, real zombies or dead people who have risen from the dead simply do not exist. Zombies are not ghosts, because they are just lumps of energy that have nothing to do with the body, but they are not dead either.

If we talk about the mass exodus of the dead from the graves, then this is also impossible. When the body is in a state of decomposition, all functions that are inherent in a living organism are absent, the brain is dead, therefore it cannot send commands to other organs. Simply put, one who has emerged from the grave is unlikely to be able to pounce on someone, and he cannot get out on his own. There is already an element of mysticism in this. And we live in a world where no one believes in such "fairy tales". So it turns out that all the stories about zombies are nothing more than fiction, the fruit of a rich imagination and unrestrained fantasy.