Five Years Among Monkeys - Alternative View

Five Years Among Monkeys - Alternative View
Five Years Among Monkeys - Alternative View

Video: Five Years Among Monkeys - Alternative View

Video: Five Years Among Monkeys - Alternative View
Video: Hard Odyssey | Magic Machines | All Maps (No Monkey Knowledge) 2024, September

Housewife Marina Chapman is writing a book about her childhood, which she, like Mowgli, spent in the jungle of Colombia after being kidnapped at the age of 4. Marina Chapman spent 5 years in a flock of monkeys.

British Marina Chapman, who, having become a housewife and mother for a long time, does not know her exact age, decided to tell the world an extraordinary story of her childhood spent in Colombia.

Chapman was born in a Latin American country about 50 to 60 years ago. At the age of 4, the girl was kidnapped from her parents, and then thrown into the jungle, where the child came under the care of a flock of Capuchin monkeys. According to Marina herself, she spent at least 5 years with primates, during which she almost completely adopted their habits and lifestyle.

The girl developed the abilities typical of these animals: she climbed trees perfectly and learned how to get her own food. The monkeys taught the girl all their habits.

“Spending all the time with the monkeys, Marina completely copied their behavior, ate and drank the same as they did, communicated with them in their“language”and eventually became part of their family,” - stated in the annotation to the future work, which the heroine of this story took on.

The book, which Marina is writing, entitled "The Girl Without a Name" will be published next year, the rights to it have already been sold in 7 countries, and it is also planned to shoot a documentary.

Chapman says that after many years in a monkey pack, local hunters discovered her, after which they sold her to one of the brothels in the nearest village. Having managed to escape from her new masters, the girl asked for help, and as a result she was transported to the UK, where she settled in the city of Bradford in West York.

“All that my mother remembers about her past before life in the tropical forest is the moment of the abduction, when the attacker covered her nose and mouth with a cloth dipped in chloroform,” said Marina's 28-year-old daughter Vanessa.

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After becoming a housekeeper, the former Mowgli married local organist John Chapman in 1977.

“When we were growing up and wanted to have a snack, we had to make different sounds, like those that monkeys make, that's how our mother raised us,” recalls Vanessa Chapman.