The Righteous With Fiery Missiles - Alternative View

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The Righteous With Fiery Missiles - Alternative View
The Righteous With Fiery Missiles - Alternative View

Video: The Righteous With Fiery Missiles - Alternative View

Video: The Righteous With Fiery Missiles - Alternative View
Video: Long range missile from Iran splashed down dangerously close to a commercial ship 2024, September

Only in the XX century did people learn about the first center of civilization that arose on Earth after the Great Flood. We are talking about the oldest known, and then completely forgotten cultures - the culture of the Sumerians.

The discovery by the English archaeologist Leonard Woolley of several cities mentioned in the Bible caused a sensation in the world. Since 1922, for 12 seasons, the scientist worked in one of the most ancient cities in the world - the Sumerian Ur. The cuneiform found in the ruins of temples and palaces on baked clay tablets and its decoding highlighted the inexplicable depth of knowledge of the Sumerians in astronomy, mathematics, architecture, metallurgy and other fields. They knew the period of the cycle of the precessional motion of the Earth's axis, which is 25,920 years! They knew all the planets of the solar system. The zodiac is also their invention. The Sumerians built palaces and temples, knew how to enrich ore and receive alloys. In some inexplicable way, they developed sciences that were impossible in antiquity. The richest epic literature was also found, in which incredible things are described.

The Sumerians considered all their achievements a gift of the gods from the 12th planet of the solar system - Nibiru. It moves in an elliptical orbit and approaches the Earth only once every 3600 years. The entire life of the Sumerians revolved around these gods of flesh and blood, but almost immortal creatures that lived for millennia. For the Sumerians, the gods really existed and were not mythological figures. In addition, inventing gods is one thing, but inventing methods for measuring the motion of planets and stars, and having advanced technologies is quite another.

The Sumerian chroniclers created a list of the so-called forekings who ruled the country before the Flood for a total of 241,300 years, and described the history of the creation of Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens).


In 1976, the American scientist Zakaria Sitchin published a detailed etymological study of the terms used by the Sumerians. The very name "Sumer" was written as KI. EN. GIR, which literally meant "Land of the Rocket Lords," and it was ruled by a race of gods. The Sumerians called them by their names. Each major city had its own god and a temple in its honor: Enki (Lord of the Earth) in Eridu, Enlil (Lord of power) in Nippur, Nannar in Ur, and so on. The names and nicknames of the gods reflected their traits and abilities. The name of the main god Anu meant "heaven", and he did not interfere with the daily affairs of the Earth. Enki and Enlil were his sons. The gods who arrived on Earth built cities, which were later destroyed by the Flood, and then rebuilt them again. The Sumerian texts describe the activities of ordinary gods, where Enlil supervised the digging of canals, filling dams,construction of technical premises for the space center and metallurgical plants. Enki was also called the Opener of Mysteries and the God of the deep mines. He was a skilled engineer, chief scientist and always defended people at the councils of the gods. When they gave the country to the people, they named it the Kingdom of Anu. It was possible to become a king only with the permission of the gods. The Sumerian chronicles also detail the 17-day visit of Anu to Earth in 3800 BC. and his solemn reception by the inhabitants and ordinary gods in the city of Uruk with the singing of the hymn "The planet of Anu rises in the heavens."It was possible to become a king only with the permission of the gods. The Sumerian chronicles also detail the 17-day visit of Anu to Earth in 3800 BC. and his solemn reception by the inhabitants and ordinary gods in the city of Uruk with the singing of the hymn "The planet of Anu rises in the heavens."It was possible to become a king only with the permission of the gods. The Sumerian chronicles also detail the 17-day visit of Anu to Earth in 3800 BC. and its solemn reception by the inhabitants and ordinary gods in the city of Uruk with the singing of the hymn "The planet of Anu rises in the heavens."

The DIN. GIR symbol, which is usually translated as "gods," literally means "The Righteous From the Fire Rocket." The Sumerians have symbols used to describe various types of vehicles in which the gods flew both in the Earth's atmosphere and beyond. But it is not easy to describe completely incomprehensible things, the technical level of which is higher than even modern technologies - there are no adequate words for the names of these objects in the language.

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Modern science cannot yet explain the evolution of the human race. The search for the missing link from humanoid ancestors to the modern species did not lead to anything. Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens) appeared suddenly about 200 thousand years ago. His brain immediately increased by 50%, the person gained intelligence, self-awareness, the ability to speak and a body, like a modern personality. A rapid and gigantic evolutionary leap has taken place. Among the Sumerians, the process of the creation of man is described in detail in a source called Atrachisis. It describes how the gods rebelled against their leader Enlil. "When the gods, as people, worked and worked, the work of the gods was exhausting, the work was hard, they were exhausted." Then the father of the gods Anu was summoned. On the council, Enki proposed, together with Nin-Hursag (Lady of Life), to create a simple worker - a sufficiently intelligent creature that could use tools, do dirty work and understand orders in order to remove the burden of labor from the gods.

In the light of modern knowledge, it is clear from the texts that the gods created man “in their own image and likeness” by genetic means. The first experiments of Enki and Nin-Hursag were unsuccessful. It turned out to be blind, then sick, with urinary incontinence, then asexual being, then a woman who could not give birth. Finally Nin-Hursag created a perfect person, endowing him with a large brain volume, smooth skin, “the same as that of the gods,” and joyfully exclaimed: “I created him! I made it with my own hands! " The new creature was named LU. LU., literally "He who was mixed." He was a kind of hybrid of a god with Homo erectus, and then he was propagated by cloning.

