Let's Remember Grandma - Alternative View

Let's Remember Grandma - Alternative View
Let's Remember Grandma - Alternative View

Video: Let's Remember Grandma - Alternative View

Video: Let's Remember Grandma - Alternative View
Video: 11 July 2021 2024, September

Do not think, my head is all right, I do not suffer from hallucinations and obsessions. But, in my opinion, I recently communicated with evil spirits. I simply cannot explain what happened in any other way than mysticism …

We live in a high-rise building on the top floor, where it is scary even during the day, especially if alone. Our staircase is divided into two "pockets": one to the left, the other to the right. Between them is a riser with lifts. In the left compartment lived Shura, a lonely elderly woman. Through the common wall with us, we sometimes heard her walking and coughing, rattling dishes or talking on the phone.

Distant relatives of brothers-in-law, scattered in different parts of the republic, visited her once every hundred years. But for some time now some non-local named Rita got into the habit of her, who called herself her niece and rented a corner in another house.

Last summer, when my husband and son went to visit their mother-in-law, I was sitting alone one Friday night, watching a horror movie. The house fell asleep, there is silence around, except for the sound from the TV. In the film, a tense scene, I held my breath. And then, at the most acute moment, a dull knock is heard at the front door.

I strained: who did it bring? There's an intercom downstairs, so strangers won't enter. And why are they knocking if there is a call?

The knock became persistent. The guest was clearly not going to leave, it became scary. I went to the door.

- Who's there? I ask carefully. In reply:

- It's me, Aunt Shura. Open up! - a voice like her, I look through the peephole: indeed, Shura stands in person, as they say, in the flesh.

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I think something must have happened. She opened it, and she was standing in a column and smiling strangely.

- Are you okay, Aunt Shur? - I ask, but I myself have a feeling that something is wrong here.

- May I come in? - Shura asks in an insinuating voice that she has never had.

And she continues to smile unctuously, which is not at all in her manner. And in general, all this does not look like her: so that the stay-at-home Shura dragged around the entrance at night! And then she gives out something completely incomprehensible:

- Let's remember the grandmother ?, - again demands, - Let me come in!

Then I became completely creepy. What a grandmother! I quickly closed the door in front of her nose and shouted:

- Go to sleep already, Shura!

And she quickly turned off the TV set and lay down, leaving the light in the hallway on. There was no more knocking, but for a long time some sounds were heard from Shura, as if they were moving something, laughing and coughing …

The feeling from this night remained very unpleasant, with a scary aftertaste. I thought, the next day I’ll figure it out, I’ll ask what it was that got her pecked into someone else’s door at night. But nobody opened Shura's. And the next day I did not see her, and soon it became clear that from which my hair still stands on end …

Less than a month later, I saw that some belongings were brought to the site. Shurin's apartment is wide open, and cleaning is in full swing there. I looked in, I see a "niece" in rolled up sweatpants and a kerchief, joking like at home, stripping the wallpaper.

- What is it, repair?

- Yes, here it is! - business Rita answers.

- And where is Shura?

- Duc, aunt Shurochka died! Yesterday it was forty days, - and wipes away the "bitter" tear.

As I thought, this Rita signed a contract for life annuity with Shura. But then Shura did not live long. And she died somewhere in the village, in someone else's dacha. Whether her “niece” helped her get out into the afterlife, or Shura herself passed away, she took this secret with her to the grave. Rita lives with her daughter in the apartment now, we hardly communicate.

But now I realize with horror: whoever came to me that night under the guise of Shura, and then rummaged in her apartment, it was certainly not her. And I'm even afraid to think what could have happened if I had let the night guest in then …