Children And Yeti - Alternative View

Children And Yeti - Alternative View
Children And Yeti - Alternative View

Video: Children And Yeti - Alternative View

Video: Children And Yeti - Alternative View
Video: The Crazed Hunt for the Himalayan Yeti | Monstrum 2024, September

Global warming, it seems, affects not only human civilization, but also the population of "snowmen". They also leave their usual habitats, migrating to territories that are very remote from their original range. Already that day, an unprecedented miracle has been discussed in our country - in the Grodno region, a large creature covered with hair has been seen moving on all fours. Observations could be dismissed if testimony had not already come from five different villages in two adjacent areas.

On July 2 (according to other sources - July 3), 2008, in the evening, a resident of the village of Kovali Yevgeny Mikulich was heading towards the vegetable garden, when he saw that an "animal", about 1.5 m tall, was moving along the path from the side of the field. … In appearance, the creature did not resemble any of the local and even red-listed creatures. The steps of the beast were very large, the fur was black, and its paws dangled at knee level.


Eugene's mother also noticed the "devil". At first she thought it was a bum. Then I saw that the bum was clearly not from this planet. A little later, an eyewitness with his mother approached the place where he first noticed this creature. Unfamiliar footprints were visible on the ground, and the grass was badly dented. According to unconfirmed reports, a resident of the same village, Valery Rudevich, saw a creature on the road leading to the village.

The next place where they saw the yeti was the village of Krasnovtsy, located near Kovaly. This time in a cornfield. Here the observers were local children. “Damn,” so because of the black thick wool, the kids christened him, dug something like a hole from which he constantly looked out. It can be assumed that the newly minted representative of one of the circles of hell was scared no less than those who looked at him with the same superstitious horror.

Stanislav Yukhnevich supplements the story with the following details. When informed about the appearance of the devil, he took a pitchfork and a dog and went to "sort it out." As he approached the cornfield, the dog began to back up. At this time, the "devil" moved to a birch, located next to the field. Stanislav noticed the hairy one already leaving (not running away!) From the field. For some reason he changed his mind to use the pitchfork …

At the same time, Svetlana Yukhnik, who also heard rumors about the presence of an uninvited visitor, went to the field. She reported that older people even took a "child in labor" (the subject of Christian ritual) with them to scare away the demon.

One of the villagers said that he even saw King Kong on the apple tree of his own yard. However, he later retracted his words. Indeed, there was a lot of strange in his words - he was the only one who claimed that he fed the creature with apples and potatoes. However, this is the only fictitious (!) Evidence gave rise to the Lida District Department of Internal Affairs to make the following statement:

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No traces of the presence of the strange creature were found. We found out this information, in spite of the fact that no one officially contacted the police. The district inspector interviewed a person who allegedly saw a shaggy creature. He very colorfully and in detail described an incomprehensible creature that was sitting on an apple tree and eating unripe fruits. However, it is impossible to draw conclusions based only on the story of this impressionable person.

There was evidence that a creature was also seen in the neighboring Rulevichi. Basically, these rumors were spread by the very first witness. Then came the turn of more remote villages - Zenovichi (Voronovsky district) and Mozheikovo (Lidsky). In this regard, we note the following: it is unlikely that this animal could have moved such a distant distance in such a short period of time. Most likely, it was another (or even the third, fourth …) relative of the "devil". The number 2 or 4 will still figure at the end of this story / hysteria.

For the sake of sensation, the eyes of the leading republican publications were directed to the Lida region. And then rumors spread: it was a monkey who escaped from the Grodno zoo, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is conducting a round-up on a strange hominid and even appointed a reward for the capture of 3 million rubles. But none of the local zoos escaped, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not confirm participation in the raid.

Everything turned out to be more prosaic. On the evening of July 1, on the Minsk-Grodno highway, a truck with a trailer caught fire due to a malfunction of the fuel system. It happened not far from the village of Krasnovtsy. According to Lida TV (even before the incident), he transported 2 to 4 gorillas, several of which managed to get out. The boy Ilya also noticed their movement (according to adolescents from the village of Krasnovtsy).

Who will be involved in the capture of the escaped monkeys, cryptozoologists or the Emergencies Ministry is still not clear …

Ilya Butov