So, man was born to develop the rich mineral resources of the Earth and perform other dangerous and laborious jobs. And to this day, during modern archaeological work, old mines are sometimes discovered, which sometimes date back to a hundred thousand years BC.


For archaeologists, this expression is not just a catchphrase. The older the events, the deeper in the earth are the cultural layers of these eras. For example, scientists considered the kings who ruled after the Flood, the descendants of Ut-napishti (Sumerian Noah), legendary figures - the first in the list of these kings was Mes-anni-pad-da. But the results of further work shaken the belief that the names of the Sumerian rulers are from the realm of legends. In the ruins of the city of El Obeid, during the excavation of the oldest and once magnificent temple with copper columns, bas-reliefs, statues and decorated with mosaics, Leonard Woolley found a white limestone tablet with the name of the founder of the temple: “A-anni-pad-da, King of Ur, the son of Mes-anni-pad-dy, king of Ur, erected this for his mistress Nin-Hursag. And it became clear that the king of Mes-anni-pad-da, considered nothing more than a myth, was a historical figure. In addition to weapons and tools made of bronze, filigree toiletry items, archaeologists found a unique masterpiece in Ur - a blade forged from gold with a lapis lazuli handle inlaid with gold. The scabbard was made of gold leaf and covered with luxurious ornaments. Continuing the excavations, we came across the fabulously rich tombs of Mes-kalam-dug (Hero of the Blessed Land), A-Bar-Gi and Queen Shub-Ad, literally stuffed with jewels. The Mes-kalam-arc helmet in the form of a wig, forged from gold, was especially admired by archaeologists. The ancient gunsmith was a great master of his craft. In taste and subtlety of artistic execution, Sumerian gold and silver jewelry far surpasses the crafts of the most famous jewelers of all times and Ur, archaeologists have found a unique masterpiece - a blade forged of gold with a lapis lazuli handle inlaid with gold. The scabbard was made of gold leaf and covered with luxurious ornaments. Continuing the excavations, we came across the fabulously rich tombs of Mes-kalam-dug (Hero of the Blessed Land), A-Bar-Gi and Queen Shub-Ad, literally stuffed with jewels. The Mes-kalam-arc helmet in the form of a wig, forged from gold, was especially admired by archaeologists. The ancient gunsmith was a great master of his craft. In taste and subtleties of artistic performance, Sumerian gold and silver jewelry far surpasses the crafts of the most famous jewelers of all times and Ur, archaeologists have found a unique masterpiece - a blade forged of gold with a lapis lazuli handle inlaid with gold. The scabbard was made of gold leaf and covered with luxurious ornaments. Continuing the excavations, we came across the fabulously rich tombs of Mes-kalam-dug (Hero of the Blessed Land), A-Bar-Gi and Queen Shub-Ad, literally stuffed with jewels. The Mes-kalam-arc helmet in the form of a wig, forged from gold, was especially admired by archaeologists. The ancient gunsmith was a great master of his craft. In taste and subtleties of artistic performance, Sumerian gold and silver jewelry far surpasses the crafts of the most famous jewelers of all times and peoples.stumbled upon the fabulously rich tombs of Mes-kalam-dug (Hero of the Blessed Land), A-Bar-Gi and Queen Shub-Ad, literally stuffed with jewels. The Mes-kalam-arc helmet in the form of a wig, forged from gold, was especially admired by archaeologists. The ancient gunsmith was a great master of his craft. In taste and subtlety of artistic execution, Sumerian gold and silver jewelry far surpasses the crafts of the most famous jewelers of all times and peoples.stumbled upon the fabulously rich tombs of Mes-kalam-dug (Hero of the Fertile Land), A-Bar-Gi and Queen Shub-Ad, literally stuffed with jewels. The Mes-kalam-arc helmet in the form of a wig, forged from gold, was especially admired by archaeologists. The ancient gunsmith was a great master of his craft. In taste and subtlety of artistic execution, Sumerian gold and silver jewelry far surpasses the crafts of the most famous jewelers of all times and peoples. In taste and subtlety of artistic execution, Sumerian gold and silver jewelry far surpasses the crafts of the most famous jewelers of all times and peoples. In taste and subtlety of artistic execution, Sumerian gold and silver jewelry far surpasses the crafts of the most famous jewelers of all times and peoples.

The eerie mystery of the Sumerian funeral has also been revealed. Together with Shub-ad, a retinue of 25 was sent to the next world, and with A-Bar-Gi - of 62 people! Long-term work of scientists made it possible to extract forgotten pages of history from oblivion and establish that Mes-kalam-dug and Shub-ad were buried about five thousand years ago.

Archaeologists especially admired the Mes-kalam-arc helmet forged of gold in the form of a wig


The media wrote a lot about the sensational excavations. Archaeologists have promised readers to reconstruct the appearance of Queen Shub-ad from her skull. Soon a photograph of a pretty woman in an unusual gold headdress appeared in the newspapers. And only years later a scandalous detail came to light. There was a face in the picture…. young wife Woolley. It turns out that the reconstructed Queen Shub-ad was so ugly that they did not dare to reproduce her original appearance in print, so as not to shock the readers.

… A hundred kilometers southeast of Baghdad, you can see five floors of a destroyed ziggurat (step pyramid) and the ruins of the city of Nippur. Once upon a time there was a majestic E. KUR - "a house like a mountain". Mysterious equipment was installed in it to observe the sky and the Earth. Today in these places there is a sultry desert, through which the wind drives clouds of sand. Only piles of broken bricks remind us that a great civilization was making noise here for centuries.

So it turns out that the seemingly mythical ancient history of mankind, set forth in the texts of the Sumerian chroniclers, shows us how little we know about our past.