Fun Of The Mountain Spirit - Alternative View

Fun Of The Mountain Spirit - Alternative View
Fun Of The Mountain Spirit - Alternative View

Video: Fun Of The Mountain Spirit - Alternative View

Video: Fun Of The Mountain Spirit - Alternative View
Video: Tibetan Modern Art: Bridging the Secular & Sacred 2024, September

It is not by chance that they become local historians. For example, I was born in the ancient forest Zolotar village of Koksu. In Shor and Khakass languages it will be a blue or heavenly river. My grandfather told me that convicts and some bergals once worked here.

Later, carried away by history, I found out that these were mining recruits (from the German word "berg" - mountain). More detailed information about life and all sorts of adventures during the gold rush I received from the archives of the Krasnoyarsk Museum of Local Lore. Local historian Ivan Omelin helped me find some materials.

And now, dear reader, I want to present something from the old life of forest people in the proposed article: a description of the inexplicable phenomena that hunters and simply visitors to the taiga have met and continue to meet in our area … Perhaps it has something to do with and to a new science of energy-information exchange - eneology. Or rather, to the phenomenon of mountain spirits. This most valuable material was collected by the researcher, folklorist A. A. Misyurev in 1923 - 1925 from the stories of old-timers who worked at the gold mines, and recorded as "working" folklore in a living Siberian folk dialect.

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Pop was on our way from Kondoma. I visited once in three years, or even in five years. Children up to five years old lived unbaptized. We had no conversation about the gods. Gorny was here - the owner of the land. In work, do not remember the priest. Gorny doesn't like it. INTO pop, INTO a hare - one.

Sometimes the peasants would hire themselves, they had one conversation: Lord Jesus, have mercy, but it's all about the priests. And there was the manager Eduard Karlich Kors, a German. I heard their conversations.

- You come to pray ?! This is not a church, but a job! So you go overboard, put Gorny on your stupid heads!

He yells at them, runs to the river, sticks his head in the water, drinks like a horse.

Promotional video:

And Gorny did not like whistling. If someone whistles in the face, there is no rest. Staying the night is a whole grief. It whistles everywhere in the glades, whistles here and there, there is no rest. Take two candles, walk around - nobody! And as soon as he left, he whistles again. No rest! You can’t be robbed. There will be two cars left - you will not roll, you will run away. The caretaker says:

- Why didn't you finish it?

- Mountain whistles! Sit with me - I'll finish it.

He will sit, listen - hair on end.

- Come on, let's go! …

And here is how Ogarkov walked from Chanysh. It was a lot to drink. And boasted:

- Hey, Gorny, come out to fight!

Let's go from Chanysh, he is in front, I followed him, Mikhail Kosterin and Akhmetov, a Tatar. We pass the Bergal graves, suddenly Ogarkov stopped and began waving his fists. We make noise:

- Are you crazy? Who are you fighting with?

- Yes, there He is, don't you see? Yes, here He is, look!

We dragged Ogarkov away and put snow on his head. It was not so! He vomited out of our hands, he flies into the snow, turns over five times, covered in blood. As soon as he got up, he again was like a crutch, he turned over seven times, went on a wheel in the snow. Gorny is beating him, but it is not clear who. We took a risk, went quickly, and he still fights with Gorny. There is a fir. High! We are walking. And she goes! We're not far from the camp - she's coming! We are in care - she is after us! I started running. Akhmetka says to me:

- Our Mohammed has nothing to believe, let's pray to the Russian God, otherwise we'll be lost!

Somehow they ran to the camp, quickly to the barracks, the door to the lock. Akhmetka muttered all night:

- Oh, Gorny will crush!

Ogarkov was badly beaten, turned black like a boiler room, lay there for 24 hours. Since then, he has not boasted of Gorny.

Then they robbed Chebank. We made a party. Kostenka was called. We come to me - all the children huddled in a corner, clung to.

- What's wrong?

- Tyatya, a man came up to the ceiling. He said to us: why are you in the middle of the hut, go to the corner! - And snapped his teeth.

I think: Gorny has come, it's dangerous! And he began to ask the authorities: “Transfer to another place. The mountain will not give life”. They were transferred to a hut. Like evening - the door opens. There is no one, it opens by itself. I had a male Altai, he barked a lot. It’s like evening - he climbs into the bathhouse, barks, barks, but I’m afraid to go and see (I was not afraid of anyone, neither the police officers, nor the priests - only Gorny was afraid). My grandmother, deceased, was very brave. He speaks:

- Let's go and see what Altai is barking.

Has persuaded. I took the lantern. As the door opened by itself - we leave. A man with a forest growth is coming towards. And right at me! ABOUT! My whole skin is cold, I don't know myself whether I'm wearing a hat or not. I don't remember how I ran to the hut. The next morning I think: I angered Him with something. I took a bottle of alcohol - I didn’t regret it, the woman poured strong tobacco into the pouch. At work, I put it in the notch, I say:

- Don't be angry!

Three days later I looked: there was no alcohol or tobacco. He took the sacrifice. And everything passed, Altai did not bark.

And here is how He frightened mother's mother. She went to her daughters, went to Chanysh. She walked, walked through the mob, got lost, did not know where to go. Then she said:

- It was raining, it was lit up, I am sitting under a fir, bent over in three deaths. Wet, cold. A man climbs out of the thicket as tall as a rock, with two heads.

- Are you, woman, sitting?

- I'm sitting.

- Are you shaking?

- I'm shaking.

- Well, shake.

And he was gone. In the morning I barely reached Spassky. It shook for three days and three nights: Mountain

I caught up with the shaking. Since then - the cover for the daughters to walk. Will order for a visit - does not go.

On Andoba we had the caretaker Andrey Ludvigovich Iglovsky. One came, roars:

- Come out to dinner!

Roared up to three times. Just got out - the mountain went. Then Iglovsky will ask us:

- How did you dare to come out?

- Why, you told me to go to dinner!

- I didn’t order anything, I didn’t even leave the house.

We began to argue. He was knowledgeable, realized and says:

- Get a hook of vodka, and splash Gorny!

On this, dear reader, we will stop. If the newspaper space allows us, then the continuation of the publication of this topic will certainly be. You may or may not believe in these stories. There are many phenomena in nature that are not yet available to our understanding. This is telepathy, and poltergeist, and much more. Without rushing to conclusions, think about new scientific discoveries … Perhaps the day is not far off when the ancient secrets of our Shoria will finally be revealed.

Victor KHARIN, Mezhdurechensk