Talking Stone - Alternative View

Talking Stone - Alternative View
Talking Stone - Alternative View

Video: Talking Stone - Alternative View

Video: Talking Stone - Alternative View
Video: Toy Talk Live: Strike Force Alpha is Gearing Up For Kickstarter 2024, September

In the summer of this year, "Ufokom" told about a sudden find in the Shchuchinsky district of the Grodno region. stone, which can be safely called "ringing" [1]. There is very little information about such stones in Belarus and therefore no one has yet singled them out into a separate group or category. Not so long ago we managed to examine another similar stone - this time in the Postavy district of the Vitebsk region. The data we have collected will be discussed in this article.

Even in preparation for our annual rally in the village of Uzla, we visited Myadel district to inspect the site of the future camp. During this trip, we got into conversation with one man we met in the village, as it turned out, a native of the Postavy district. He began to tell us about interesting sights in the area of his native village Dashki-Luchaiskie: stone crosses, a bridge thrown over the river in one night, places where you can suddenly get lost, etc. But we were especially interested in one object that our informant (Mielets Semyon Semenovich, born 1967) called the Talking Stone.

He learned about this stone from his grandfather - Mielets Gabriel Vasilyevich (born in 1917). The latter kept a diary (in Polish), where, in particular, he described a certain Kamen-Krikun, located near the village in the Krykalo or Krikovo tract. By the way, Krikaly farm is located nearby. This stone, allegedly, used to be "on the border of the landmaker", i.e. about five hundred meters from his current location, and over time he crawled into this tract. And on the border there was one more similar boulder. I would like to emphasize that the Talking Stone or the Screamer Stone, the Howler Stone, the Whistler Stone are the names that our informant used, honestly admitting that he did not remember exactly what he was called in his village. And in the 70s of the XX century. all the children ran to him, including himself. They came running and listened attentively. Either the adults spread a rumoreither it was some kind of natural phenomenon, but over time, some uterine sounds began to be heard from the stone, or from its side. Our informant also heard such a sound. Moreover, oil was added to the fire of mystery by the fact that the Whistler Stone, according to legend, responded to any strong whistle.

“Once my grandfather told me that there is a stone that makes sounds. Well, it hums, roars, in general, makes sounds. And there is also a version that he allegedly responds to a whistle. If you whistle, a new whistle will be repeated far away from him. Well, I myself have personally heard some kind of sound in the area of this stone. I didn’t stand close to him, well, meters there, maybe 20 … 10 … Directly somewhere in the area of the stone there was some kind of inarticulate sound of unknown origin. I don’t remember its duration, not that it squeaked, but it hummed for a minute, two, three … Well, and what, let's say, according to our primitive measurements, which consisted of the fact that a peg was driven vertically next to a stone. Grandpa, he also said that according to the level - I remember this level. He drove in a peg, then after a while we came to him, looked … Grandfather again looked at the level, suddenly the peg went there. The level is standing, and there is a couple of centimeters from the stone, it is already set aside. It feels like a stone is moving."

Mielets Semyon Semenovich, born in 1967, village Dashki-Luchaiskie, Postavy district, Vitebsk region, interviewed by I. Butov in September 2016.

At the beginning of September, we phoned an eyewitness and asked to see a mysterious stone. The informant agreed, and on September 3, 2016, the Ufokoma reconnaissance expedition left for the Postavy District (I. Butov, A. Pavlovsky, I. Grishkevich and S. Melets). It should be noted right away that now the village of Dashki is uninhabited, so it is no longer possible to find any direct witnesses of the "hikes to the stone". There is no normal road to these abandoned farmsteads, you have to leave the car about 1.5 km from the village, and then make your way through the thickets. But that's not all. Feeling that civilization retreated, the population of beavers grew significantly here, which dammed up significant tracts of land. Alas, the stone turned out to be right in such a dam. It turned out to be very difficult to get to him.

Near the "talking" stone


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Now the stone lies on a small dry area in the middle of the swamp and slowly moves … now not to the side, but plunges into the bog soil. Its dimensions are 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.9 m, according to S. S. Melts, much smaller than those that were before. Our guide prudently took his whistle with him. Let's see if the boulder responds. No, today the stone refuses to speak to us …

In the process of discussing the possible natural causes of sounds emitted by the stone, we made many assumptions. For example, that in the planter closest to the stone there lived a bittern, which reacted to the whistle with its characteristic uterine roar … As the ornithologist M. G. Dmitrenok confirmed to us, many birds do respond to whistling (she does not have exact data on bitterness).

An interesting hypothesis about the "talking" rocks is given by the well-known "exposer" of miracles V. A. Mezentsev. He talks about the conviction of the South American Indians living in the area. Orinoco, in the fact that the souls of the dead live in the rocks. Confirmation of this is the groans coming from there. However, the German traveler A. Humboldt came to the conclusion that the fault is a large number of cracks in the rock, covered with thin sheets of mica. Due to the daily temperature drop, the rocks "groaned": warm air from deep cracks came out, "blowing mica leaves and making them sound." And in the city of Kuršumlija, in the south of Serbia, there is also one "devilish place". The natural stone sculptures located there at night frightened people with certain sounds, which superstitious people perceived as nothing more than the intrigues of the devil [3].

In addition to rocks, stones can also "scream". One such "screaming stone" or "sound stone" is found in Ireland. It bears the name - the stone Fal (Leah Fail), known for the fact that he cried out under the High Kings of Ireland ("he cried out under every king who was destined to rule Ireland") [5]. In the south of England, in the county of Oxfordshire, there is a group of stones Whispering Knights. Women put their ears to the voids of the stone to hear the answers to their questions, which the megalith whispered to them [6]. In France, just above the town of Jurvielle, at the source of the stream lies another "talking stone". It was claimed that an "incantada" - "an enchanted soul" lived in it. She entered the stone and exited through a door carved in granite. If a person put his ear to a small depression in a stone, he could hear,how this soul whispers something to him. It was believed that the "incantadas" (incantadas) are angels who, when the decisive battle between good and evil, took a neutral position. For this, God expelled them to earth with one condition - they had to wash until they were clean enough to receive permission to return to heaven. The place where the "talking stone" stood was just very well suited for this: the clothes washed next to it became whiter than white [2]. In Russia, the "talking" stone is located in the Kingiseppsky district of the Leningrad region. not far from the village of Nizhnie Logi. Among the local population, several of its names are known: Ringing, Thundering, Singing, Talking. The boulder is located in a very peculiar way - it is literally squeezed in a hanging position by neighboring stones [4].when the decisive battle between good and evil took place, they took a neutral position. For this, God expelled them to earth with one condition - they had to wash until they were clean enough to receive permission to return to heaven. The place where the "talking stone" stood was just very well suited for this: the clothes washed next to it became whiter than white [2]. In Russia, the "talking" stone is located in the Kingiseppsky district of the Leningrad region. not far from the village of Nizhnie Logi. Several of its names are known among the local population: Ringing, Thundering, Singing, Talking. The boulder is located in a very peculiar way - it is literally squeezed in a hanging position by neighboring stones [4].when the decisive battle between good and evil took place, they took a neutral position. For this, God expelled them to earth with one condition - they had to wash until they were clean enough to receive permission to return to heaven. The place where the "talking stone" stood was just very well suited for this: the clothes washed next to it became whiter than white [2]. In Russia, the "talking" stone is located in the Kingiseppsky district of the Leningrad region. not far from the village of Nizhnie Logi. Among the local population, several of its names are known: Ringing, Thundering, Singing, Talking. The boulder is located in a very peculiar way - it is literally squeezed in a hanging position by neighboring stones [4].until they're clean enough to get permission to return to heaven. The place where the "talking stone" stood was just very well suited for this: the clothes washed next to it became whiter than white [2]. In Russia, the "talking" stone is located in the Kingiseppsky district of the Leningrad region. not far from the village of Nizhnie Logi. Several of its names are known among the local population: Ringing, Thundering, Singing, Talking. The boulder is located in a very peculiar way - it is literally squeezed in a hanging position by neighboring stones [4].until they're clean enough to get permission to return to heaven. The place where the "talking stone" stood was just very well suited for this: the clothes washed next to it became whiter than white [2]. In Russia, the "talking" stone is located in the Kingiseppsky district of the Leningrad region. not far from the village of Nizhnie Logi. Among the local population, several of its names are known: Ringing, Thundering, Singing, Talking. The boulder is located in a very peculiar way - it is literally squeezed in a hanging position by neighboring stones [4]. Several of its names are known among the local population: Ringing, Thundering, Singing, Talking. The boulder is located in a very peculiar way - it is literally squeezed in a hanging position by neighboring stones [4]. Among the local population, several of its names are known: Ringing, Thundering, Singing, Talking. The boulder is located in a very peculiar way - it is literally squeezed in a hanging position by neighboring stones [4].

Paul Devereaux describes the strange phenomenon at the Blind Fiddler standing stone near Penzance, England, Cornwall: “At the exact moment of sunset [during the high summer solstice, we heard] a muffled sudden thunderclap, audible but emanating out of the ground. " The author asks the question: could this be an example of a natural phenomenon that was interpreted as supernatural in earlier centuries [cit. by 6]?

Later, geologists helped us establish that the material of the stone we discovered was pegmatite granite (rapakivi) with an abundance of quartz and feldspar crystals. Most likely, it was brought to our country by a glacier from the Leningrad region. or Finland. The surface of the stone is weathered, but the outlines of feldspar ovoids are visible, that is, it just falls under the description of "natural lithophones". By the way, according to the recollections of our informant, he heard the sound in the evening, like Devereaux. True, it must be admitted that this hypothesis is too beautiful to be true. From the point of view of the Belarusian geologist VF Vinokurov, in order to comply with the "conditions of the problem", there must be cavities inside the stone or on its surface, which is not typical of this rock.

Stone surface


On the way back, we interviewed the residents of the nearby residential village Vasevichi to see if they had heard of the sounding stone. Unfortunately, no one could be found who could tell anything about such an object. But VB Sinitsa told us about another stone, located earlier in the Vasevich area, with an equally atypical story about a boy caught in the air and lying on this stone.

In the evening, vichry is such a cruelty. And he was small, he was robbing hay. Have sent a hay pit there. I yago palazhyly. And vecer yak padskochyў, dy shapiў eta hay i yago. [I stone?] Not a stone, I will throw it from a stone. Boy. Iago had the name ў getaga kamyanu. Tsi cive, ci yaki there. You can sivy. […] [He's not there now?] Who knows, we don't go there too. Well, the meliratsy was yak, so vaabshche saphnuli from that place.

Sinitsa Veronika Boleslavovna, born in 1936, village Vasevichi, Postavskiy district, interviewed by I. Butov in 2016.

As a result, we have not been able to confirm the words of the informant about the talking stone from any independent sources. And for such an uncharacteristic history for Belarus, it would be very useful. However, there are still small chances that it will be possible to find the very diary of G. V. Melts. And then, probably, the Roaring Stone will also be added to the roaring creeks, lakes and mounds already known in our country.


1. Butov, I. Ringing stone / I. Butov // Ufokom [Electronic resource]. Access mode:… Access date: 2016-07-05.

2. Graham, R. Discovery of France. A fascinating journey of 20,000 kilometers in secret corners / R. Graham. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2013.-- 576 p.

3. Mezentsev, V. A. Encyclopedia of Miracles. Book. 1: Common to unusual. M., 1969. - P. 109–112.

4. Mizin, VG Forgotten sacred and mythological places of Ingermanland / VG Mizin. - SPb.: "Center for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage", 2013. - P. 77–79.

5. Abduction of the bull from Kualnge: collection of the Irish sagas. Translation / USSR Academy of Sciences. - Moscow: Nauka, 1985. - P. 351, 485–486.

6. Varner, Gary R. Menhirs, Dolmen, and Circles of Stone: the folklore and magic of sacred stone / Gary R. Varner. - New York: Algora Publishing, 2004. - P. 49–51 (translated from English by Daria Kurdyukova, 2010).

The author is grateful to the geologist V. F. Vinokurov, Cand. biol. n-k M. G. Dmitrenok, as well as independent researcher V. G. Mizin for help in preparing this material.

Ilya Butov